[English]The Colour Eoptian
[English lyric] You're on your own now Dressed in armour If you run faster you'll forget They walked along the walls It was strange enough just to cause an itch To lie right through my teeth ...
[中文对照] 你对你自己的现在 身着铠甲 如果你跑得快,你会忘记 他们沿着墙壁走 这是很奇怪只是为了引起痒 趴在我的右牙 除了我的情况 我的爱,我看到了你的战争 ...
[English]Lotus And The Langourous
[English lyric] Small and sleeping children's song The kind that wished for death Salt beyond our lady Satuernn's Reef Has whored herself to rest Silver stab in the noontide, in the frayed and ...
[中文对照] 小和睡眠的儿童歌曲 那些希望死亡的那种 盐超越圣母Satuernn的礁 已whored自己休息 银刺在正午,在海的磨损和边缘 快速下跌的雪,静物 ...
[English]Streams Of Woe At Acheron
[English lyric] Turn away I'll pull the fangs out Spinning room it's getting dark This is the green lift, this is the archer You never say that This is the green lift, this is the archer This ...
[中文对照] 转身离去,我会拉出来的獠牙 动感单车房天快黑 这是绿色的提升,这是弓箭手 你永远不说 这是绿色的提升,这是弓箭手 这繁星闪烁的夜晚,海洋的蓝色 ...
[English]Magician Reversed
[English lyric] The King has made a plan He was playing with her hair He couldn't tell if what he felt was violence speaking out The bright lit discoveratory was absently loud It made her ...
[中文对照] 国王做了一个计划, 他在玩她的头发 他如果他感到被暴力说出来分不清楚 明亮的光线充足discoveratory是心不在焉地大声 这让她的蠕动,她说 - ...
[English]Golden Arrows
[English lyric] So... There it was behind the palms Do you remember? It was what you dreamed that it would be I had to turn the key Cause I saw the scripted sleeves, I could have stayed but Oh ...
[中文对照] 所以... 在那里,它是棕榈树的背后 你还记得吗?这是你的梦想,这将是 我不得不把钥匙 因为我看到剧本的袖子,我完全可以待在但 哦,我的女神! ...
[English]The King's Garden
[English lyric] The sky has scrapers now The streets are made of clothes Embroidered on every single sleeve Some of us have seen The Golden Arrows poised Arc across the plaints Turns us pale ...
[中文对照] 天上有刮削器,现在 街道上做衣服 绣上每一个套 我们中有些人已经看到 该金箭准备 整个感叹弧 把我们苍白 我们中有些人已经看到 该金箭准备 整个感叹弧 ...
[English]Panic And Geo-Primaries
[English lyric] Threatening, it's a window open Slide through like an aero plainn in the dark And this is creeping, moving in control Lasting to the twisted tune that led to All the shaking in ...
[中文对照] 威胁,这是一个窗口中打开 通过滑动就像在黑暗的航空plainn 这是爬行,运动控制 持久的扭曲调导致 所有的摇动在黑暗中 和解除板找修理工的灵魂 ...
[English]The Moon And Sixpence
[English lyric] If you would untie the knots on your boats I promise you that I could lie Neptuenn has changed and I needed to loose The rest of the bodies at sea I have waited for too long, ...
[中文对照] 如果你想解开的疙瘩在你的船 我答应你,我会撒谎 Neptuenn已经改变了,我需要宽松 尸体在海上的其余部分 我已经等了太久,太久 楼下 我听到大家说 ...
[English]Goddess Of The Dayspring, Am I
[English lyric] I have found Gears under the water Crossed the streets of Acheron To the docks that tilted up Towards the lines And now I'm In and out of sleep Have you forgotten me for ...
[中文对照] 我发现 下水管齿轮 交叉阿克伦街头 到倾斜向上的码头 朝行 现在我 进出睡眠 你忘了我花你的头发? 我依然在你的衣服上运行我的手 我发现海下的地板 ...
[English]The Sidewinder Flux
[English lyric] This dark star comes home Every word I meant to say In the courts when they said Choking on all of your words In and out sleepless nights, so far from her Breathe in slowly, ...
[中文对照] 这暗星回家 每一个字我的意思是说, 在法庭上时,他们说: 窒息在所有你的话 进出废寝忘食,离她那么远 吸气慢慢的,你会忘记 他们偷走了我的夜晚,当你睡 ...
[English]The Chilling Alpine Adventure
[English lyric] Have you seen the cavern walls? It's menaced allocated I have seen the future It's never bright, it's like a glimmering snake Down, down, down Where are the stirrings of old? I ...
[中文对照] 你已经看到了洞穴的墙壁? 它威胁着分配 我已经看到了未来 这是从来没有亮,它就像一个若隐若现的蛇 下来,下来,下来 哪里是老的蛛丝马迹? 我知道你有持续 ...
[English]Swimming Towards Propellers
[English lyric] Under the galaxy, the whole And over the casting and the ROE You work the turning world Golden Arrows Slipping further away from me Golden Arrows Slipping young ones in darker ...
[中文对照] 根据银河,全 而在铸造和净资产收益率 你的工作转向世界 金箭 进一步远离我滑倒 金箭 滑倒年轻的较暗的卧具 从百叶窗和窗台的 和哀悼和畏寒内 ...
- 推荐专辑
- M.O.
- Cold Roses
- Jasmine Trias
- Seeing Is Believing
- Happy Pills
- Finally Famous: The Album
- Scenes From The Southside
- Sinais
- Forbidden Fruit
- The Drifter And The Gypsy
- Chapter 4: Labor Pains
- Bryter Layter
- The Reckoning
- The Psycho-Social, Chemical, Biological, And Electro-Magnetic Manipulation ...
- Gone Gone Gone
- Stripped
- Still Stuck In Your Throat
- Volume 2
- Smash Mouth
- The Chipmunk Adventure
- All lyrics are property and copyright of their owners. All lyrics provided for educational purposes only.
- 本站所有歌词的所有者拥有该歌词的产权和版权,仅供教育目的及仅限个人使用。