英语人>英文歌词>专辑>歌手BALANCE AND COMPOSURE的其它曲目


[English lyric] Don't let, don't let it go to your head For now you are victorious but soon to dread The thought of your actions with such great passion She's basically dead on the cold ...

[中文对照] 不要让,不要让它去你的头 现在,你胜利了,但很快就害怕 有这么大的热情你的行动的想法 她在冰冷的水泥基本上死了。 你应该看到了我的眼睛难以置信烧的方式 ...

[English]Finished With A Door Slam

[English lyric] I dropped you off and I headed home, I drove fast but I was all alone. My eyes bled as I travelled down the road. Then my thoughts left my tongue in speeches I had never ...

[中文对照] 我放弃你了,我头球破门, 我开车快,但我还是独自一人。 我的眼睛流血,因为我走过的道路。 然后,我的想法离开了我的舌头 在发言中我从来没有计划。 ...


[English lyric] This is the first time that I've seen Exactly where I want to be and how the fuck I'll make it there And I'm sick of looking back at all the chances I once had To see for the ...

[中文对照] 这是我第一次见过 正是我想要 以及如何他妈的我会在那里 而且我生病的回顾 在所有的机会我曾经 看,第一次 他们都从它爬走得很慢,都怕的光 ...


[English lyric] Picture in my head stretches miles wide Picture in my head is burning me inside tonight I’d like to know the facts before they deceive me Why the mountains touch the sky, no ...

[中文对照] 画面在我的脑海 绵延英里宽 画面在我的脑海 燃烧我今晚内 我想知道的事实 他们骗我面前 为什么山上触摸到天空, 我下面没有接地, ...


[English lyric] Why do you say, the things that you say? Does it make you feel stronger, taller than me? Cause I'm under the dirt, it's under your feet With some awfully thoughtful wishes I've ...

[中文对照] 为什么这么说呢,你说的事吗? 这会让你感觉更强壮,比我高? 因为我下的污垢,这是在你的脚下 对于某些天威周到的愿望,我的梦想 转向水寒,喝了这一切 ...


[English lyric] Come ready, don't be afraid. All I ask is for your cooperation. I'm not ready to be a slave. All my life these mindless questions. There's a hole in my head. I keep it quiet, ...

[中文对照] 快来准备,不要害怕。我想问的是你的合作。 我还没准备好成为一个奴隶。我所有的生活中,这些没头脑的问题。 有一个在我头上的洞。我把它安静,但我没有意愿去。 ...

[English]Twenty Four

[English lyric] I was watching October sky in mid July when I lost my self control It's kind of funny how time goes by and we wonder why and where the fuck did it go? I'm sick of having my ...

[中文对照] 我看十月的天空在七月中旬的时候我失去了我的自我控制 这是一种有趣的时光如何流逝,我们想知道为什么在哪里,他妈的去了? 我生病了有我的朋友死了 ...

[English]You Can't Fix Me

[English lyric] Don't waste a breath on me, or even call. How have you been sleeping? Cause it's been calm, Keep it off from me I can't keep still in the deep end Don't carry me to leave me to ...

[中文对照] 不要浪费我的呼吸,甚至打电话。 你怎么睡? 导致它一直平静, 保持下去,从我,我无法保持静止在深水的一端 不要带我离开我死 自私的心脏,这是我在外面 ...