英语人>英文歌词>专辑>专辑 Fair & Square 中的所有曲目
专辑 Fair & Square 中的所有曲目:

Fair & Square


类型: album

[English]Glory Of True Love

[English lyric] Oh, the glory of true love Is a wild and precious thing It don't grow on old magnolias Or only blossom in the spring No, the glory of true love Is it will last your whole life ...

[中文对照] 真正的爱情哦,荣耀 是野生和宝贵的东西 它不会对老木兰成长 或只在春天开花 真正的爱情不,荣耀 难道它会通过你一生一世 决不会过时 总是会好看你 ...

[English]Crazy As A Loon

[English lyric] Back before I was a movie star Straight off of the farm I had a picture of another man's wife Tattooed on my arm With a pack of Camel cigarettes In the sleeve of my tee shirt ...

[中文对照] 回来之前,我是个电影明星 直客农场 我有另一个男人的妻子的照片 纹在我的手臂 随着骆驼牌香烟一包 在我的T恤的袖子 我航向\'出来了好莱坞 ...

[English]Long Monday

[English lyric] You and me Sittin' in the back my memory Like a honey bee Buzzin' 'round a glass of sweet Chablis Radio's on Windows rolled up And my mind's rolled down Headlights shining Like ...

[中文对照] 你和我 坐在\'在后面我的记忆 像蜜蜂 Buzzin \'轮甜白葡萄酒一杯 无线电对 窗户卷起 我的脑海里滚落 头灯闪亮 如银的月亮 在地面上罗林\' ...

[English]Taking A Walk

[English lyric] A man came to our house I believe it was yesterday I would have invited him in But I didn't have a lot to say His anticipation of me opening the door Outweighed my apprehension ...

[中文对照] 一个人来到我家 我相信昨天是 我会邀请他在 但我并没有很多要说 他期待我开门 胜过我的忧虑,因为它以前从未有过 开车我的注意力 右键通过硬木地板 我散步 ...

[English]Some Humans Ain't Human

[English lyric] Mmmm Mmmm Mmmm Mmmm Mmmm Mmmm Mmmm Mmmm Some humans ain't human Some people ain't kind You open up their hearts And here's what you'll find A few frozen pizzas Some ice cubes ...

[中文对照] 嗯嗯 嗯嗯 嗯嗯 嗯嗯 有些人不是人 有些人不厚道 你打开他们的心 这里就是你会发现 一些冷冻比萨 一些冰块的头发 破碎的冰棒 你不想去那里 ...

[English]My Darlin' Hometown

[English lyric] Far away over the sea There's a river that's calling to me That river she runs all around The place that I call my hometown There's a valley on the side of the hill And flowers ...

[中文对照] 远处的海面上 有一条河流,在打电话给我 这条河,她跑各地 我打电话给我的家乡的地方 有在山边的一个山谷 而在旧窗台上的花 一个熟悉的老照片似乎 ...

[English]Morning Train

[English lyric] I saw you All dolled up Singing a song in your pickup truck You put me on a morning train You put me on a morning train Ain't no need to explain You put me on a morning train ...

[中文对照] 我看见你 所有打扮得花枝招展 唱着一首歌曲在你的卡车 你把我一个上午的火车 你把我一个上午的火车 是不是没有必要解释 你把我一个上午的火车 ...

[English]The Moon Is Down

[English lyric] The moon is down All over town The forecast is grey Now that she's gone away The stars in the skies Fell out of her eyes They shattered when they hit the ground And now the ...

[中文对照] 月亮下 全城 该预测是灰色的 现在,她走了 在天空中的星星 跌出了她的眼睛 他们打破了,当他们击中地面 现在的月球是向下 太阳将被罚款 ...

[English]Clay Pigeons

[English lyric] I'm goin' down to the Greyhound Station, gonna get a ticket to ride Gonna find that lady with two or three kids and sit down by her side Ride 'til the sun comes up and down ...

[中文对照] 我要去倒在灰狗车站,会得到一张票骑 会发现,老太太有两个或三个孩子,在她身边坐下 坐,直到太阳升起,下身边的\'回合两三次 斯莫\'香烟中的最后一个座位 ...

[English]She Is My Everything

[English lyric] She is my everything From her suntanned shoulders Down to the freckles On her wedding ring Here feet are so warm They could melt the snow In the early Spring She is my ...

[中文对照] 她是我的一切 从她被太阳晒得黝黑的肩膀 下到雀斑 在她的结婚戒指 在这里,脚是那样的温暖 他们可以融化的雪 在早春 她是我的一切 她到处去哥本哈根 ...

[English]I Hate It When That Happens To Me

[English lyric] Well I once knew a man who was going insane He let love chase him right up a tree It took the police and a fire truck Just to bring him back down Oh, I hate it when that ...

[中文对照] 嗯,我曾经认识一个人,谁去疯狂 他让爱追逐他的权利在树上 花了警察和消防车 只是把他背下来 哦,我恨它,当这种情况发生在我 它使纸张的头版 八卦舌头摇摇 ...

[English]Bear Creek Blues

[English lyric] Way up on Bear Creek, Watching the sun go down. Way up on Bear Creek, Watching the sun go down. Well it makes me feel like I'm on my last go 'round. The water up on Bear Creek, ...

[中文对照] 一路在熊溪,看着太阳下去。 一路在熊溪,看着太阳下去。 那么它让我觉得我对我的过去去\'轮。 水上熊溪,味道像樱桃酒。 水上熊溪,味道像樱桃酒。 ...

[English]The Other Side Of Town

[English lyric] Why do you always seem to criticize me Seems like everything I do just turns out wrong Why don't you come on out and despise me So I could pack my bag and baby I'd be gone ...

[中文对照] 为什么你似乎总是批评我 好像我所做的一切只是原来错了 你为什么不来就出来鄙视我 这样我就可以收拾我的包和宝宝我会离开 记住,当你习惯叫我Honey ...

[English]Safety Joe

[English lyric] Well, he never got too lonely And he never got too sad But he never got too happy And that's what's just too bad He never reached much further Than his lonely arms would go He ...

[中文对照] 嗯,他从来没有得到过寂寞 他从来没有太难过 但他从来没有得到过幸福 而这正是只是太糟糕 他从来没有达到更远 比他的寂寞胳膊会去 他戴在他的心脏安全带 ...