英语人>英文歌词>专辑>专辑 Almost Here 中的所有曲目
专辑 Almost Here 中的所有曲目:

Almost Here


类型: album


[English lyric] Attention! Attention! May I have all your eyes and ears to the front of the room, if only, if only for one second. This table has taken a turn for the worst. Rock bottom and ...

[中文对照] 注意!注意! 我可以把所有的眼睛和耳朵的房间前, 如果只有,如果只有一秒钟。 此表有转了最坏的打算。 谷底,并在边缘 同时它不喜欢它伤害了这么多呢。 ...


[English lyric] Wake up, think fast, three weeks have passed. We are changing. No sleep, no gas, no excuses will pass these lips Cause we're shapin' up to be all you wish you could have been ...

[中文对照] 醒醒吧,思维敏捷,三个星期过去了。 我们正在改变。不睡觉,不产气,不找借口将通过这些嘴唇 因为我们是夏平“后成为你愿意,你可以一直 写安打,把他们的头 ...

[English]Slow Down

[English lyric] Close the door and take the stairs. Up or down? Ups and downs. Don't pretend you've never been there. You kiss me like an overdramatic actor who's starving for work, with one ...

[中文对照] 关上门,走楼梯。 涨还是跌?跌宕起伏。 不要假装你从来没有去过那里。 你吻我像一个overdramatic演员是谁挨饿的工作, 以最后一搏来做到这一点。 ...

[English]The Phrase That Pays

[English lyric] My eyes can't believe what they have seen. In the corner of your room you've stockpiled millions of my memories. Oh Doctor, Doctor, I must have gotten this sick somehow. I'm ...

[中文对照] 我的眼睛不敢相信他们所看到的。 在房间的角落里你储存的数以百万计的我的记忆。 呵呵医生,医生,我必须以某种方式得到了这个病。 我要问你一系列问题, ...

[English]Black Mamba

[English lyric] we've got one chance to break out and we need it now cause i'm sick and tired of waiting sick of this fucking apartment love me or leave me or rip me apart this is the voice ...

[中文对照] 我们已经得到了一个机会突围 而我们现在就需要 因为我厌倦了等待 生病的这他妈的公寓 爱我或离开我或撕裂我除了 这是我得到的声音, ...

[English]Skeptics And True Believers

[English lyric] Don't be so scared, we will not lead you on like you've been doing for weeks. So you're selfish, and I'm sorry. When I'm gone you'll be going nowhere fast Nowhere fast, nowhere ...

[中文对照] 不要害怕,我们不会带领你,就像你一直在做了几个星期。 所以,你是自私,对不起。 当我走了你会无处可去快 无处快,无处快。 [合唱: ] ...


[English lyric] My life reads like the classifieds. Pages of what's for sale; what's on the auction block. Attention bidders! It's Lot 45. He's got a decent voice, he's got that crooked smile. ...

[中文对照] 我的人生就像读了公告。 什么是出售页;什么是拍卖台上。 投标人的关注!它的地段45 。 他有一个像样的声音,他得到了那坏坏的笑。 ...


[English lyric] So there you are, and here I stand, As far as I remember you weren't half bad. Your bedroom behavior was never more than checkmarks on bedposts. For I remember we never had. ...

[中文对照] 你就在那儿,而我站在这里, 至于我记得你是不是一半坏。 你的卧室行为从来都只是在床柱对号以上。 因为我记得我们从来没有过。 [预合唱:] ...

[English]Down And Out

[English lyric] Out of the box, out of the kitchen. Out of the world she's grown so fearful of, so fearful of. I don't ever want to see you again. I don't ever want to see you again. I don't ...

[中文对照] 开箱,走出厨房。 离开世界,她的成长很可怕的,很可怕的。 我再也不想见到你。 我再也不想见到你。 我再也不想见到你。 我再也不想见到你,我的朋友。 ...

[English]Almost Here

[English lyric] So listen up. I worked in daylight feeding fashion to housewives. For just this once, I'll take my chances on truck stops and state lines. Go ahead and tell them again. Well I ...

[中文对照] 听好了。 我曾在白天喂食的方式,以家庭主妇。 对于只是这一次,我要我的车停和国家线的机会。 来吧,再告诉他们。 嗯,我想我知道他们不会记得。 ...