[English]Acid Nation
[English lyric] Huddled in this acid nation with apprehension, You are expected to gulp down hindrance. This is a celebration of spirit and of mind. When your bodies resignation is heard you ...
[中文对照] 蜷缩在此与忐忑酸的国家, 您预计吞掉障碍。 这是一个庆祝和心灵的精神。 当你的身体辞职的一声就可以忽略不计。 这是一登记分发。 我们将坚持不懈 ...
[English]All Eyes On The Saint
[English lyric] 22nd of June, 209 AD, A crowd gathers. Ohhh they fuckin' love a good beheading. Watch as St.Alban's head, rolls down the hill. The crowd stood still, 'cause what they just saw, ...
[中文对照] 6月22日,公元209,人群聚集。 噢噢噢,他们该死的爱的好斩首。 看着St.Alban的头部,滚下山坡。 众人站定, “导致了他们刚刚看到, ...
[English lyric] I only smoke weed when I need to and I need to get some rest yo wheres the sex I confess I burned a hole in the mattress yes yes that was me, I plead guilty and at the count of ...
[中文对照] 我只抽烟杂草,当我需要 我需要休息一下 哟哪来的性爱 我承认 我在床垫烧了一个洞是是 那是我的,我认罪 并在数到三 我拉回来的羽绒被 让我的方式到冰箱 ...
[English]Keep It On Ice
[English lyric] I'm biting the blade of your scissors As the champagne fizzes Keep it on ice There's plenty more biting to do yet Words dribble from my mouth As I freeze your lungs So have ...
[中文对照] 我咬你的剪刀的刀片 由于香槟fizzes 保持冰 还有很多更刺骨做还 话从我嘴里运球 我冻结你的肺 所以,有一点希望 穿透 你他妈的面很纠结 ...
[English lyric] To take away our expression Is to impoverish our existence Oi! Yeah, kick it. Yeah. It's insatiable; What we're waiting for So to keep us from falling apart We'll write songs ...
[中文对照] 要拿走我们的表达 是贫瘠我们的存在 爱! 是啊,踢它。 是啊。 这是得寸进尺; 我们在等待 所以让我们从分崩离析 我们将在黑暗中写的歌 ...
[English]Rat Race
[English lyric] My heart beats in my head and it's thunderous Those caught in the rat race plunder us They know what's best for us They know what's best for us Gotta keep up, gotta get ahead ...
[中文对照] 在我的团长我的心脏跳动,这是如雷 那些陷入老鼠赛跑掠夺我们 他们知道什么是对我们最好的 他们知道什么是对我们最好的 总得跟上,得人头 ...
[English]The Paddington Frisk
[English lyric] To be strung up on a leafless tree, Where everything dies and nothing grows Hanging like moulding fruit One last dance whilst you decompose On come the paddington spectacles A ...
[中文对照] 被串成了一个光秃秃的树, 这里的一切死并没有什么增长 挂像水果成型 而你分解,最后一舞 来吧帕丁顿眼镜 黑色瘟疫对所有我很钦佩 的植物的早餐,丰盛的扼流 ...
[English lyric] Yes, axiomatic subject matter,executed with absolute lucidity. Alright We can't keep deferring action, only surviving by the skin of our teeth. We can't keep deferring action, ...
[中文对照] 是的,不言自明的题材,执行具有绝对的洞察力。 好吧 我们不能让推迟行动, 唯一幸存的通过我们的牙齿皮肤。 我们不能让推迟行动, ...
[English lyric] Shikari was a third generation Aztec, his tribe accepting human reality It was the basis of their ability, to sustain with human tranquility But civilizations encouraged ...
[中文对照] Shikari是一个第三代的阿兹台克人,他的部落接受人类现实 这是对自己的能力的基础上,以维持人类的安宁 但文明鼓励宗教从而引入堕落 ...
[English]We Can Breathe In Space, They Just Don't Want Us To Escape
[English lyric] And what comes next? A chance to save ourselves? Imagine magma encrusted in rock And on the surface of this world, all eyes are on the clock Cos all our empires, our ...
[中文对照] 而下一步怎么走? 一个偶然的机会自救? 试想一下,缀满岩浆岩 而这个世界的表面上,所有的目光都集中在时钟 ...
- 推荐专辑
- The Trouble With The Truth
- Panda Bear
- Here She Is...
- Mind Control
- I, Swinger
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- All The Right Wrongs
- Tropical Storm
- Both Sides Of The Gun
- Burning The Day
- All The Time In The World
- Going Out In Style
- Bring It On!
- Momentary Setback
- Live, Laugh, Love
- Silent Cry
- Silver Linings
- Vengeance
- All lyrics are property and copyright of their owners. All lyrics provided for educational purposes only.
- 本站所有歌词的所有者拥有该歌词的产权和版权,仅供教育目的及仅限个人使用。