[English lyric] Flat on your back your senses are lost and you're what you are Just because you mean what you say that's not saying that you're so far in the clean nothing means anything last ...
[中文对照] 平放在你的背部 你的感官都将丢失 而你是你是什么 只是因为你的意思是你说的话 这不是说 你是迄今为止在清洁 没什么意味着什么 最后一个包 你的形象溶解 ...
[English lyric] Sucking on a rhyme you know I don't feel right These dreams they steal all my time they take it from my eyes I don't try as much to feel anything these days I will try and ...
[中文对照] 吸吮韵 你知道,我觉得不舒服 他们偷走我所有的时间,这些梦想 他们把它从我的眼睛 我不会尝试尽可能多的感受 任何这些天 我会尽量到达现场 我在那里呆 ...
[English]A Corner
[English lyric] I mean it I wouldn't go ouside and walk around They may fear for your life But I've reached this conclusion everyone's in a corner face to the wall I never looked the other way ...
[中文对照] 我是认真的 我不会去ouside走动 他们可能会担心你的生活 但我已经达到了这样的结论 每个人都在一个角落里 面对的壁 我从来不看其他的方式 ...
[English lyric] Everyone's alike here now when it was right I moved out back from where I came Life is a funny game ending on a calling card not even knowing where we are I make a cowardly ...
[中文对照] 大家的一致好评,现在在这里 当它是对的,我感动了 从我回来了 人生是一场有趣的游戏 在电话卡结束 甚至不知道我们在哪里 我做一个懦弱的错误 ...
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