英语人>英文歌词>专辑>专辑 Chicago XXX 中的所有曲目
专辑 Chicago XXX 中的所有曲目:

Chicago XXX


类型: album


[English lyric] So everybody's pulling you in all directions You don't know how much longer to take it So you've learned how to fake it That smile on the outside's fading fast Like the things ...

[中文对照] 所以每个人都拉着你在各个方向 你不知道多少时间把它 所以,你已经学会了如何捏造事实 在外面的衰减很快,笑容 如您想肯定会持续的事情 但他们没有 ...

[English]King Of Might Have Been

[English lyric] What have I done? And why do people run away From what they really want? She... she was the one I know it now, just like a blind man Feels the setting sun. Once Upon A Time I ...

[中文对照] 我做了什么? 为什么人们逃跑 从他们真正想要的? 她......她是一个 我现在知道了,就像一个瞎子 感觉沉落的太阳。 曾几何时 我拥有了一切我所想要的 ...


[English lyric] Caroline... Caroline There's always people talkin' It makes their world go round Don't mean you have to listen Don't let them get you down [Chorus:] Oh Caroline, Caroline ...

[中文对照] 卡罗琳卡罗琳... 总有人们在说“ 这让他们的世界去圆 不要吝啬你要听 不要让他们失望让你 [合唱: ] 哦卡罗琳,卡罗琳 一切都会好起来 ...

[English]Why Can't We

[English lyric] [Bill sings:] Where did you go? What happened to the life we had? It took an unexpected turn And even though we tried so hard We only got so far Oh, what did we learn? [Shelly ...

[中文对照] [比尔唱: ] 你去哪儿? 发生了什么事,我们有生命吗? 它采取了一个意想不到的转折 即使我们很努力 我们只能走到这一步 哦,我们学到了什么? ...

[English]Love Will Come Back

[English lyric] I don't love you anymore We've all heard those words before Somebody takes your heart and then Leaves you the pieces Lying shattered on the floor They say that when you close a ...

[中文对照] 我不爱你了 我们以前都听过这些话 有人把你的心脏,然后 让你的作品 躺在破碎的地板上 他们说,当你关闭一扇门 另一种是等在那里 ...

[English]Long Lost Friend

[English lyric] The moment that we met There was something so familiar I felt like I'd known you for a thousand years And there inside your eyes I saw a light that I'd been missing Somewhere ...

[中文对照] 我们相遇的那一刻 有什么事那么熟悉 我觉得我早知道你一万年 而且里面还有你的眼睛 我看到了我一直缺少一个光 在内心深处 所有的寂寞消失 ...

[English]90 Degrees And Freezing

[English lyric] Here I am In this broken town Missing you Wishing you were still around Streets are full of people, happy Heading on their way Why am I the only one Who's COLD on such a pretty ...

[中文对照] 我在这里 在这个破碎的小镇 想念你 祝你还在身边 街道上都挤满了人,幸福 标题赶路 为什么我是唯一一个 谁是冷上这么漂亮的一天吗? [合唱: ] ...

[English]Where Were You

[English lyric] Where were you? When I was following someone I should have been fallin' in love with you I was doing all right in my own little world Suddenly you were there Upside down, ...

[中文对照] 当时你在哪里? 当我下面有人 我应该在爱情一直掉到你 我是做没事在自己的小世界 突然,你在那里 倒过来,转头 是不是在寻找什么新的东西 ...

[English]Already Gone

[English lyric] Baby, I may never know exactly what you're feelin' But I've seen you on another roll Maybe I'm that last to see the glances you've been stealing What you're looking for is ...

[中文对照] 宝贝,我可能永远不会确切地知道你是感觉\' 但我已经看到你在另一个卷 也许是我的最后一次看到你已经偷了几眼 你要找的是羚牛\'它怎么收费 ...

[English]Come To Me, Do

[English lyric] Come to me, lonely Come to me, blue Come to me, weary Come to me, do! Yeah, yeah... I will refresh you Come to me, do Come to me, often I'll come to you I'll come to you Always ...

[中文对照] 到我这里来,寂寞 到我这里来,蓝 到我这里来,疲惫 到我这里来,做! 是啊,是啊... 我会刷新你 到我这里来,做 到我这里来,常 我会来找你 ...

[English]Lovin' Chains

[English lyric] Moved out west just to get away Miles of sky and empty space Mirrors my soul I'm out here on my own I got a new job and a couple new friends There's even someone special, I ...

[中文对照] 搬出西只是为了脱身 天空和空万里 反映了我的灵魂 我在这里对我自己 我得到了一份新的工作和几个新朋友 甚至还有一个特别的人, 我想我可以重新开始 ...


[English lyric] You can count on a number of things Like tomorrow the sun's gonna shine There'll be flowers in spring time Poets will make rhymes Couples in moonlight are so ripe to fall ...

[中文对照] 你可以在一些事情算 像明天的太阳会照耀 这里的鲜花在春天的时候, 诗人将童谣 在月光夫妇这么熟落 落下的爱情,这样很自然的事情 有没有在一个人的眼睛看 ...

[English]Feel (Horn Mix)

[English lyric] So everybody's pulling you in all directions You don't know how much longer to take it So you've learned how to fake it That smile on the outside's fading fast Like the things ...

[中文对照] 所以每个人都拉着你在各个方向 你不知道多少时间把它 所以,你已经学会了如何捏造事实 在外面的衰减很快,笑容 如您想肯定会持续的事情 但他们没有 ...