[English]Black Valor
[English lyric] We bear the bloodline of the conqueror Behold this war-scarred coat of arms Weathered and worn are we But with an eye ajar we sleep with blade in hand We're waiting for the ...
[中文对照] 我们承担着征服者的血脉 谁知这场战争扑扑的纹章 风化和磨损是我们 但眼睛半开,我们睡在一起的刀片在手 我们正在等待通话 ...
[English lyric] Father I know that you've witnessed a darkness in me Twas spawned in shadows of the old gallow's tree I'm but a sad depraved reflection of our inhumanity The warped ...
[中文对照] 爸爸,我知道你已经在我亲眼目睹了黑暗 TWAS催生了老gallow的树的影子 我不过我们不人道的悲哀堕落反思 丢失的扭曲夸张的最黑暗的梦想, ...
[English]A Selection Unnatural
[English lyric] Born into a life of suffering scientific prodding now beings Vestigial extremities a twisted mass of skin It looks a monster but they swear it's human too Truth is that it ...
[中文对照] 出生于苦难科学的推动下,现在人类的生活 皮肤残留四肢扭曲质量 它看起来怪物,但他们发誓,这是人类太 事实是,它可以一直在我或你 一个简单的螺旋误解 ...
[English]Denounced, Disgraced
[English lyric] Traitor! How you've betrayed our blood Broken the bond that had set us apart From this world so unforgiving Can it be true that I once walked through fires with you Forced to ...
[中文对照] 叛徒!你是如何背叛了我们的血液 打破了曾经使我们脱颖而出债券 从这个世界如此无情 这是真的,我通过火曾经走过你 被迫砍倒你只是一个敌人 ...
[English]Christ Deformed
[English lyric] Wolves beset this fallen church of blasphemy Orgies in blood shall deflorate its purity Defecate on the liars book of sick belief No one shall be saved the way to hell has here ...
[中文对照] 狼队困扰亵渎这个堕落的教堂 血液中的狂欢应deflorate其纯度 大便在生病的信念骗子书 任何人都不应被保存在阴间之路曾在这里被铺平 ...
[English]Death Panorama
[English lyric] In that very moment which life doth fade away Ejected from my human shell exempt from time or space Floating absorbing omniscient in display A grandiose presentation unravels ...
[中文对照] 在那一刻的生命凸现消逝 从我的人免除壳喷出的时间或空间 浮动吸收无所不知显示器 我之前宏伟演示揭开 没有年代,但这样疯狂一次全部 ...
[English]Throne Of Lunacy
[English lyric] Oppressive air heary and noxious Volcanic outpour roars from the heaving angered ancient earth Storm of spirits raging Corrosion eats away oxidizing mentally When they would ...
[中文对照] 压迫空气希利和有毒 从起伏的火山倾泻愤怒咆哮古代地球 灵肆虐的风暴 腐蚀吞噬氧化弱智 当他们打电话给我们 当他们将我们招手 我们将提供他们 ...
[English]Eyes Of Thousand
[English lyric] Paralyzing atrophy locked in her web of mimicry Suspended inverted waiting to die Dexterous segmented limbs Fangs to sink within your skin They seek to find vacancy With your ...
[中文对照] 瘫痪萎缩锁在她的模仿网页 悬浮倒置等死 灵巧划分四肢 獠牙你的皮肤内下沉 他们试图找到空位 有了您的心脏枯萎 她住在狩猎人 而你杀 现在觉得,毒液蔓延 ...
[English]That Which Erodes The Most Tender
[English lyric] Won't you rest your ruined head my weary child This world was not for thee I send you now the promised land Not one breath did you heave stilly born Unto this earth sleeping so ...
[中文对照] 你不休息,你毁了我的头疲惫的孩子 这个世界不是为你 我送你现在的乐土 不是一口气你举一动不动诞生 直到大地沉睡如此香甜在我怀里 ...
[English]I Will Return
[English lyric] When death so swiftly has coveted The client from this plane A journey forged in ice has just begun A crystal line entombment preservation now awaits Proceedings executed ...
[中文对照] 当死亡如此之快也令人垂涎 从这个平面上的客户端 锻造冰之旅才刚刚开始 晶体线掩埋保存,现在等待 程序执行hastely死者被包裹 ...
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