英语人>英文歌词>专辑>专辑 Distraction Pieces 中的所有曲目
专辑 Distraction Pieces 中的所有曲目:

Distraction Pieces


类型: album

介绍: SCROOBIUS PIP solo album


[English lyric] I saw a dead fish on the pavement, and thought "what did you expect" There's no water round here, stupid, should have stayed where it was wet... Hello my name is Pip, and I ...

[中文对照] 我看见人行道上一条死鱼,并认为“能有什么办法” 没有水轮在这里,愚蠢,应该留的地方是湿的...... 你好,我的名字叫皮普,我想讲一些歌词, ...

[English]Let 'em Come

[English lyric] [Pip:] When it's cold, we bite the top of our zips, Pull it up with our teeth till it covers our lips Then exhale central heating for the weather beaten No feet are beating, ...

[中文对照] [ PIP: ] 当它的寒冷,我们咬了拉链的顶端, 我们的牙齿把窗帘拉起来,直到它涵盖了我们的嘴唇 然后呼气集中供热殴打天气 ...

[English]Domestic Silence

[English lyric] Let me introduce a recluse with his neck in a noose that went loose a he slipped out He didn't have a clue what to do with his new lease of life it was a lease he never took ...

[中文对照] 让我介绍了他的脖子隐居在去中出现松动,他溜出绞索 他没有一个线索如何处理他的新生机,这是一个契约,他从来没有拿出 你看见 他从来没有真正对生活中的抓地力 ...

[English]Death Of The Journalist

[English lyric] People used to burn pages, show their in and outrages These days the gage for rage is who gets flamed on comment pages No claim is too outrageous for these constant news ...

[中文对照] 用于刻录的网页,人们展示自己在和暴行 这些天计的愤怒是谁被火烧的评论页面 没有索赔太离谱了这些常数新闻更新 ...

[English]The Struggle

[English lyric] I spend my life on the move, my life on the road Town to town, city to city, time zone to time zone Success keeps you busy so I can't complain how life is But in a life like ...

[中文对照] 我把我的生命在移动,我的人生道路上 城镇到另一个城镇,城市与城市,时区,时区 成功使你很忙,所以我不能抱怨生活是多么的 ...

[English]Broken Promises

[English lyric] This is to anyone out there that's listening From anyone who ever let you down and went missing Lovers, parents, best friends, and siblings Sometimes life conspires to make ...

[中文对照] 这是任何人都在那里,在听 任何人谁曾经让你失望的寓所后便告失踪 爱人,父母,最好的朋友,和兄弟姐妹 有时候,人生交织在一起,造成好男人撒谎 ...