英语人>英文歌词>专辑>专辑 Barry Manilow 中的所有曲目
专辑 Barry Manilow 中的所有曲目:

Barry Manilow


类型: album

[English]Please Don't Be Scared

[English lyric] There's a light, behind your eyes I see it shining, it only fades when you cry There's a heart that beats so strong I feel it dying when the night time lasts too long Now you ...

[中文对照] 有一盏灯,后面的你的眼睛 我看到它的光辉,你哭的时候它只是消失 有一个心脏的跳动那么强 我觉得它快死的时候晚上的时间持续过长 现在,我和你住我们的世纪 ...

[English]Keep Each Other Warm

[English lyric] If you're looking for the dream you dreamed of Open your eyes If you're looking for the one and only In your life, oh darling If you're looking for a friend to turn to Someone ...

[中文对照] 如果你正在寻找你梦寐以求的梦想 睁开你的眼睛 如果你正在寻找一个和唯一的 在你的生活,亲爱的哦 如果你正在寻找一个朋友转向 有人关心 ...

[English]Once And For All

[English lyric] You're a girl After my own heart You know your own mind We are a similar kind Separate yet intertwined We speak with a single voice But now we must make a choice Whether to ...

[中文对照] 你是女生 经过我自己的心脏 你知道你自己的心灵 我们是相似类型 独立又相互交织 我们讲同一种声音 但是现在我们必须做出选择 无论是谈恋爱 一劳永逸 ...

[English]The One That Got Away

[English lyric] So you have finally made up your mind Take one last look at who you're leaving behind We lost the ending we were too late But we took time enough to devestate When people never ...

[中文对照] 所以,你终于做了你的心 以一上一下你离开谁背后 我们失去的结束,我们都来不及了 但是,我们花了足够的时间来devestate 当人们从来不说的事 ...

[English]When The Good Times Come Again

[English lyric] Every rainbow has to have an end A pot of gold or dreams foretold May not be there my friend In this high and mighty world we live in Sometimes we have to break Sometimes we ...

[中文对照] 每个彩虹都必须有一个结束 黄金或梦想一锅预言 可能不会有我的朋友 在这种趾高气扬的世界,我们生活在 有时候,我们必须打破 有时候,我们不得不弯腰 ...

[English]Some Good Things Never Last

[English lyric] It's three in the morning You're no were in sight And all that I wanted was to be with you tonight The love in your eyes Is fading so fast No matter how hard we try Some good ...

[中文对照] 这是凌晨三点 你不是人视线 和所有我想要的是和你今晚 在你眼中的爱情 正在消失得这么快 无论怎么说,我们试试 有些美好的东西永远持续 但什么是好的持有 ...

[English]In Another World

[English lyric] This is the first time on my own This is the first time I've ever been alone like this The silence covers wall to wall I never knew how suddenly the night can fall Far away I ...

[中文对照] 这是第一次我自己 这是我第一次去过孤独像这样 沉默涵盖墙墙 我从来不知道晚上能怎么突然下降 远处 我可以在这里的城市尖叫 渐行渐远 ...

[English]You Begin Again

[English lyric] Sometimes it's hard to believe How simple life can be Just when you think You'll never reach the end You're finally round the bend and see There's no need to cry anymore Life's ...

[中文对照] 有时很难相信 如何简单的生活可以 当你认为 你永远也不会到达终点 你终于拐弯,看到 有没有必要哭了 生活中的比以前更好 昨天消逝的过去 你以为会持续疼痛 ...

[English]My Moonlight Memories Of You

[English lyric] One time in everybody's life There is a moment Like the moment we knew And if you're a fool You'll let it slip away Sometime in everybody's life There is a feeling A feeling so ...

[中文对照] 有一次,在每个人的生活 有一个时刻 就像现在我们知道 如果你是一个傻瓜 你会让它溜走 有时,在每个人的生活 有一种感觉 的感觉如此真实 ...

[English]Anyone Can Do The Hearthbreak

[English lyric] Take another step Tell another lie Hide another tear In the corner of your eye I don't understand What kind of game is this we're playing Dancin' in the dark Shadow's in the ...

[中文对照] 采取另一个步骤 告诉另一个谎言 隐藏另一个撕裂 在你的眼角 我不明白 什么样的游戏是这样的,我们正在玩 跳舞在黑暗中 影子在黑夜 慢慢脚麻 试图作出正确 ...

[English]A Little Traveling Music Please

[English lyric] On the road so long and lonely Can't believe I'm headed home to stay God I miss my one and only A little traveling music please Seems we're always seperating Still she doesn't ...

[中文对照] 在路上这么久,寂寞 不能相信我头球破门留 上帝,我想念我的唯一 小旅行的音乐,请 似乎我们总是分隔条件 尽管如此,她并没有让我失去了我的路 ...