[English]Don't Kill It Carol
[English lyric] This wild rose that I hold in my hand It's the strangest thing I've seen, One bud only just started to show, And the leaves are the lightest green. It's had it's share of the ...
[中文对照] 这野玫瑰,我在我的手中持有 这是我见过的最奇怪的事情, 才刚刚开始显现出一个花蕾, 和叶子是最轻的绿色。 它有它的市场份额雨, ...
[English]You Angel You
[English lyric] You angel you, You got me under your wing, And the way you walk and the way you talk, Feel I could almost sing. You angel you, You're as fine as anything's fine, Though I just ...
[中文对照] 你的天使,你, 你让我在你的翅膀, 和你走路的样子,你说话的方式, 觉得我几乎可以唱歌。 你的天使,你, 你细如任何的罚款, ...
[English]Hollywood Town
[English lyric] Down, down in Hollywood town, The lost and found come to find their way, Walking outside, feelings they hide, Putting their pride through well known paces, Stepping on stars ...
[中文对照] 下来,在好莱坞城里下来, 失物招领来找到自己的方式, 走到外面,他们隐藏的感情, 通过众所周知的步伐将他们的骄傲, 踩着星星照耀着车, ...
[English]'Belle' Of The Earth
[English lyric] The road is empty, The subway lies ahead, There is no music all the sounds have gone dead. The day is misty, There's no life around, 'Cause there's something wrong in this ...
[中文对照] 这条路是空的, 地铁摆在面前, 没有音乐,所有的声音已经死了。 这一天是云雾缭绕, 有没有的生活, 因为这里有些不对劲在这个小镇。 在远处, ...
[English]Angels At My Gate
[English lyric] There's a finger on the dial, The lucky wheel goes round, Little joker knows he can't escape. The same time every year, The fun fair's back in town, Numbers in the air like ...
[中文对照] 有一个手指在表盘上, 幸运轮绕着, 小百搭知道自己无法逃脱。 同时,每年, 在嘉年华的回城, 数字像彩带的空气。 58 , 56 , 54 , ...
[English]You Are - I Am
[English lyric] You are, you are, You are the moment Martha's madman came out of darkness, You are the eyeglass of the nearly, nearly blind, You are the footprint in the sand of Easter island, ...
[中文对照] 你是,你是, 您是当下玛莎的疯子出来了黑暗, 你是近,几乎失明的眼镜, 您在复活节岛沙足迹, 您是融合在阳光的炉子。 我穿过寂寞的海队长哭了, ...
[English]Waiting For The Rain
[English lyric] Waiting for the rain, Waiting for the rain, You told me you were gonna make it, You told me you were gonna win, And I believed it was true, Yes I believed, I believed in you. ...
[中文对照] 等待雨, 等待雨, 你告诉我你要去做到, 你告诉我你要去的胜利, 我相信这是真的, 是的,我相信,我相信你。 你去那里穿过小巷跑, ...
[English lyric] Jesus Christ you've come out of hiding, Just sign on the dotted line, I'll see you're OK I'll say to you expenses are high, Seeing you've made it before I'll take 20% and no ...
[中文对照] 耶稣基督你已经走出藏身的, 刚刚签署的虚线,我会看到你真行 我要对你说的费用都很高, 看到你做了它之前,我要20%,没有更多的 (建筑) ...
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- All lyrics are property and copyright of their owners. All lyrics provided for educational purposes only.
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