英语人>英文歌词>专辑>专辑 Blackout! 中的所有曲目
专辑 Blackout! 中的所有曲目:



类型: album

介绍: with REDMAN

[English]A Special Joint (Intro)

[English lyric] Do you want to get high man? I see 'em, does Pinocchio have wooden balls man? Well yo, I got a joint I've been saving here for a special occasion Ah, niggas, bitches, welcome. ...

[中文对照] 你想获得高的人吗? 我看到他们,并木偶奇遇记有木球的人吗? 好了哟,我得到了一个联合我一直保存在这里的一个特殊的场合 嗯,黑鬼,母犬,欢迎。 ...


[English lyric] [Redman] It's Funk Doc Where da weed at, bitch?! I speed back wist, down to one-way from cops See thas' shit?! Believe thas' shit! Slaughter straight to camcorder, I'm too hot ...

[中文对照] [雷德曼] 这是芬克文件 阿凡达的杂草,婊子? 我速回WIST ,下至单程从警察 见临屋\'狗屎?相信临时房屋区“狗屎! 屠宰直摄像机,我太热电视 ...

[English]Mi Casa

[English lyric] [Redman] [Verse 1] Whatcu crazy??!!? Since a buck tooth baby, Doc Was like straight fuck you pay me like Jay-Z Lazzy Niggas complain Doc load up the cartridge and start kickin ...

[中文对照] [雷德曼] [诗歌1 ] Whatcu疯了? ! ? 由于降压牙的宝宝,医生 像直你他妈的给我喜欢Jay-Z的 Lazzy黑鬼抱怨 ...


[English lyric] [Meth] Traces of lipstick on my collar Baby you got to do some more to get this last dollar Hotter than lava when you come believe that I'ma follow Lady Madonna like the dick ...

[中文对照] [冰毒] 口红在我的衣领痕迹 宝贝,你必须做一些让这最后一块钱 比熔岩更热当你认为我是跟随 夫人麦当娜一样的家伙,但她不喜欢吞 ...

[English]Four Seasons

[English lyric] [Redman] Bitch! Brick City, yo Yo, yo Funk Doc straight lunatic since young At 8 paint chips the rare moon ---- That pair mics, my maintenance I battle you and then me and Meth ...

[中文对照] [雷德曼] 婊子! 砖城,哟 哟,哟芬克文件,因为年轻的直疯子 8掉漆罕见的月球---- 这对话筒,我的维修 í战你,然后我和冰毒交流转变 ...

[Estonian]Cereal Killer

[Estonian lyric] Yeah, yeah.. Murda, murda, murda, kill, kill, kill Murda, murda, murda, kill, kill, kill (I'm going to kill [echoes]) [Verse One: Method Man] Slowly I turn, step by step ...

[中文对照] 是啊,是啊.. 打破,打破,打破,杀,杀,杀 打破,打破,打破,杀,杀,杀(我要杀了[回音] ) [诗一:方法人] 我慢慢地转身,一步一步 ...

[English]Da Rockwilder

[English lyric] Oh my god...Oh my god !!!! ah ah ah aowww!!! [Verse One: Method Man] Microphone checker, swinging sword lecture closing down the sector supreme neck protector Better warn 'em ...

[中文对照] 哦,我的上帝......我的天啊!!!!啊啊啊aowww ! [诗一:方法人] 麦克风检查,摆动剑讲座 倒闭的行业最高的颈部保护 ...

[English]Tear It Off

[English lyric] [Intro:] [Redman] Yo man glorious This is protected by the red [Method Man] And Tical [Redman] Slap it down [Method Man] Way out of bound [Redman] Roll in a towel [Method Man] ...

[中文对照] [简介: ] [雷德曼] 哟男子辉煌 这是保护 由红 [方法人] 和蒂卡尔 [雷德曼] 拍下来 [方法人] 摆脱束缚 [雷德曼] 卷在毛巾 [方法人] ...

[English]Where We At (Skit)

[English lyric] Hi. My name's Mark. And I'm white. I live in a predominantly white neighborhood. I went to a predominantly white college. And I have predominantly all white friends. But at ...

[中文对照] 嗨。 我的名字叫马克。 我很白。 我住在一个以白人为主的社区。 我去了一个以白人为主的大学。 而且我主要是全白的朋友。 ...

