[English]Keystone State Dude-Core
[English lyric] We know the way that shit gets sometimes with bank accounts empty and gas prices too high. We're pushing the van up snowy inclines and dancing with cops on the Virginia road ...
[中文对照] 我们知道的方式,狗屎变,有时 与银行账户空和天然气价格过高。 我们正在推进的面包车了白雪皑皑的倾斜 跳舞与弗吉尼亚路边的警察。 我们禁止从英尺的生活。 ...
[English]Bout To Get Fruit Punched, Homie
[English lyric] I was peddling sugary drinks to all the little kids for weeks, spending late nights at the factory, making fat stacks for my family, but now my wife's been getting shady. That ...
[中文对照] 我被贩卖含糖饮料给所有的小孩数周, 在工厂度过深夜, 使脂肪堆在我家, 但现在我的妻子已经越来越黑幕。 这招屁股大关不要叫我宝贝。 ...
[English]Buzz Aldrin: The Poster Boy For Second Place
[English lyric] Wouldn't it be cool if we were astronauts Zero gravity, two-one-blast off? Take my hand it's time to leave this place. Wouldn't if be cool if it were both of us circumnavigate, ...
[中文对照] 那岂不是冷静,如果我们的宇航员 零重力,二一爆炸了吗? 牵着我的手现在是时候离开这个地方。 不会,如果是冷静,如果它是我们俩 绕行,映射出星 ...
[English]Let's Moshercise!!!
[English lyric] So, let's spin kick our ways to better bodies, stage dive our way to awesome abs. Let's windmill our way to buffer biceps and mosh the fat out of our ass, so we say "let's lose ...
[中文对照] 所以,让我们旋踢我们的方式,以便更好地组织, 现阶段我们的潜水方式,真棒腹肌。 让风车我们的方式来缓冲二头肌和MOSH脂肪我们的屁股, ...
[English]"What If We [Swam] Into Nothing?"
[English lyric] We fell asleep last night watching TV and the images worked their way into my dreams. We were watching turtles climbing the beach. The way she's looking at him is how you're ...
[中文对照] 我们睡着了,昨晚下跌看电视 和图像工作的方式进入我的梦想。 我们在看龟爬在沙滩上。 她看着他的眼神是多么的你在看我。 ...
[English]Racing Trains
[English lyric] There's always someone on the train with me that wants to talk about everything when I just want to fall asleep The train is late for the third time this week and everyday it's ...
[中文对照] 总有一个人对我的火车 想要谈论的一切时,我只是想入睡 火车晚点了本周第三次 而它每天的9:15左右下雨 我穿过这些轨道薄,又跑到火车 它总是迟到车站 ...
[English]Zombies Are The New Black
[English lyric] You think you're safe but we know what there is to be afraid of, so keep watching your back with a bat in your hands because they want you to be dead like them. They'll break ...
[中文对照] 你以为你是安全的 但我们知道什么就有什么可害怕的, 所以要注意你在你的手中蝙蝠 因为他们要你死像他们一样。 他们会打破你的门,走在你的房子。 ...
[English]We Were Giants
[English lyric] We're dead soon if I don't save you. An asteroid's coming to wipe out the species and, Who's with me? We'll die trying, do anything to save our families. My wife says, "Please, ...
[中文对照] 我们很快就死了,如果我不救你。 小行星的来消灭物种, 谁是我? 我们会战死沙场, 做任何事情来拯救我们的家庭。 我妻子说, “请不要走。 ...
[English]My Geraldine Lies Over The Delaware
[English lyric] I can't take a breath because the air stinks and I can't take a step without listening to your fucking accent while you're saying words with 'R's misplaced. So fuck Route 9. I ...
[中文对照] 我不能喘口气 因为空气臭 我不能走一步 不听 你他妈的口音 你说,而 字与\'R的错位。 所以他妈的路线9 ,我可以抽我自己的气,现在你越过门线。 ...
[English]Dude, What Is A Land Pirate?
[English lyric] Sweetheart, you don't understand. Pirates weren't made to dance. We just weren't made for it. We slit throats, we don't cut rugs, but if it means that much, I guess that I ...
[中文对照] 亲爱的,你不明白。 海盗不是为了跳舞。 我们只是因为它没有做。 我们切开的喉咙,我们没有削减地毯, 但是,如果它意味着多, 我想,我可以碰碰运气。 ...
[English]I Fell In Love With A Ninja Master
[English lyric] With a smoke bomb you're gone and I'm alone. I'm waiting for you to get home, tired of sitting here with the swords you own. I'm starting to worry about you. Your skin is ...
[中文对照] 用烟雾弹你走了,我独自一人。 我在等你回家, 累了坐在这里与你自己的剑。 我开始担心你。 你的皮肤总是青一块紫一块。 ...
[English]When Keeping It Real Goes Wrong
[English lyric] I've got this job that equates swallowing shit where I puree food for dementia patients, and the commute is an hour each way. I'm so sick of taking the train. I guess that I'm ...
[中文对照] 我有这个工作是相当于吞狗屎,我 原浆食品痴呆症患者和 通勤是一个小时,每程。我很 生病坐火车。 我想我是一个忧郁症,因为我 ...
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