英语人>英文歌词>专辑>专辑 Blood And Chocolate 中的所有曲目
专辑 Blood And Chocolate 中的所有曲目:

Blood And Chocolate


类型: album


[English lyric] Blood and Chocolate I hope you're satisfied what you have done You think it's over now But we've only just begun I asked for water And they gave me rose' wine A horse that ...

[中文对照] 血与巧克力 我希望你满意你做了什么 你认为这是结束了 但我们才刚刚开始 我问水 他们给了我玫瑰“的酒 虽然知道算术马 和一只狗,它告诉你的财富 [合唱: ...

[English]I Hope You're Happy Now

[English lyric] He's a fine figure of a man and handsome too With his eyes upon the secret places he'd like to undo Still he knows who knows who and where and how And I hope you're happy now ...

[中文对照] 他是一个男人和帅气的罚款数字太 随着他的目光落在了秘密的地方,他想撤销 尽管如此,他知道谁知道谁,在哪里,以及如何 我希望你现在快乐吗 ...

[English]Tokyo Storm Warning

[English lyric] The sky fell over cheap Korean monster-movie scenery And spilled into the reservoir of the crushed capsule hotel Between the Disney abattoir and the chemical refinery And I ...

[中文对照] 天上掉下来了廉价的韩国怪兽电影的风景 而溢入粉碎胶囊旅馆水库 迪士尼屠宰场和化学炼油厂之间 我知道我遇到了麻烦,但我认为我是在地狱 ...

[English]Home Is Anywhere You Hang Your Head

[English lyric] Here comes Mr. Misery He's tearing out his hair again He's crying over her again He's standing in the super-market shouting at the customers Here comes Mr. Misery He'll never ...

[中文对照] 这里说到苦难先生 他又撕裂了他的头发 他哭了她一下 他站在超市场喊的客户 这里说到苦难先生 他永远也不会得到什么好处全黄金和血口 他打算再杀人 ...

[English]I Want You

[English lyric] Oh my baby baby I love you more than I can tell I don't think I can live without you And I know that I never will Oh my baby baby I want you so it scares me to death I can't ...

[中文对照] 哦,我的宝贝宝贝我爱你胜过我可以告诉 我不认为我可以没有你 我知道我永远也不会 哦,我的宝贝,宝贝,我想你,我害怕死 我不能说了不是“我爱你” ...

[English]Honey, Are You Straight Or Are You Blind?

[English lyric] Who do you see when you turn your eyes down? Who do you see when I'm not seeing you? The news is out all over town and all these girls Are taking turns at being you [Chorus:] ...

[中文对照] 谁做,当你打开你的眼睛向下看? 谁是你看到的时候我没有看到你? 这个消息是从全城,所有这些女孩 正在轮流在被你 [合唱: ] 好了,好了,好了 ...

[English]Blue Chair

[English lyric] Now it's just you and me, my blue friend And you say that it's you that she's thinking of And our affair must end But if it's you that she's thinking of I think my broken heart ...

[中文对照] 现在,只有你和我,我的朋友蓝 你说,这是你说她的思维 而我们的恋情必须结束 但如果是你,她的思维 我觉得我的心脏破裂修补可能 [合唱: ] ...

[English]Battered Old Bird

[English lyric] The landlady's husband came up to town today Since he left them both ten years ago to serve the ministry The dark down road of his approach in constant rain was drenched The ...

[中文对照] 房东太太的丈夫走到今天镇 他走了以后他们俩十年前担任该部 他在不断的降雨方式的黑了下来,道路被浇透 租户的男孩说:“多D\'雅做”然后骂了一句法语 ...

[English]Crimes Of Paris

[English lyric] I thought it was you and your optimist's view of the clock And how it's always another day Just after twelve o'clock's struck You said "Now I only want you so I don't have to ...

[中文对照] 我还以为是你和你的乐观的看法时钟 以及如何它总是新的一天 十二点刚过的袭击 你说:“现在我只想要你,所以我没有答应” ...

[English]Poor Napoleon

[English lyric] I can't lie on this bed anymore it burns my skin You can take the truthful things you've said to me And put them on the head of a pin Poor Napoleon You always look so ...

[中文对照] 我不能躺在这张床上了它燃烧我的皮肤 你可以把你对我说的真实的东西 并把它们放在针头 可怜的拿破仑 你总是看起来很失望,当我把我的袜子掉 ...

[English]Next Time 'Round

[English lyric] As I stepped out upon the landing my heart was already down the stairs She's in the bedroom with that boy of hers Though her face is creased and her eyes seem strange There's a ...

[中文对照] 当我走出了楼梯我的心脏已经是下楼梯 她在卧室与她的那个男孩 虽然她的脸皱巴巴的,她的眼睛看起来很奇怪 有一个二手的情感上的虐待45 ...

[English]Seven Day Weekend

[English lyric] One, two, three, four, five, six, seven. Monday's calling you too early when you're sound asleep Bells are ringing by your bedside and out in the streets You say Monday's long ...

[中文对照] 一,二,三,四,五,六,七。 周一的呼唤你得太早,当你熟睡 钟声是由你的床边,并出言犹在街头 你说周一的足够长的时间,但是这仅仅是个开始 ...

[English]Forgive Her Anything

[English lyric] Oh, a TV went off like three day old milk That shook this town down better than most And it always was less of an idea and more of a boast Oh, you're burning in the bloom of ...

[中文对照] 呵呵,一台电视去了像三个日龄乳 震撼这个城市下降比大多数 它始终是少了一个念头一夸的多 哦,你是在燃烧生命绽放 直到你粉在坟墓 或者你捣在柜台乞求更多 ...

[English]Baby's Got A Brand New Hairdo

[English lyric] Baby's got a brand new hairdo, but doesn't she look so nice? She said everything that she cares to, she's saying it not once but twice She said it doesn't matter unless I say ...

[中文对照] 宝宝有一个全新的发型,但不,她看上去那么漂亮? 她说,她在乎的一切,她说这不是一次而是两次 她说,除非我说这要紧不要紧 嗯,我不在乎所有的现代爵士乐 ...

[English]American Without Tears #2 (Twilight Version)

[English lyric] December 1965 in Caracas When Arnie LaFlamme(?) took his piece of the pie When he packed up the casino chips, the IOU and the abacus And switched off the jukebox in a "A Fool ...

[中文对照] 在加拉加斯1965年12月 当阿尼Laflamme编写( ? )拿着馅饼他的作品 当他收拾好了筹码,对欠条和算盘 并关闭了自动点唱机在“一个傻瓜,如I ...

[English]A Town Called Big Nothing (Really Big Nothing)

[English lyric] Big nothing. He stood in the road outside of town With a broken clockwork toy in his hand. A graveyard for childish dreams in his palm A broken lifeline. Big nothing. The ...

[中文对照] 大一无所获。 他站在马路镇外 随着他的手断了发条的玩具。 墓地的幼稚的梦想在他的掌心 破碎的生命线。 大一无所获。 机械游乐溅射生活在他的拳头。 ...