英语人>英文歌词>专辑>专辑 Future Rhythm 中的所有曲目
专辑 Future Rhythm 中的所有曲目:

Future Rhythm


类型: album

[English]Oregano Flow

[English lyric] A little high belongs to you . . . - Yeah, getting high off the soup, (drink it up) A little high belongs to me . . . - Top rhyming's how we're coming with the loop, (sip it ...

[中文对照] 小高是属于你的。 。 。 - 是啊,越来越高了汤, (喝了) 小高是属于我的。 。 。 - 最押韵的,我们是如何来的循环, (SIP下来) ...

[English]Fool Get A Clue

[English lyric] Yo wake up it's the D crew up in here with the Black Spooks And we bout to drop it on y'all...y'all best get a clue Fool get a clue, get a clue, get a clue. Now everybody wanna ...

[中文对照] 悠悠醒来,这是对D剧组在这里的黑色幽灵 和我们回合砸你们...你们最好得到一个线索 傻瓜得到一条线索,得到一条线索,得到一条线索。 ...

[English]Food Fight

[English lyric] [Intro: Humpty Hump (Del)] This is a federal food fight (You better know it!) That means we're callin out all you kooks and crooks (What?! We're about to rip this shit) Oh, me? ...

[中文对照] [简介:积重难返驼峰(DEL ) 这是联邦食物大战 (你应该知道吧! ) 这意味着我们呼唤出你怪人和骗子 (什么?我们要毁掉这一切) ...

[English]Future Rhythm

[English lyric] Hit em with the rhythm of the future [x4] [Krazy Horse/Shock G] (In the future) It's gonna be a rhythm divine A paradise peace of mind vibe for every kind Text to the sexless, ...

[中文对照] 打EM与未来的节奏[ X4 ] [疯狂之马/冲击G ] (在未来),这会是一个神圣的节奏 心灵共鸣的一个和平的天堂,每样 文字的性冷淡,美元有需要的人 ...

[English]We Got More

[English lyric] [Verse 1: Shock G] Mammy, zammy, damn there's nothin to me but when they rock us in the streets we say "Ooo-we" you see the freak in the beat, she do me I hit that mitty-bitty ...

[中文对照] [诗歌1 :冲击G ] 妈咪, zammy ,该死的有什么好我 但是当他们动摇我们在街上,我们说:“噢噢,我们” 看到怪物的节拍,她做了我 ...

[English]Hella Bump

[English lyric] [Shock G] Got that bang, mayne Mmm-hmm Twenties, thirties ­ what you need? See, this is full spectrum Undiluted heavyweight bang Yeah, we moving weight And you can reach me on ...

[中文对照] [冲击G ] 明白了一声,梅恩 嗯,嗯 二十多岁,三十多岁的你需要什么? 看,这就是全谱 未稀释的重量级爆炸 是的,我们移动重量 ...

[English]Want It All

[English lyric] [Shock G] I wanna go up downtown get around town Out of town for about a month overnight While the sun's shining bright in the middle Of the warm cold freezing hot night, ...

[中文对照] [冲击G ] 我想上去闹避开城镇 出城约一个月通宵 而在中间的太阳的光辉璀璨 温暖的寒冷冻结炎热的夜晚,这是所有 [钱B ] 我想把它出了通过下 ...