英语人>英文歌词>专辑>专辑 20 中的所有曲目
专辑 20 中的所有曲目:



类型: album


[English lyric] Imagination is funny It makes a cloudy day sunny It makes a bee think of honey Just like I think of you Imagination is crazy Your whole perspective gets hazy It starts you ...

[中文对照] 想象力是搞笑 它使一个阴天晴天 它使蜜蜂想到蜂蜜 就像我对你的看法 想象力是疯狂 你的整个视角变得朦胧 它开始你问菊花做什么 该怎么办 ...

[English]Do You Know What It Means To Miss New Orleans

[English lyric] Do you know what it means to miss New Orleans And miss her each night and day I know I'm not wrong because the feeling's Getting stronger the longer I stay away Miss the ...

[中文对照] 你知道这意味着什么错过新奥尔良 每一个白天和黑夜和想念她 我知道我没有错,因为感情的 渐浓的时间越长我远离 错过了青苔覆盖的藤蔓,高大的松树糖 ...

[English]Basin Street Blues

[English lyric] Basin Street is the street Where all the white and the black folk meet Down in New Orleans, the land of dreams You never know how much it seems Not just how much it really ...

[中文对照] 盆地街街道 其中所有的白色和黑色的民间相遇 唐恩在新奥尔良,梦想之地 你永远不知道有多少,似乎 不只是多少的真正含义 我很高兴能, yessirree ...

[English]Please Don't Talk About Me When I'm Gone

[English lyric] Oh please, don't talk about me when I'm gone Although our friendship ceases from now on Hey Carmen, if you can't say anything real nice It's better not to talk at all, that's ...

[中文对照] 拜托,不要谈我,当我走了 虽然我们的友谊从现在开始停止 嘿卡门,如果你什么都不能说真正的好 这是最好不要说话了,这是我的建议 我们离别 你走你的路 ...

[English]Stars Fell On Alabama

[English lyric] Moonlight and magnolias, starlight in your hair All the world a dream come true Did it really happen, was I really there Was I really there with you We lived our little drama, ...

[中文对照] 月光和木兰,星光在你的头发 世界上所有的梦想成真 难道它真的发生了,是我真的有 当时我真的有你 我们住我们的小话剧,我们吻在白场 ...


[English lyric] S' wonderful! 'S marvelous! You should care for me! S' awful nice! 'S paradise! S' what I love to see! You've made my life so glamorous You can't blame me for feeling amorous. ...

[中文对照] S\'太棒了! “绝妙! 你应该照顾我! S\'可怕的真好!的天堂! S\'我喜欢看! 你让我的生活如此光鲜亮丽 你不能责怪我的感觉多情。 哦!太好了! ...

[English]If Only I Had A Brain

[English lyric] I could while away the hours Conferrin with the flowers Consultin with the rain And my head I'd be scratchin While my thoughts were busy hatchin If I only had a brain I'd ...

[中文对照] 我可以消磨时间 同花Conferrin 随着雨水Consultin 而我的头我会scratchin 而我的想法是忙碌hatchin 如果我有脑 ...

[English]Do Nothin' Till You Hear From Me

[English lyric] Do nothin' till you hear from me Pay no attention to what's said Why one should tear the seam of anyone's dream It's over my head Do nothin' till you hear from me At least ...

[中文对照] 做没什么,直到你听到我的消息 不注重什么说 为什么要撕人的梦想缝 这是在我的头上 做没什么,直到你听到我的消息 至少要考虑我们的浪漫 ...