英语人>英文歌词>专辑>专辑 Electra Heart 中的所有曲目
专辑 Electra Heart 中的所有曲目:

Electra Heart


类型: album

[English]Bubblegum Bitch

[English lyric] Got a figure like a pinup, Got a figure like a doll. Don’t care if you think I’m dumb, I don’t care at all. Candy bear sweetie pie, wanna be adored. I’m the girl you’d die for. ...

[中文对照] 有一个像性感女郎的人物, 有一个像洋娃娃的人物。 如果你认为我愚蠢不在乎, 我不在乎的。 糖果熊香饽饽,想要被崇拜。 我是你会死的女孩。 ...


[English lyric] [Chorus:] Primadonna girl, yeah All I ever wanted was the world I can't help that I need it all The primadonna life, the rise and fall You say that I'm kinda difficult But it's ...

[中文对照] [合唱: ] Primadonna的女孩,是的 所有我所要的是世界 我忍不住了,我需要这一切 该primadonna生活,兴衰 你说,我有点困难 ...


[English lyric] You're never gonna love me, so what's the use? What's the point in playing a game you're gonna lose? What's the point in saying you love me like a friend? What's the point in ...

[中文对照] 你永远不会爱我,所以有什么用? 什么是在玩一个游戏你会输呢? 什么是在说你爱我,喜欢的朋友的呢? 是什么在说这是永远不会结束的地步? ...


[English lyric] Every boyfriend is the one Until otherwise proven The good are never easy The easy never good And love it never happens like you think it really should Deception and perfection ...

[中文对照] 每一个男朋友是一个 除非另有证明 好是不容易的 易本性难移 和喜欢它永远不会发生像你认为它真的应该 欺骗和完善是美妙的特质 一会滋生爱情 其他的仇恨 ...

[English]Starring Role

[English lyric] You're hard to hug, tough to talk to And I never fall asleep, when you're in my bed All you give me is a heartbeat I've turned into a statue And it makes me feel depressed ...

[中文对照] 你很难拥抱,很难谈 我从来没有睡着,当你在我的床上 所有你给我的是心跳 我已经变成了一尊雕像 这让我感到沮丧 因为你打开了唯一的一次是,当我们脱下衣服 ...

[English]The State Of Dreaming

[English lyric] Millions of girls float on their one quote Living on their last hope, on their last hope I live my life inside a dream Only waking when I sleep I would sell my sorry soul, if I ...

[中文对照] 数以百万计的女孩漂浮在他们的一个单引号 生活在他们最后的希望,他们最后的希望 我住里面一个梦:我的生活 只有当我睡觉醒来 ...

[English]Power And Control

[English lyric] Power and control. Give a little, get a lot, That’s just how you are with love. Give a little, get a lot, Yeah, you may be good looking, But you’re not a piece of art. Power ...

[中文对照] 权力和控制。 给一点,得到了很多, 这只是你如何与爱。 给一点,得到了很多, 是的,你可能会很好看, 但你不会是一件艺术品。 电源和控制, ...

[English]Living Dead

[English lyric] Everyday I feel the same Stuck, and I can never change Sucked into a black balloon Spat into an empty room But was it really worth it? Did I really deserve it? It happens when ...

[中文对照] 每天我有同样的感觉 卡住了,我也永远不会改变 吸进了​​黑色的气球 吐口水到一个空的房间 但它真的值得吗? 我真的值得吗? 当你hurtin \'这种事 ...

[English]Teen Idle

[English lyric] I wanna be a bottle blonde I don’t know why but I feel conned I wanna be an idle teen I wish I hadn’t been so clean I wanna stay inside all day I want the world to go away I ...

[中文对照] 我想成为一个瓶子的金发女郎 我不知道为什么,但我感觉被骗 我想成为一个空闲的青少年 我希望我从来没这么干净 我想整天待在里面 我想世界上消失 ...

[English]Valley Of The Dolls

[English lyric] In the valley of the dolls we sleep, we sleep Got a hole inside of me, of me Born with a void, hard to destroy with love or hope Built with a heart, broken from the start And ...

[中文对照] 在我们睡觉的娃娃谷,我们的睡眠 让我对我的内心了一个洞, 天生有空隙,难以摧毁的爱,或希望 建有一个心脏,从一开始就破 现在我死慢 在娃娃谷,我们的睡眠 ...


[English lyric] You’re the lonely one and only body in the world Who can make me, who can break me down into a young girl You say that love is not that easy And that’s the lesson that you ...

[中文对照] 你是孤独的,只有身在世界 谁可以让我,谁可以打破我失望变成一个年轻的女孩 你说,爱是不容易 这就是你教我的课 那么虚伪,过于玩世不恭 ...

[English]Fear And Loathing

[English lyric] I've lived a lot of different lives Been different people many times I live my life in bitterness And fill my heart with emptiness And now I see, I see it for the first time, ...

[中文对照] 我已经住了很多不同的生活 被不同的人很多次 我住我的生活苦 并填写我的心脏与空虚 现在我明白了,我看到它的第一次, 有在善良没有犯罪 ...


[English lyric] Lying on a fake beach You'll never get a tan Baby I'm gonna leave you drowning until you reach for my hand In the night your heart is full and by the morning empty But baby I'm ...

[中文对照] 躺在沙滩上假货 你永远不会得到一个棕褐色 宝贝,我是不会离开你溺水,直到你达到了我的手 在晚上你的心脏已满,由早上空腹 ...

[Galician]Sex Yeah

[Galician lyric] Sex, sex, sex, sex, sex, sex, sex, sex Yeah Sex, sex, sex, sex, sex, sex, sex, sex, sex (La la la) Nothing is provocative anymore Even for kids No room for imagining 'Cause ...

[中文对照] 性,性,性,性,性,性,性,性 是啊 性,性,性,性,性,性,性,性,性 (啦啦啦) 再也没有什么是挑衅 即使是孩子 没有空间想象 ...

[English]Lonely Hearts Club

[English lyric] Laugh track on a TV show, echoes in the dark alone I go to bed feeling bad, that I'm the reason that you're sad January to December, do you wanna be a member? Lonely hearts ...

[中文对照] 在电视节目笑轨道,回响在黑暗中孤独 我去睡觉感觉不好,那我就是你难过的原因 一月到十二月,你想成为会员? 孤独之心俱乐部... 你想和某人喜欢我吗?呵呵 ...

[English]Buy The Stars

[English lyric] You bought a star in the sky tonight Because your life is dark and it needs some light You named it after me, but I’m not yours to keep Because you’ll never see, that the stars ...

[中文对照] 你买了在天空中的明星,今晚 因为你的生命是黑暗的,它需要一些轻 你我的名字命名的,但我不是你保持 因为你永远不会看到,星星是免费的 ...

[English]How To Be A Heartbreaker

[English lyric] [Verse 1] Rule number one, is that you gotta have fun, But baby when you're done, you gotta be the first to run Rule number two, just don't get attached to, Somebody you could ...

[中文对照] [诗歌1 ] 规则一,就是你得有乐趣, 但是亲爱的,当你做,你得先运行 规则二,就是不执着于 有人可能会失去 因此, LE-就让我来告诉你 [合唱] ...