英语人>英文歌词>专辑>专辑 Done With Mirrors 中的所有曲目
专辑 Done With Mirrors 中的所有曲目:

Done With Mirrors


类型: album

[English]Let The Music Do The Talking

[English lyric] Rock-a-bye baby If you wanna dance Grab yourself a body And take a chance Said one time around Is all you get I'm still dancin' So you lost your bet I got a hardcore mama With ...

[中文对照] 摇滚-A-再见宝贝 如果你想跳舞 抓住自己身体 并把握机会 说了阵子 是你得到的 我还在跳舞“ 所以,你失去了你的赌注 我有一个铁杆的妈妈 ...

[English]My Fist Your Face

[English lyric] Wake up baby, what you in for Start the day upon your knees What you pissin' in the wind for You musta snorted too much blees East house pinball wizard Full tilt bozo played ...

[中文对照] 醒来的宝宝,为你 在你的膝盖开始新的一天 你在风中的pissin “ 你一定是和哼了一声太多blees 东屋弹珠精灵 全速博若打 二楼trekkie ...

[English]Shame On You

[English lyric] Somebody tryin' to take my soul Nobody gotta hear my rock n' roll Shame, shame, shame on you babe Shame, shame, shame on you baby Lolita, steady as it goes Toot sweet, powder ...

[中文对照] 有人试着拿我的灵魂 没有人得听我的摇滚乐 耻辱,羞愧,可耻的是你的宝贝 耻辱,羞愧,可耻的是你的宝宝 洛丽塔,悠着点儿 嘟嘟甜,粉她的鼻子 ...

[English]The Reason A Dog

[English lyric] You keep a knockin' but you can't come in The way you love I adore You always come never know where you been But a, now I'm here baby to even the score You're up, you're down ...

[中文对照] 你保持敲响,但你不能进来 你爱我爱的方式 你总是不知道你去哪里了 但是,现在我在这里的宝宝能扳平比分 你起来,你下来 你总是在原地踏步 ...


[English lyric] Shela, Shela, she like a hurricane Shela, Shela, she like a ball and chain Shela, Shela, she like a hurricane Got myself a lady I get down on my knees, yeah... Hotter than ...

[中文对照] 谢拉海,谢拉海,她喜欢飓风 谢拉海,谢拉海,她像一个球和链条 谢拉海,谢拉海,她喜欢飓风 给自己买了一个女人 我得到了我的膝盖,是啊... 比地狱更热 ...

[English]Gypsy Boots

[English lyric] Gypsy, gypsy, dancing feet Gypsy, gypsy, bittersweet Screamer, dreamer, disarray Gypsy, gypsy, why did you fly away No good, papa's no good Sister's no good and that's a drag ...

[中文对照] 吉普赛,吉普赛,跳着脚 吉普赛,吉普赛,苦乐参半 尖叫,梦想家,自乱阵脚 吉普赛,吉普赛,你为什么要飞走 没有好,爸爸是没有好 姐姐的不好,这是一个拖累 ...

[English]She's On Fire

[English lyric] Oooh, she's on fire Oooh, she's on fire Hot to trot, she's a bit insane Little bit a pleasure With a little bit a pain I got to be smokin' So I know without a doubt Where ...

[中文对照] 哦,她的火 哦,她的火 热小跑,她是一个有点疯狂 有点高兴 随着一点点的痛 我到要戒掉' 所以我知道,毫无疑问 哪里有烟有火 所以,我得引导出来 ...

[English]The Hop

[English lyric] Thinkin' 'bout the night life In the ladies powder room Brother's like a howlin' wolf By the light of the silvery moon Joey's like a Pavlovs dog When he starts to salivate A ...

[中文对照] 想着'布特的夜生活 在女化妆间 哥哥的像一个嚎叫的狼 由银色月亮的光 乔伊的像Pavlovs狗 当他开始流口水 强化的人类自己 很难动摇他的响尾蛇 ...


[English lyric] Darkness, Darkness, hungry to the bone Darkness, Darkness, take my body home God, I'm in love, I'm in love I'm in love, I'm in love She like a boo-k (It has to be book! It ...

[中文对照] 黑暗,黑暗,饥饿到骨头 黑暗里,黑暗中,把我的身体回家 上帝,我恋爱了,我恋爱了 我恋爱了,我恋爱了 她像一片嘘声-K (它必须是书!它不能pooka ...