[English lyric] The truth of my heart Is like a repressed tale A censored and silenced story Repression or restraint It is a delicate balance Between bleeding out what will make me drown And ...
[中文对照] 我的心脏真相 就像是一个压抑的故事 一个审查和沉默的故事 压抑或约束 这是一个微妙的平衡 间期出血什么会让我淹死 和关闭我不能溢出 无论哪种方式, ...
[English]A Greater Foundation
[English lyric] Reality no longer battles perception. This letter's written to no one. Sincere, I sought your truth and divine purpose through myths of revelation. Guidance all wrapped up in a ...
[中文对照] 现实不再再战看法。 这封信是写任何人。 真诚的, 我经历的启示神话寻求你的真理和神的目的。 指导都包裹在一个纸盒, 只支持这么久,我的心是敌人。 ...
[English lyric] Your resilience inspires me Facing tragedies I will never face Your presence is humbling To think of all that you have overcome It took such little pain For our lives to ...
[中文对照] 你的韧性激励我 面对悲剧,我将永远不会面临 您的光临是震撼人心 认为所有你克服 花这样的小痛 对于我们的生命凝聚 寻找什么,我可以在没有其他人已经找到 ...
[English]Wasted Words
[English lyric] There are days when sorrow seems never-ending, Like the countless roads upon which I've driven The price of attachment in pursuit of dreams That I so often can't seem to ...
[中文对照] 有天当悲伤似乎永无止境, 像无数的道路后,我已经驱动 附着在追求梦想的代价 我常常似乎无法记住 然而,有美丽的时候,不能包含有天 ...
[English]Whispering Silence
[English lyric] Each little piece begins to stack up Now suffering under the weight of my choices And I hardly recognise myself Somewhere along the line There stopped being lines at all ...
[中文对照] 每个小片开始叠起 现在,我选择的重压下痛苦 而且我几乎不认识自己 某处沿线 那里所有的不再是线 (耳语沉默) 花落无声 微妙的矛盾 在小兵妥协 ...
[English lyric] All these moments of pain Must add up to something, Our bodies have been trained to keep it all in, But our hearts, still hold on Some say to release it, forget about your ...
[中文对照] 疼痛所有这些时刻 必须加起来的东西, 我们的身体进行了培训,以保持这一切, 但我们的心,仍坚持 有人说,来释放它,忘掉你的过去, ...
[English]No Lungs To Breathe
[English lyric] I fought who I am inside Until I wanted, I wanted to die Instead of finding balance I found hatred Consumed by failures and ignoring my own strengths Pushed out sea without ...
[中文对照] 我打我里面谁 直到我想要的,我想死 与其寻找平衡,我发现仇恨 由故障所消耗,而忽略自己的长处 推出海上无学游泳 或滞留在沙漠中,没有肺呼吸 有没有肺呼吸 ...
[English lyric] Fighting so hard to be heard Yet having nothing to say You talk about changing masses But forget those close to you Most of us have given up On these words that all sound the ...
[中文对照] 战斗这么难听到 然而,有什么可说的 请您谈一下改变群众 但接近忘记那些你 我们大多数人都放弃了 这些话听起来都一样 但是,我还是愿意相信 ...
[English]My Only Home
[English lyric] Like a swarm of flies colliding with a moving windshield So are our lives on this never-ending road I have left behind my mark only to be later washed away And was consumed ...
[中文对照] 像苍蝇与运动挡风玻璃碰撞的群 那么,我们的生活在这永无止境的路 我留下我的印记只是后来冲走 而被消耗的诱惑力,尽管不可避免的衰败 ...
[English]Tear Out My Eyes
[English lyric] The storm is coming and I have no choice To accept nature or lose my voice Shall I scream and plead for nothing Or build a roof over my head? I mourn the days that I wasted ...
[中文对照] 风暴即将来临,我别无选择 要接受自然或失去我的声音 我会尖叫,恳求什么 或建立一个屋顶在我的头上? 我来悼念我浪费了天 试图改变什么已经被设置 对抗自己 ...
- 推荐专辑
- All I Want Is You
- White On Blonde
- Ritual De Lo Habitual
- Nine Lives
- Out Of Ashes
- More Songs From Pooh Corner
- Renegade
- Sports
- Nocturama
- Live In Japan
- The Chase
- Lessons In Love
- Praise & Blame
- Still Standing
- Diabolus In Musica
- Nowhere To Here
- Silverback Gorilla
- The Bedlam In Goliath
- Under The Lights
- The Money Store
- All lyrics are property and copyright of their owners. All lyrics provided for educational purposes only.
- 本站所有歌词的所有者拥有该歌词的产权和版权,仅供教育目的及仅限个人使用。