英语人>英文歌词>专辑>歌手VANESSA WILLIAMS的其它曲目

[English]Colors Of The Wind

[English lyric] You think I'm an ignorant savage And you've been so many places I guess it must be so But still I can not see Is the savage one is me How can there be so much that you don't ...

[中文对照] 你以为我是一个无知的野蛮人 而且你已经这么多地方,我想这一定是这样 但我看不到 是野蛮的一个是我 怎么会有这么多,你不知道吗? 你不知道 ...

[English]My Flame

[English lyric] Uh how long How long have you been away? Oh how long, can't find no words to say I've kept your picture on my shelf (thinkin' 'bout you babe) Only there to remind myself ...

[中文对照] 呃多久 你有多久没有离开? 哦多久,找不到无以言说 我一直保留着你的照片在我的书架(想着\'回合你宝贝) 只是为了提醒自己(在想\'回合你宝贝) ...

[English]Open Your Eyes, You Can Fly

[English lyric] Never be afraid to love Never be afraid to just be Just cast away the chains of doubt Have the courage to be free Don't cloud your rise with father's lies See only what you ...

[中文对照] 不要害怕爱 不要害怕只是 刚刚摆脱疑问链 有这样的勇气是免费的 不影响你的上升与父亲的谎言 只有你想看什么看 要stuplicate一个简单的事实 ...

[English]Where Do We Go From Here?

[English lyric] Life can be strange, somethings we forget Or rearrange in time, lose the past Tell me the truth, tell me how can I know That this new love of ours, that it's gonna last I need ...

[中文对照] 生活可以是奇怪的,有些事情我们忘记 或重新安排时间,忘记过去 跟我说实话,告诉我,我怎么能知道 这个新的爱我们的,它是会过去的 ...