[English lyric] Are you close enough to hit? Are you close enough to kiss? Are you brave enough to fail? Are you strong enough to kill for what you love? We are a home; we are the heart that ...
[中文对照] 你收够打? 你足够接近吻? 你够勇敢的失败? 您是否强大到足以杀死对你的爱是什么? 我们是一个家;我们的心脏 那跳动的骨干 与脊柱 ...
[English lyric] Fortune favours the brave In the front row tears streaming down our faces, things we've never seen before. Yeah we're all strangers but we're all in this together. And I ...
[中文对照] 财富眷顾勇者 在前排的眼泪流 下来我们的脸,事情我们已经 以前从来没见过。是的,我们是 所有的陌生人,但我们在这一起。 我记得,当它用于 ...
[English]The Distance
[English lyric] Days in motion From the west coasts to the ocean Mainline to the sunset As we're sitting in the van Heading out to mainland Age is nothing but a number The difference in ...
[中文对照] 在运动日 从西海岸的海洋 主线的日落 由于我们坐在面包车 驶向内地 年龄只不过是一个数字 我们与在经验中的差异 从其中距离的 ...
[English]Best Friends And Hospital Beds
[English lyric] Cold hard lines, across my face into A mirror I don't recognise myself anymore. The deepest blacks, the Empty grey's there is no going back There is no in-between. How many ...
[中文对照] 冷硬的线条,划过我的脸成 镜子我不认识我自己了。 最深的黑人中, 空灰色的有没有回头路 不存在于两者之间。 有多少朋友,我可以松 之前,这一切才有意义? ...
[English lyric] I'm never going to change, I'm never going to change a thing and what is there to gain, pretending you're something when you're not and there's nothing left of how things used ...
[中文对照] 我永远不会改变,我 永远不会改变的事情, 有什么收获,假装 你的东西时,你不 并没有什么,如何使用的东西要离开了。 钉你的错误的责任推给任何人,但你。 ...
[English]Death Comes To Us All
[English lyric] I'm full of a sinking feeling like having the weight of these thought in my legs, while trying to outrun my conscience as it shadows my every step. And my thoughts will always ...
[中文对照] 我充满了不祥的预感 就像这些权重 想在我的腿上,而试图 逃脱我的良心,因为它 阴影我的每一步。 而我的思绪总是会 慢,比我的舌头在慢 ...
[English lyric] I'm fucking sick, so sick and tired Of coming back to these broken places It leaves a hole in me that can never be filled Walking these streets alone I'm tired and I'm jaded ...
[中文对照] 我他妈的有病,所以厌倦 的回来这些破地方 它留下了永远无法被填充了我一个孔 独自走在这些街道我 累了,我厌倦了一些,没有这 永远不会老 ...
[English lyric] A loss of feeling Ending in contempt I feel like I am letting go of everything Friendships ending Always in betrayal You never gave us the benefit of the doubt I saw you change ...
[中文对照] 感觉丧失 截至不齿 我觉得像我放手一切 友谊结束 总是在背叛 你从来没有给我们的疑点利益 我看到你这些年来变化 我看到的东西开始土崩瓦解 ...
[English lyric] Broken hands, so sans soleil It lights my way through these empty streets at night. Dragging heels, the cold air stabs me like a needle running with this thread Scissors cut me ...
[中文对照] 残破的手中,让SANS马戏团 它照亮我的道路,通过这些 空旷的街道在夜间进行。 拖动高跟鞋,冷空气刺中了我 像针运行这个线程 剪刀剪我死了 ...
[English lyric] We are forever on the outside looking in and these are observations and gravity is the only weight Thoughts that don't carry enough speed to escape it like specks of dust we're ...
[中文对照] 我们永远是在外面 看在与这些 观察和重力是唯一的重 思想不携带足够 速度逃离它像斑点 防尘我们通过我们的内容分散 我们聚集在制订 ...
[English]High Castles
[English lyric] I speak in metaphor it's the only thing that makes sense to me a description of a time that I'll never feel again and hopeless romantics they wont save me from pissing on the ...
[中文对照] 我发言的比喻它是唯一 这对我来说很有意义的事情 的时间说明,我将永远不会 再次感到绝望与浪漫 他们不会把我从上撒尿 这使我的友谊 在记忆体最亮的灯 ...
- 推荐专辑
- Family Tree
- Barlow Girl
- An Old Raincoat Won't Ever Let You Down
- Songs Of Love By Charley Pride
- Swingin' Down Yonder
- Don't Be Frightened Of Turning The Page
- God's Not Dead
- Christmas Gift
- One For The Kids
- To Anyone
- Rhythm Nation 1814
- The Tony Bennett / Bill Evans Album
- My Short Stories
- Classic
- Breathless
- Ghetto Bill - The Best Hustler In The Game
- Anyone Who Had A Heart
- De-Loused In The Comatorium
- The Turn
- The Magic Soup And The Bittersweet Faces
- All lyrics are property and copyright of their owners. All lyrics provided for educational purposes only.
- 本站所有歌词的所有者拥有该歌词的产权和版权,仅供教育目的及仅限个人使用。