英语人>词典>汉英 : 龙德 的英文翻译,例句
龙德 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与龙德相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This is the website of the Shilong dexing Aseptic cultured plant Co.


Assuming Mulvey to be the first term of his series, Penrose, Bartell d'Arcy, professor Goodwin, Julius Mastiansky, John Henry Menton, Father Bernard Corrigan, a farmer at the Royal Dublin Society's Horse Show, Maggot O'Reilly, Matthew Dillon, Valentine Blake Dillon, Christopher Callinan, Lenehan, an Italian organgrinder, an unknown gentleman in the Gaiety Theatre, Benjamin Dollard, Simon Dedalus, Andrew Burke, Joseph Cuffe, Wisdom Hely, Alderman John Hooper, Dr Francis Brady, Father Sebastian of Mount Argus, a bootblack at the General Post Office, Hugh E.


But the commander-in-chief Rundstedt think this is the Allied diversionary tactics, and do not care.


However, I would like to acknowledge, especially, B. Gentry Lee; the Cosmos production staff, including the senior producers Geoffrey Haines-Stiles and David Kennard and the executive producer Adrian Malone; the artists Jon Lomberg (who played a criticalrole in the original design and organization of the Cosmos visuals), John Allison, AdolfSchaller, Rick Sternbach, Don Davies, Brown, and Anne Norcia; consultants Donald Goldsmith, Owen Gingerich, Paul Fox, and Diane Ackerman; Cameron Beck; the KCET management, particularly Greg Andorfer, who first carried KCET's proposal to us, Chuck Allen, William Lamb, and James Loper; and the underwriters and co-producers of the Cosmos television series, including the Atlantic Richfield Company, the Corporation forPublic Broadcasting, the Arthur Vining Davis Foundations, the Alfred P.

然而,我还要特别感谢 B·金特里·李及《宇宙》电视系列片全体制作人员——包括老一辈制片人杰弗里·海恩斯-斯太尔斯和戴维·凯纳德以及监制人艾德里南·马龙,画家乔恩·龙伯格(他那富有独创性的布景设计与组织能力对《宇宙》的拍摄起了关键性的作用)、约翰·阿利森、阿道夫·沙勒、里克·斯特恩巴赫、唐·戴维斯、布朗和安妮·诺西亚;顾问唐纳德·戈德史密斯、欧文·金杰里奇、保罗·福克斯和黛安妮·阿克曼、卡墨伦·拜克;KCET管理人员,特别是格雷格·安多尔弗(他首先把KCET的建议传达给我们)、丘克·艾伦、威廉·拉姆和詹姆斯·洛珀,《宇宙》电视系列片的担保人和合作制片人,其中包括大西洋里奇菲尔德公司、公共广播公司、阿瑟·维宁·戴维斯基金会、艾尔弗雷德·斯龙基金会、英国广播公司和波利特尔国际组织。

Siegfried齐格弗里德: The warrior hero of the Nibelungenlied and other Germanic medieval epics, whose story is essentially that of his Norse prototype Sigurd.


The great Jesuit editors were almost in the seventeenth century; Gretserus (1562-1625), Fronto Ducaeus (Fronton du Duc, 1558-1624), Andreas Schott (1552-1629), were diligent editors of the Greek Fathers.

伟大的耶稣编辑们几乎在17世纪; Gretserus ( 1562年至1625年),额Ducaeus (弗龙德公司, 1558年至1624年),安德烈肖特( 1552年至1629年),是勤奋的编辑,希腊父亲。

Citroen in 1900, Andre Citroen invented the herringbone gear. In 1912, andriy Citroen started employing glyph gear as Citroen company product trademarks.

雪铁龙 1900年,安德烈·雪铁龙发明了人字形齿轮。1912年,安德列·雪铁龙开始用人字形齿轮作为雪铁龙公司产品的商标。

Of '09 to '0 nearly wiped out the colony, and only the timely arrival of Baron De La Warr with supplies convinced the survivors to remain.


With a climate remarkably similar to Bordeaux in the Gironde region of France, and with residents of many strong mid European ethnic backgrounds, Manjimup should become resident to many more vineyards as people come to better appreciate the benefits of the region and the climate.


The appellation roughly covers Gironde department.


更多网络解释与龙德相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

CALDERON, Mario:马里奥.卡尔德龙

CALDERON, Arias;阿里阿斯.卡尔德龙;; | CALDERON, Mario;马里奥.卡尔德龙;; | Calendar days;历日;;

Chevron Corporation:雪佛龙(雪佛龙德士古)

金佰利(金百利克拉)(品牌:可丽舒) Kimberly-Clark | 雪佛龙(雪佛龙德士古) Chevron Corporation | 吉百利(吉百利史威士股份有限公司) Cadbury Schweppes

Faerie Dragon:无-精灵龙、妖精龙

Druid of the Talon-DoT-猛爪德鲁伊、翔风德鲁伊、乌鸦、翔德 | Faerie Dragon-无-精灵龙、妖精龙 | └Mana Flare-MF-魔力之焰

KIDRON, Avraham:亚夫拉罕.基德龙

KIDANE-MARIAM, Betrou;贝特鲁.基达内-马里亚姆;; | KIDRON, Avraham;亚夫拉罕.基德龙;; | KIDRON, Mordechai;莫德哈伊.基德龙;;

KIDRON, Mordechai:莫德哈伊.基德龙

KIDRON, Avraham;亚夫拉罕.基德龙;; | KIDRON, Mordechai;莫德哈伊.基德龙;; | KIEJMAN, Georges;乔治.基日芒;;

Steve Merritt:雪佛龙-德士古公司 指导与环境小组

Valerie Crissey Lee 雪佛龙-德士古公司 指导与社会小组 | Steve Merritt 雪佛龙-德士古公司 指导与环境小组 | Anne O'Neal 雪佛龙-德士古公司 指导、环境与经 济小组

Chevron Texaco:雪佛龙-德士古(石油)公司

凭借着区域石油化工中心的地位,新加坡吸引了众多世界领先的石油、石油化工与专用化学品巨头,如埃克森美孚(ExxonMobil)、雪佛龙-德士古石油公司(Chevron Texaco)、巴斯夫(BASF)、日本住友化学公司(Sumitomo Chemicals)和三井化学(Mitsui C

Chevron Texaco:雪佛龙德士古

2001年10月,雪佛龙以390亿美元兼并了其主要竞争对手之一德士古,并以雪佛龙--德士古(Chevron Texaco)作为公司的名称. 2005年5月9日雪佛龙德士古宣布,更名为雪佛龙公司.

CALDERON, Arias:阿里阿斯.卡尔德龙

CALDERON FOURNIER, Rafael Angel;拉斐尔.安赫尔.卡尔德龙.福涅尔;; | CALDERON, Arias;阿里阿斯.卡尔德龙;; | CALDERON, Mario;马里奥.卡尔德龙;;


Gillingham 吉灵厄姆 | Gironde 纪龙德湾 | Glasgow 格拉斯哥