[English lyric] Yeah, I watch the storm clouds roll, Past the lighthouse and the shore, Beyond the breakers they do go, And where they’ll end up I don’t know. And when the weather finally ...
[中文对照] 是啊,我看乌云翻滚, 过去的灯塔和海岸, 除了断路器,他们干什么去了, 而他们最终会我不知道。 而当天气终于爆发, 我想在我的脸上感受到阳光, ...
[English]One Grain Of Sand
[English lyric] I don't wanna hold you if you wanna go And I'm not gonna make you feel love if you don't I would rather learn what it feels like to burn than feel nothing at all Oh, I used to ...
[中文对照] 我不想抱你,如果你想要去 而且我不会让你感到爱,如果你不这样做 我宁愿学习什么样的感觉烧的感觉比什么都 ...
[English]Tears Of Blood
[English lyric] I could come by rail, or Baby I could come by car, I’ve been missin’ you and Houston ain’t that far. And I cannot remember all the reasons that you left, I know none of them ...
[中文对照] 我能来通过铁路或宝贝,我能来的车程, 我一直在想念你,休斯敦并不遥远。 我不记得所有你离开的原因, 我知道他们都不在我的心脏戒指真。 ...
[English]I Do Not Love You
[English lyric] I do not love you for the way you kiss Though your lips, they can put me at ease And I do not love you for your sweet green eyes Though I love when they’re looking at me And I ...
[中文对照] 我不爱你,你接吻的方式 虽然你的嘴唇,就可以令我放松。 我不爱你,你的甜蜜绿色的眼睛 虽然我很喜欢当他们看着我 我不爱你了你的手的方式 ...
[English]City In Motion
[English lyric] All of the colors of the quickly setting sun, fill up your sky, A city in motion, you set a city in motion. You love the darkest parts, of every quick remark, if it’s cold and ...
[中文对照] 所有的快速夕阳的颜色,填满你的天空, 一个城市在运动中,您可以设置在运动中的城市。 你爱每一个快速句话的最黑暗的地方,如果它的冷,硬, ...
[English]Bitterness Or Sympathy
[English lyric] The first night I should’ve left you, Before I shut my eyes, I prayed to God I’d wake up somewhere else. When the mornin’ came to find me, You were sleepin’ there beside me, I ...
[中文对照] 第一天晚上,我已经离开你, 之前,我闭上眼睛, 我祈祷上帝我醒来别处。 当清晨来找到我, 你睡那里我身边, 我想知道这个噩梦永远结束... ...
[English lyric] In the sweet embrace of twilight, Just before the nighttime came, All her children in the front yard, There was laughter on the breeze. Then a call came from her father, In his ...
[中文对照] 在暮光之城的甜蜜的拥抱, 就在夜间来了, 在前院她所有的孩子, 有笑声的微风。 然后一个电话是来自她的父亲, 在他的房子一半跨镇, ...
[English]A Wedding In Connecticut
[English lyric] There was a pretty girl From some small suburb of Dallas And she came up to New York with a dream In the confusion and the noise All of her beauty and her poise Turned grey ...
[中文对照] 有一个漂亮的女孩 从一些小的郊区达拉斯 她来到了纽约,同一个梦想 在混乱和噪音 所有她的美貌和她的风度 就像城市街道旁的雪变成了灰色 ...
[English]Sweet Redemption
[English lyric] Your intentions, they don’t feel quite right, So you shut your eyes, And try again. Sweet redemption, is just out of sight, Swear that you don’t mind, You swear to lies again. ...
[中文对照] 你的意图,他们并不觉得挺合适的, 所以,你闭上你的眼睛, 然后再试一次。 甜赎回,只是淡出人们的视线, 发誓,你不介意的话, 你发誓谎言了。 ...
[English]In My Bones
[English lyric] I thought I saw an angel, calling me across the yard, She said “Baby, it’s been real, but now I’m gone.” I should’ve known much better, you can’t tame something that wild; When ...
[中文对照] 我以为我看见了天使,穿过院子给我打电话, 她说:“宝贝,它已经真实的,但现在我走了。 ” 我就知道好多了,你不能驯服的东西,野; ...
[English]October Trees
[English lyric] Wait for the light to come back on, You seem lost. Your back against the wall. It’s cold outside, it is winter in your heart, Your eyes go blind. You are shrouded in a fog. So ...
[中文对照] 等待指示灯回来的, 你似乎失去了。你的背部靠在墙上。 它的外面冷,是冬天在你的心脏, 你的眼睛失明。你是笼罩在一片迷雾。 ...
[English lyric] In a Mississippi hotel room I was wounded and confused as I watched the 10 o'clock news I was waiting on a late night call That I knew would never come and though I doubt it's ...
[中文对照] 在密西西比州的酒店房间 我被打伤和困惑,我看到10点钟的新闻 我在等待一个深夜电话 我知道永远不会来,但我怀疑它就是你想要的 我叫你从外面的步骤 ...
[English]About The Rain
[English lyric] I woke up in a sleepy airport bar all by myself, And the waitress stared and asked me, "may I get you something else?" So I thought for a moment, And before I grabbed my bags, ...
[中文对照] 我在一个昏昏欲睡的机场酒吧醒了全部由自己, 而女服务员盯着问我, “我可以给你什么东西? ” 于是我想了一会儿, 还没等我抓住了我的包, 我说, ...
[English lyric] One day my past will be much longer than my future so while I'm here I guess I'll make my noise as we are screamin' down the high way taking chances I think I'll give just ...
[中文对照] 有一天,我过去会比我的未来更长的时间 所以当我在这里我想我会让我的噪音 因为我们尖叫倒在高速路上走的机会 我想我会给刚够再给予多一些 ...
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