[English]1, 2, 1, 2

[English lyric] [Meth] Come on 1 2 1 2 uh uh 1 2 1 2 Mr. Meth and Doc 1 2 1 2 Uh uh 1 2 1 2 DJ Scratch on the track 1 2 1 2 Wa wa 1 2 1 2 Break your motha fuckin back 1 2 1 2 Ah yo yo My, ...

[中文对照] [冰毒] 来吧 1 2 1 2噢噢 1 2 1 2 冰毒先生和文件 1 2 1 2 嗯,嗯1 2 1 2 在赛道上的DJ刮 1 2 1 2 娃娃1 2 ...

[English]Maaad Crew

[English lyric] [Redman] Yo yo yo yo We "Push Weight" with Ice Cube's in a cup (AmeriKKKa's) Most Wanted Police pin it up (Alaza an a) Thug passion brotha what Bloatin gettin a girl preganant ...

[中文对照] [雷德曼] 呦呦呦呦 在一个杯子,我们“重推”与冰立方的 ( AmeriKKKa的)头号通缉犯 警方别起来了 ( Alaza的a ) ...

[English]Run 4 Cover

[English lyric] [Street Life] Yo yo, enta, enta, enta, enta yo It's the synical, lyrical rap individual On my death bed I spit sick flows that's critical I'm not a fan of this, I'm a mic ...

[中文对照] [街头生活] 哟哟, ENTA , ENTA , ENTA , ENTA哟 这是synical ,抒情说唱个人 在我临终我吐生病了流动的关键 ...

[English]The ?

[English lyric] [Redman] Man he must of bumped his motherfucking head or something Yo Yo M.C.'s out there, you betta stand clear It's Funk Doc M.E.TH on da world premiere From New Jerz ...

[中文对照] [雷德曼] 男人,他必须在撞到他妈的头什么的 哟 哟M.C。的摆在那里,你斗鱼表态 这是芬克文件M.E.TH上达全球首发 ...

[English]Dat's Dat Shit

[English lyric] [Method Man] Uh, get ya stank on [Radio voice] WWKYA, WE'RE KICKIN YOUR ASS! [Mally G/Jamal] My receitals is worth ten titles I shit on wrote Bibles, if you don't like me I ...

[中文对照] [方法人] 呃,获得亚发臭的 [无线电声音] WWKYA ,我们在唱歌你的屁股! [马利g /贾马尔] 我receitals值得十种称号 ...


[English lyric] [Redman] Bricki-di-roaw! Steppin' out the crowd throwin' bolo's Flicki-di-flame, owh! when chrome .44's Loadin' it up, packin' it back, ready to splash for real Spit flows out ...

[中文对照] [雷德曼] Bricki二叔roaw ! 垫脚走出人群肆意\'大刀的 Flicki二火焰, OWH !当铬0.44的 Loadin \'起来,包装; ...

[English]Fire Ina Hole

[English lyric] Uh.. Come on [3X] State your business Come on Let's make it hot Come on (word) Let's make it hot Come on Let's make it hot Come on, let's make it hot (hardcore to make 'em ...

[中文对照] 呃.. 来吧[ 3X ] 说出你的业务 来吧 让我们把它热 来吧(字) 让我们把它热 来吧 让我们把它热 ...

[English]Well All Rite Cha

[English lyric] [Method Man] Hydro... indo... (buddha!) Hah... cocoa... yo, ya-ya-yo! I need some brown weed (lady) all day I need some brown weed (jenny) I need some cut (lady, lady) Now ...

[中文对照] [方法人] 水电...印度... (佛! ) 哈......可可......哟,丫丫哟! 我需要一些褐色的杂草(女)整天 我需要一些褐色的杂草(珍妮) ...

[English]Big Dogs

[English lyric] [Redman] Def Squad, Wu Tang [laugh] (check it, check it out) [Verse 1: Method Man, (Redman in brackets)] (Yo yo Method Man, yo yo Iron Lungs) (Call us gorillas in the myst) ...

[中文对照] [雷德曼] 防队,武汤 [笑] (检查,检查出来) [诗歌1 :方法人, (雷德曼括号内) (哟哟方法人,哟哟铁肺) (打电话给我们在神秘岛大猩猩) ...

[English]How High

[English lyric] [Intro:] Takin it from the top? Tippy? Tippy? How High?.... The Ultimate High.... [Verse One: Method Man] Scuse me as I kiss the sky Sing a song of six pence, a pocet full a ...

[中文对照] [简介: ] 从顶部羚牛呢? 毛尖?毛尖? 有多高? .... 终极高.... [诗一:方法人] Scuse我,我亲吻天空 唱六便士, ...