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鼻翼的 的英文翻译、例句


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The navvy, swaying, presses a forefinger against a wing of his nose and ejects from the farther nostril a long liquid jet of snot.


Was that the nose section problem you talked about just now?


The method by rhomboid excision of the part of soft tissue of nasal vestibule is effective and micro-invasive and easily acceptable.


Methods 78 cases with the broad nostril and droopy nasal ala were treated with rhomboid excision of the part of soft tissue of nasal vestibule and with nose augmentation at the same time.


Methods we developed a surgical technique to correct short nose by increase tissue volume in nasal tip ,nasal alae and the columella. The technique contain three steps:① Wide dissection and prolongation of the outer skin envelope to cover the lengthened framework by a "V" formed surgical approach from columellar base to inner edge of alae.②Silicone or expanded polytetrafluoroethylene implant is used to correct saddle nose and to length nasal framework.③A papilionaceous concha composite graft containing a elliptic ear cartilage and a onlay "V" formed skin and subcutaneous tissue is grafted to inner edge of columella and alae. Results we performed the procedure on 8 patients.


The limestone statue has gaunt cheeks and - most strikingly - a tipless nose.


Methods:All cases of nasal alar defect that were repaired by auricular composite graft.temporal L shape shin flap、tubed shin flap、z-plasty by residual nasal ala.expanded forehead flap and full-thickness skin graft,were reviewed and analyzed.


While the skin is still damp, smooth a quarter-size scoop of moisturizer with hyaluronic acid or glycerin over the face and neck, paying special attention to the corners of the mouth and nose.


Naturally, the primary factor of Deng Jianjin's works is "what he painted", in which the activities of the figures about the sexual desire are obvious. These activities are direct. For example, the activities of stretching tongue in A Piece of Afterglow, Breathing, Evanescent Landscape in A Flash, The Love Song of Dream , the activities of closing eyes, opening mouth and slightly vibrating nose in Taste , the activity similar to masturbation in Adolescent No.2, etc.


更多网络解释与鼻翼的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

aquiline nose:鹰钩鼻

鹰钩鼻(aquiline nose)主要表现为鼻尖过长下垂面部表情及运动时下垂更明显鹰钩鼻往往伴有驼峰鼻畸形其产生的主要原因有鼻翼软骨中间脚向下过度生长或内侧脚过长鼻中隔软骨过长鼻中隔降肌肥大通常东方人的鹰钩鼻畸形以中间脚过长为多

Columella nasi:鼻小柱

锥体的底即称鼻底(basis nasi),鼻底上有两个前鼻孔(anterior nares),两前鼻孔间的软组织分隔是鼻小柱(columella nasi). 鼻翼和面颊交界处有皮肤略呈凹陷的鼻唇沟(nasolabial fold). (一)支架 由骨和软骨共同构成.

pit crew:維修人員

后勤维修人员 (Pit Crew):指在维修区负责车队的工程师和技师. 赛车号码 (Race Number):在新赛季之前FIA会根据前一年的车手排名,给予每辆F1赛车一个号码,此号码必须是很清楚地展示于车体的车鼻翼两侧,离地高度最少要有25mm.

Michael Jackson:流行之王

7月26日讯 据台湾媒体报道,"流行之王"(Michael Jackson)不得全尸,不但脑被法医留下,传法医验尸时,他的鼻头鼻翼都不见,仅剩一个黑洞. 目击者爆料:"杰克逊平常套着假鼻子,遗体送来的时候,鼻子处只见一个小黑洞,周围露出软骨.

closely to moisten my skirt:(还紧紧沾着我的裙子)

to bump my wing of the nose (碰了我的鼻翼) | closely to moisten my skirt (还紧紧沾着我的裙子) | not to abandon to (不弃也不离)


鼻孔 鼻孔(Nares)为鼻腔的人口,由内、外侧鼻翼围成. 鼻翼(Alaenasi)由鼻翼软骨、肌肉和皮肤组成,有一定的弹性和活动性. 2. 鼻前庭 鼻前庭(Vestibulumnasi)为鼻腔前部被覆皮肤的部分. 马鼻前庭背侧皮下有一盲囊,向后达鼻颌切迹,


nosewing 鼻翼 | nosey 大鼻子的 | nosh 小吃

alae nasi:鼻翼

鼻尖两侧的半圆形膨隆部分谓鼻翼(alae nasi). 锥体的底即称鼻底(basis nasi),鼻底上有两个前鼻孔(anterior nares),两前鼻孔间的软组织分隔是鼻小柱(columella nasi). 鼻翼和面颊交界处有皮肤略呈凹陷的鼻唇沟(nasolabial fold).

Vestibulum nasi:鼻前庭

1.鼻前庭(vestibulum nasi)是由鼻翼围成的部分. 鼻前庭内面被以皮肤,生有鼻毛,有阻挡灰尘的作用. 其后上方有一弧形隆起,称鼻阈,是皮肤与粘膜的交界处,又是与固有鼻腔的分界线. 2.固有鼻腔(cavum nasi proprium)即通常所称的鼻腔. 前至鼻阈,

slip stream:气洞 (就是跟在前车时可占到的便宜)

Saber Teeth - 劍齒虎的牙, 指威廉士車隊的新鼻翼 (像吧!) | Slip Stream - 氣洞 (就是跟在前車時可占到的便宜) | Aerodynamic - 空氣力學(名), 符合空氣力學的 (型)