英语人>英文歌词>专辑>专辑 America Must Be Destroyed 中的所有曲目
专辑 America Must Be Destroyed 中的所有曲目:

America Must Be Destroyed

歌手: GWAR

类型: album

[English]Ham On The Bone

[English lyric] Can you hear the whispering wind Over the screams of your dying friends? Did you know your life is mine? [Chorus:] You know what I got Ham on the bone A little thing I just ...

[中文对照] 你能听到的聂风 在你死去的朋友的尖叫声? 你知道你的生活是我的吗? [合唱: ] 你知道我得到了什么 火腿上的骨 一个小东西我不能放任不管 ...

[English]Crack In The Egg

[English lyric] The egg was spawned in our mutation pit In the bowels of your Earth it was grown Feeding on the blood of you loinspawn And all the filthy load that was blown Now the time is ...

[中文对照] 鸡蛋是催生了我们的基因突变坑 在大便的 地球它生长 喂养你loinspawn血 和所有的肮脏的负载被吹 现在的时间是正确的诞生 此外,无论是将秸秆地球 ...


[English lyric] Gor-Gor... Gor-Gor comes and sirens wail Mournful drone of babbling fail Thunderous gnashing firestorm Flames illuminate his form Gor-Gor comes and you must die Swats F-16s ...

[中文对照] 哥,哥......哥,哥来了,呼啸 失败咿咿呀呀凄厉无人机 雷鸣般的咬牙切齿风暴 火焰照亮了他的形式哥,哥来了,你必须死 扑打的F- 16战斗机从天空 ...

[English]Have You Seen Me?

[English lyric] Mommies, I've been stealing your babies I gag the brat and then maybe... I'll suck out his brain You know... Dead kids, they're making me feel almost hard Go get one from the ...

[中文对照] 妈咪,我一直在偷你的宝宝í作呕的小子,然后也许...... 我吸了他的大脑 你知道...死孩子,他们让我觉得几乎很难 走在校园里得到一 他放血就像卡住猪 ...

[English]The Morality Squad

[English lyric] [Sang by The Morality Squad] We're the Morality Squad Armed with the wrath of God My name is Granbo And here's my holy hot-rod Freedom to all the people Brave, true and strong ...

[中文对照] [桑用的道德队] 我们的道德小队武装神的忿怒 我的名字是Granbo 下面是我的圣热棒 自由,所有的人勇敢, 真强 自由,所有的人 除非我觉得你错了! ...

[English]Gilded Lily

[English lyric] Well I've been wearing a gilded lily Cunningly carved in a manner frilly To my design it was created No deviation was tolerated My gilded lily, he thinks he's funny My gilded ...

[中文对照] 嗯,我一直戴着百合花镀金 巧妙地雕刻的方式褶边 我的设计它的创建 无偏差容忍 我的镀金百合,他认为他的滑稽 我的镀金百合,他的身价现金货币 ...

[English]Poor Ole Tom

[English lyric] This is the story of poor ole tom: He wakes, crusted in vomit He sobs, his bowels release His face is painted like a clown His face contorts in agony [Chorus:] Poor Tom - Poor ...

[中文对照] 这是差极了汤姆的故事: 他醒来,结痂的呕吐物 他哽咽着,他的肠子释放 他的脸被涂上像小丑 他的脸扭动痛苦 [合唱: ] 可怜的汤姆 - 可怜极了汤姆 ...

[English]Rock N Roll Never Felt So Good

[English lyric] I met her at a donkey show. She was minutes past thirteen. Sucking on a cherry yoo-hoo. Reading "Nugget" magazine. Cum splattered tube-top. Scrawny pre-pube tits. That's when I ...

[中文对照] 我见到她在毛驴表演。 她分了13 。 吮吸樱桃俞灏。 读“掘金”杂志上。 暨四溅管顶部。 骨瘦如柴的预pube山雀。 ...


[English lyric] At home we're bored Just got off another shitty tour Moat filled with flaming pus Sleazy, he wont talk to us Fondle fish in way illegal Coffin filled with dirty needles ...

[中文对照] 在家里,我们很无聊 刚下车又低劣之旅 护城河充满了燃烧的脓液单薄, 他不会跟我们谈的方式非法挲鱼 棺材里充满了肮脏的针头 [合唱: ] 天哪!天哪! ...

[English]The Road Behind

[English lyric] Well I'm traveling down the road And I'm carrying that heavy load I walk around in a stupor Sleazy, I cant do the show Hanging out backstage I'm in a homocidal rage I signed a ...

[中文对照] 嗯,我行驶在路上 而且我背着这沉重的负荷我昏迷单薄走动, 我不能做节目 挂出后台 我在homocidal愤怒我公司签订了数百万美元的合同 í ...

[English]Pussy Planet

[English lyric] Into the valley we go To bliss the witch, she sucking Ultimate power Life's suck zonk zone Stands over you Squat launching you WAHHH WAHHHHH Humans squirm, stomachs churning ...

[中文对照] 进入我们去山谷 极乐女巫,她吸吮 终极力量 生活中的吸zonk区 身高超过你 蹲启动你 WAHHH WAHHHHH 人类的蠕动,胃翻腾 种子浪费和能源 ...