英语人>英文歌词>专辑>专辑 Bee Hives 中的所有曲目
专辑 Bee Hives 中的所有曲目:

Bee Hives


类型: compilation

[English]Market Fresh

[English lyric] Market fresh Stand by me Where will it ever land Scar and stains, Emily Turn our little crab I could have meant it if you let me I could have meant it if you let me I could ...

[中文对照] 市场新鲜 站在我这边/支持我 会在哪里登陆过 疤痕和色斑,艾米丽 把我们的小螃蟹 我可以的意思是,如果你让我 我可以的意思是,如果你让我 ...


[English lyric] Broken boys look good sitting on their shoes Silent waves responds expose to fear Library cards, rented faces, lying on the naked train Hard parades with nothing skin Things ...

[中文对照] 残破的男生好看坐在他们的鞋子 无声波响应暴露于恐惧 借书证,租的脸,趴在赤身裸体的火车 硬游行有什么皮肤 事情的呼吸方式太薄 他们失去了他们的生活后院 ...

[English]Da Da Dada

[English lyric] I think it's almost time

[中文对照] 我认为这是时间差不多了

[English]Lover's Spit

[English lyric] All these people drinking lover's spit They sit around and clean their face with it And they listen to teeth to learn how to quit Tied to a night they never met You know it's ...

[中文对照] 所有这些人喝情人的吐 他们坐下来清洗他们的脸,它 他们听的牙齿,以了解如何退出 绑在晚上,他们从来没有见过 你知道它的时候,我们 白头到老,做一些狗屎 ...