英语人>英文歌词>专辑>专辑 Diamonds In The Rough 中的所有曲目
专辑 Diamonds In The Rough 中的所有曲目:

Diamonds In The Rough


类型: album


[English lyric] While out sailing on the ocean While out sailing on the sea I bumped into the Savior And He said pardon me I said "Jesus you look tired" He said "Jesus so do you, Sit down son ...

[中文对照] 虽然帆船在海上 虽然帆船在海上 我碰上的救主 他说原谅我 我说:“耶稣,你看起来很累” 他说:“耶稣这样做你, 坐下的儿子 “因为我有一些脂肪咀嚼” ...

[English]The Torch Singer

[English lyric] The night club was burning From the torch singer's song And the sweat was floodin' her eyes The catwalk squeaked 'Neath the bartender's feet And the smoke was too heavy to rise ...

[中文对照] 夜总会在燃烧 从火炬歌手的歌 和汗水floodin \'她的眼睛 走秀尖叫 照耀下酒保的脚 和烟太重上升 [合唱: ] 她演唱的爱,我离开了她 ...


[English lyric] All the snow has turned to water Christmas days have come and gone Broken toys and faded colors Are all that's left to linger on I hate graveyards and old pawn shops For they ...

[中文对照] 所有的雪已经化成了水 圣诞节的日子已经来去匆匆 破损的玩具和褪色 是所有剩下的苟延残喘 我讨厌墓地,老当铺 因为他们总是给我的眼泪 ...

[English]The Late John Garfield Blues

[English lyric] Black faces pressed against the glass Where rain has pressed it's weight Wind blown scarves in top down cars All share one western trait Sadness leaks through tear-stained ...

[中文对照] 贴在玻璃上的黑色面孔 凡雨按下它的重量 在自上而下的汽车风吹围巾 都有一个西方的特质 通过泪痕的脸颊悲伤泄漏 从WINOS到毛钱店犹太人 ...

[English]Sour Grapes

[English lyric] I don't care if the sun don't shine But it better or people will wonder And I couldn't care less if it never stopped rainin' 'Cept the kids are afraid of the thunder [Chorus:] ...

[中文对照] 我不在乎,如果太阳不发光 但更好的还是人会怀疑 而我一点也不在乎,如果它从来没有停止过RAININ “ \' CEPT孩子害怕打雷 [合唱: ] ...

[English]Billy The Bum

[English lyric] Billy the bum lived by the thumb And sang of the hobo's delight He'd prove he could run Twice as fast as the sun By losing his shadow at night Now he loved every girl In this ...

[中文对照] 比利流浪汉住的拇指 并演唱了流浪汉的喜悦 他想证明自己可以跑 快两倍的太阳 由失去了他的身影,晚上 现在,他爱每一个女孩 在这种卷曲的双头世界 ...

[English]The Frying Pan

[English lyric] I come home from work this evening There was a note in the frying pan It said fix your own supper babe I run off with the Fuller brush man [Chorus:] And I miss the way she used ...

[中文对照] 我回家下班今晚 有没有在煎锅的说明 它说,解决自己的晚饭宝贝 我跟富勒刷子的人跑了出去 [合唱: ] 想念她曾经骂我的方式 途中她用咒骂和呻吟 ...

[English]Yes, I Guess, They Oughta Name A Drink After You

[English lyric] Oh I get drunk most every night Seems like all we do is fight The more I drink The less I feel blue Sometimes I feel like an awful fool Spendin' my life on an old bar stool And ...

[中文对照] 哦,我醉了大部分每天晚上得 好像我们所做的一切就是战斗 我越喝 我越感到悲伤 有时候我觉得自己像一个可怕的傻瓜 赵本山:我的生活在旧吧椅 ...

[English]Take The Star Out Of The Window

[English lyric] Robert was a sailor For the best years of his life His captain was his mother And the ocean was his wife Only fresh out of the cradle Life's one and only spring He was sworn to ...

[中文对照] 罗伯特是一名水手 为了获得最佳的岁月他的生活 他的队长是他的母亲 而海洋是他的妻子 只有新鲜出炉的摇篮 生活中的一个,只有春天 他发誓要尽自己的职责 ...

[English]The Great Compromise

[English lyric] I knew a girl who was almost a lady She had a way with all the men in her life Every inch of her blossomed in beauty And she was born on the fourth of July Well she lived in an ...

[中文对照] 我认识一个女孩谁几乎是淑女 她有一种与所有的男人在她的生命 她的每一寸开花的美丽 她出生在7月4日 好吧,她住在一个铝制的房子拖车 她曾在一家点唱机轿车 ...

[English]Clocks And Spoons

[English lyric] Clocks and spoons and empty rooms It's raining out tonight What a way to end a day By turnin' out the light Shoot the moon right between the eyes I'm sending most of me to ...

[中文对照] 时钟和勺子和空房间 这是今晚下雨了 什么结束了一天的方式 通过撇开了灯 拍摄两眼之间,月亮右 我要送我大部分的阳光明媚的乡村 ...

[English]Rocky Mountain Time

[English lyric] The station was empty The trains were all gone I reached in my pocket And I wanted for dawn [Chorus:] The clock played drums And I hummed the sax And the wind whistled down The ...

[中文对照] 该站是空的 列车都不见了 我在口袋里达 我想黎明 [合唱: ] 钟起鼓 我哼着歌萨克斯 风呼啸着下降 铁轨 嘿3四分之一 一个是一毛钱 ...

[English]Diamonds In The Rough

[English lyric] While walking out, one evening, Not knowing where to go Just to pass the time away Before we held our show I heard a little mission band Playing with all their might I gave my ...

[中文对照] 虽然走了,一个晚上, 不知道哪里去了 只是为了打发时间离开 之前,我们举行了我们的节目 我听到一个小任务带 他们所有的力量打 我把我的灵魂耶稣 ...