[English]Ox Baker Triumphant
[English lyric] I will rise from the swamp where they dumped my private plane I'll be clutching the life preserver in my teeth And I will find the highway And I will flag down a truck Worry ...
[中文对照] 我将上升,从沼泽那里甩了我的私人飞机 我会抓着救生圈在我的牙齿 而且我会发现高速公路 我会标志下了车 在我的额头愁纹,两眼发直下方 而当我回过头来镇 ...
[English lyric] I got off work just past eleven Laid one finger to the breeze You can almost taste the action On nights like these Trees were bending in the wind You were forty miles away And ...
[中文对照] 我下车的工作刚刚过去的11 特微风一根手指 你几乎可以品尝到行动 在晚上像这样的 树木在风中弯曲 您共四十英里远 我是朝着你的方向 ...
[English]Sail Babylon Springs
[English lyric] But meanwhile downstairs, I'm setting up shop A little too proud to let the matter drop And I can hear you up there Isn't it romantic? You're huffing and puffing rearranging ...
[中文对照] 但与此同时楼下,我抢摊 有点太骄傲,让此事下降 我能听到你在那里 是不是很浪漫? 你气喘吁吁重新安排 泰坦尼克号上的躺椅 我端起一杯凉水抽 ...
[English]Sometimes I Still Feel The Bruise
[English lyric] This is just to say hello And to let you know I think of you from time to time I know I never really knew you, but somehow I miss you And wish that you'd stayed in my life ...
[中文对照] 这只是打招呼 并让你知道我对你的看法,不时 我知道,我从来没有真正认识你,但不知何故,我想念你 并希望你在我生命中留下 ...
[English]Wait For You
[English lyric] When it came time to wait for you I took the bus to malibu Found a cafe by the ocean Watched the sky for signs And a rainbow in the west Wrapped its coils around the earth like ...
[中文对照] 当它来到的时间来等你 我坐公共汽车到马里布 发现一间咖啡厅的海洋 看着天空的迹象 与西方一道彩虹 周围像蛇地球缠绕的线圈 我觉得我要窒息 ...
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- 本站所有歌词的所有者拥有该歌词的产权和版权,仅供教育目的及仅限个人使用。