英语人>英文歌词>专辑>专辑 Different Pulses 中的所有曲目
专辑 Different Pulses 中的所有曲目:

Different Pulses


类型: album

[English]Different Pulses

[English lyric] My life is like a wound I scratch so I can bleed Regurgitate my words, I write so I can feed And Death grows like a tree that's planted in my chest Its roots are at my feet, I ...

[中文对照] 我的人生就像一个伤口í划伤,所以我可以流血 吐出我的话,我写的,所以我可以养活 而死亡的增长一样,是种在我的胸口一棵树 ...

[English]Setting Scalpels Free

[English lyric] In the skies there is a whisper In the trees there is a wind On the sands the waves are rolling Battered hopes are floating in In your veins the tide is turning And the ships ...

[中文对照] 在天空中有一个耳语 在树有风 在沙滩上的海浪滚滚 受虐希望都漂浮在 在你的血管的潮流正在转向 和船舶航行的家 在你的膝盖有一个颤抖 ...

[English]Love It Or Leave It

[English lyric] Long are the days When you're turning away From the reasons you strung Long is the way When you're aching to say But your teeth bite your tongue Loud is the wind In your ears ...

[中文对照] 长的日子 当你转身离开 从原因,你串起 前路漫漫 当你痛苦的说 但是你的牙齿咬住你的舌头 响亮的风 在你的耳朵,你旋转 当你寻找阳光 响亮的天空 ...


[English lyric] I, I know I am dying Still I'm gonna go trying I’ll make it better [x2] Cyclamen, you're holding it in again There's winter in every spring It's time to let go Cyclamen, the ...

[中文对照] 我知道我要死了 我依然会去尝试 我会做的更好[X2] 仙客来,你又抱着它 还有冬天每到春天 现在是时候放手 仙客来,气温的回升 但你块茎吸收雨水 ...

[English]613 Shades Of Sad

[English lyric] What I say when I say that I miss you Is that I will always love me more What I need when I bleed just to drown you Is that someday you'll become a shore It's my wave that will ...

[中文对照] 我说,当我说我想念你 是,我会永远爱我更多 我需要什么的时候,我流血了只是你淹没 是,有一天你会成为一个海岸 这是我的波,将渴望和会拉你 ...

[English]Thumbtacks In My Marrow

[English lyric] Wait, don’t stop You have gotten to me – at last I know I broke your fall but I cant repent the past It hurts Thumbtacks in my marrow I rest on old familiar runes that I cant ...

[中文对照] 等待,不要停 你已经得到了我 - 最后 我知道我打破了你的秋天,但我不能后悔过去 好痛 在我的骨髓图钉 我休息的,我不能召回老字号符文 留下了一丝 ...

[English]Conspiratory Visions Of Gomorrah

[English lyric] Sorrow is back in your eyes Pulling us to the depth We could have lasted like planets But your weight dragged us both to our death They've been sober around you And I truly ...

[中文对照] 悲伤是早在你的眼睛 拉我们的深度 我们可以持续地行星 但是,你的体重拖我们既要我们死 他们已经冷静的在你身边 我真的相信它会足够 但你是一个吸毒者酷刑 ...

[English]A Choice & A Gun

[English lyric] She rots in a cage of your make Far away from your eyes You stripped all her powers to break With your love and your lies Marooned on an island You gave her a gun and a choice ...

[中文对照] 她腐烂在你化妆的笼子 远离你的眼睛 你剥夺了所有她的力量打破 用你的爱和你的谎言 被困在一个小岛上 你给了她一炮而选择 但她为你疯狂 ...


[English lyric] It's five in the morning where you are You're learning a language, beginning with "far" I'm glad you're awake now, and picking your scars We do it all backwards, wherever we ...

[中文对照] 这五个你在哪里早上 你正在学习一门语言,开头的“远” 我很高兴你现在很清醒,采摘你的伤疤 我们做这一切倒退,无论我们是 转。 回转。 ...

[English]The Disciple

[English lyric] Lying on the floor, I hear it pounding down the door All them fuzzy, awful thoughts are floating into shore See these broken strings, you tore them with your lazy heart The ...

[中文对照] 躺在地板上,我听到它的冲击而入 所有这些模糊的,可怕的想法都浮到岸边 看到这些断了的弦,你却将他们与你的懒惰心脏 在我们的开放,累了严重的风 - ...

[English]Is This It

[English lyric] If I threw my broken body Let it shatter on the rocks Would you pick up all my imperfections Keep them hidden in your jewelry box Would you help this old man singing Would you ...

[中文对照] 如果我把我的破体 让它破碎的岩石上 你会拿起我所有的缺陷 让他们藏在你的首饰盒 你愿意帮这个老男人唱 你会拯救这个小男孩 你把我当成宝贝 ...