英语人>词典>汉英 : 鼻肉 的英文翻译,例句
鼻肉 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与鼻肉相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

His nose, I feel a little sharp,鼻翅no meat, no malar stay Hu .., upper lip, after there was a trace of damage, I dare not face up to two pairs of ...


Methods 13 patients with rhinopolypus were treated by fluticasone. The expression of PKC and the apoptosis of eosinophlis before and after treatment were detected by flow cytometry, and the normal membrane of nosepiece in 7 healthy subjects was used as control.


It is differential for the expression proteins of 2-DE profiles of human nasal polyps and polyposis and nasal mucosa tissue.


Calcium deficiency can cause night terrors, night waking,夜啼, muscle cramps infants, tetany, as well as congenital laryngeal chondromalacia ointment, baby should be given calcium and vitamin D, and more sun; if necessary, intravenous injection of 2, rhinitis , deviation of nasal septum, nasal polyps, adenoidal hypertrophy, tonsillar hypertrophy, hypertrophic uvula, etc., can be caused by nasopharyngeal cavity narrow, stuffy nose, respiratory congestion, lack of oxygen, affecting sleep, should be to check the diagnosis and treatment of facial features .


The potential prognostic factors (nasal obstruction, cross-sectional area of nasal cavity, rhinosinusitis severity, preoperative olfactory loss, nasal polyps, allergic rhinitis, concurrent septoplasty and turbinal surgery, postoperative steroid treatment) for improvement in olfaction after FESS were also evaluated in these patients.


The degree of eosinophil infiltration was determined by Chromotrope 2R histochemical method in the corresponding tissue. The number of EOS of blood was counted in each group. Result: There were more significant differences between either two groups about the level of tissue-bound IgE and the degree of eosinophil infiltration.


Methods: Eotaxin protein expression was measured by immunohistochemical techniques in 5 nasal polypous tissue specimens following 30 mg predisone oral doses per day for 7 days, 5 nasal polypous tissue specimens following 10 mg dexamethasone intravenous drops, 5 without any treatment and compared with the results from the inferior turbinate tissue specimens.


The partially middle turbinate was removed on one side and preserved on the opposite side. The time of postoperative debridement for nasal cavity, synechia of nasal cavity, and olfactory changes were assessed.


Methods Forty patients with nasal polyp and sinusitis were chosen. The partially middle turbinate was removed on one side and preserved on the opposite side. The time of postoperative debridement for nasal cavity, synechia of nasal cavity, and olfactory changes were assessed.


Methods Total 349 patients, 265 case with chronic hypertrophic rhinitis and 203 case underwent two partial inferior turbinectomy and 62 case underwent partial inferior and middle turbinectomy, 46 case with nasal polyps and chronic sinusitis and underwent nasal polypectomy and transnasal ethmoidectomy, 38 case with deviation of nasal septum and underwent septoplasty.


更多网络解释与鼻肉相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

dumpy nose:肉鼻子

蒜头鼻pug nose | 肉鼻子dumpy nose | 朝天鼻upturned nose

nasal polyposis:鼻息肉病

近年来,许多学者提出鼻息肉病(nasal polyposis)的改变,但临床上鼻息肉和鼻息肉病尚无明确的区分标准. 下列情况应考虑为鼻息肉病:①有鼻息肉前期手术及术后复发史;②糖皮质激素类治疗有效;③息肉样变粘膜与正常粘膜无明显分界线;

nasal polyposis:鼻瘜肉

窄频带 narrow band | 鼻瘜肉 nasal polyposis | 鼻咽 nasopharyngeal

polypus:鼻 息 肉

Lung 肺 | Polypus 鼻 息 肉 | Ulcer Nasal 鼻 塞

saddle nose:马鞍鼻

鼻骨和硬腭可因树胶肿的破坏形成马鞍鼻(saddle nose)和硬腭穿孔. 凡上述病变,皆易在组织切片内查出苍白螺旋体. 婴儿先天性梅毒病变以皮肤粘膜病变和骨软骨炎为主,内脏有纤维化和梅毒性肉芽组织形成. 内脏病变程度决定病婴存活期的久暂.


rhinoplasty 鼻成形术 | rhinopolypus 鼻息肉 | rhinorrhagia 鼻出血


鼻孢子虫病(Rhinosporidiosis)是由希伯鼻孢子菌引起的主要侵犯鼻及鼻黏膜的良性、慢性肉芽肿性感染. 本病好发于热带及亚热带,80%以上的病例发生于印度和斯里兰卡,其他是南美洲的巴西和阿根廷. 在国内,1979年李新章首报多因接触受本菌污染的水或土壤而引起.

Rhinosporidium seeberi:西伯鼻孢子菌

诊断要点:1.常起于鼻中 ...鼻孢子菌病(rhinosporidiosis)是由西伯鼻孢子菌(Rhinosporidium Seeberi)引起的慢性肉芽肿性真菌病,可引起粘膜息肉,主要波及鼻部,也可波及眼,波及其他部位的粘膜,皮肤甚少波及.

breakfast bacon:烟熏肉冷盘

breakfast bacon 烟熏肉冷盘 | breakfast food 早饭食品;小吃食品 | breakfast sa美利坚合众国ge 早饭喷鼻肠;小吃喷鼻肠;菜喷鼻肠

nasal polyps:鼻息肉

鼻息肉(nasal polyps)是水肿的鼻粘膜突入鼻腔而形成的赘生物.鼻息肉是鼻部常见疾病,也与某些全身疾病有关. 它是由于鼻粘膜长期炎性反应引起组织水肿的结果. 鼻息肉多来源于中鼻道窦口、鼻道复合体和筛窦,高度水肿的鼻粘膜由中鼻道、窦口向鼻腔膨出下垂而形成息肉.