英语人>词典>汉英 : 鼻内的 的英文翻译,例句
鼻内的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
intranasal  ·  endonasl

更多网络例句与鼻内的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

To analyse eleven cases with cerebrospinal fluid rhinorrhea, pituitary tumor, encephalomeningocele, sphenoid sinus cyst and ethmoid sinus tumor, were analyzed from 1998 to 2004 and beening followed up for 6 months to 6 years.


objective to compare four postoperative nasal packing materials.methods total 136 patients,80 cases with chronic sinus it is and under went endoscopic sinussurgery,were randomly packed using four different hae mostasis materials.in which,paraffin gauze group was 40 cases,rapid sorbalgon group 27 cases,merocel group 36 cases and gel knit group 31 cases.the packing materials wereemoved after left for 24 hours to 48 hours.the efficacy of nasal packing materials was asassessed interm of the levels of nasal pain or headache in the leaving period and nasal bleeding after removal of nasal packing.results the in cidence rate of nasal pain or headache respectively was 82.5% in paraffin gauze group,44.4% in merocel,11.1% in sorbalgon and 3.2% in gel knit.the significant statistical difference was observedbetween the four groups (χ2=70.21,p.01).the incidence rate of nasal bleeding after removed was 85%,11.1%,41.7% and 9.7% respectively.the statistical difference was also significant (χ2=54.28,p.01).conclusions the choosing of postoperative na sal packing after functional endoscopic sinus sur gey depends on various factors,gel knit has much advantages and can be used as routine packs after fess.

摘 要]目的:比较四种鼻腔填塞材料的疗效,指导临床选择合适的术后鼻内填塞物。方法:对134例慢性鼻窦炎分别采用凡士林纱条(40例)、藻酸钙纤维(sorbalgon,27例)、膨胀海绵(merocel,36例)和瑞纳凝胶快速止血材料(gel knit,31例)四种材料填塞鼻腔,24 h~48 h取出填塞物,根据填塞后鼻腔胀痛、头痛程度,取出填塞物后鼻腔出血程度等评价疗效。结果:凡士林纱条填塞组,82.5%有鼻腔胀痛或头痛;sorbalgon藻酸钙纤维组11.1%;merocel组44.4%;gel knit组3.2%,四组比较差异非常显著(χ2=70.21,p.01)。取出填塞物后鼻腔再出血分别为85%,11.1%,41.7%和9.7%,四组比较差异非常显著(χ2=54.28,p.01)。结论:鼻内镜手术时,应综合考虑诸方面因素合理选用术后填塞物。瑞纳优势较为全面,可作为鼻内镜手术的常规填塞材料。

Objective To study the efficacy of intranasal structure-normalizing surgery in treating rhinogenic headache.

目的 探讨鼻内结构正常化手术治疗鼻源性头痛的疗效。

In addition,CT virtual endoscopy allows structural visualization of the paranasal sinuses and distal portion of obstruction with unconventional angles and locations not accessible with rhinoscopy.


Spring water also features:观音洞within漱玉泉washing Xinquan, pure to be learned; Beidou days inside the cave and stone pulp slurry Stephen Stephen, clean micro-Gan, considerable tension; Xianyan inside the仙泉one meter in diameter石穴, the permanent UN human consumption inside the cave, no increase or decrease throughout the year; Coccinella inside a岩隙, give birth to spring a few liters a day; in addition to milk Stephen Gan, Long nose, Shek Funamizu and so on.


Methods: Five cases were treated by transnasal endoscopic sphenoethmoidal optic canal decompression in clinic. Results: Three of them had their visual acuity improved from NLP, LP to 0.2~0.4 after the operation. the operative opportunity, merits of operative approaches, the key factors of treatment were discussed.


The chemicals are detected by a specialised organ in the nose, called the vomeronasal organ or VNO.


METHODS: From August 2004 to July 2008, 64 patients who received internal osteotomies in Taichung Veterans General Hospital were enrolled in this retrospective study.


Deformed nasal bony vault can be corrected by proper nasal osteotomies via internal continuous or external perforated method.


During operation, an intranasal and marginal combining incision was made to expl ore the alar cartilages and to from a mucosal-cartilage flap in the nasal vest ibule. After the deformity of septal cartilage and the abnormalities of the alar base on the cleft side were repaired, the total alar cartilage was repositioned and rotated with suspension and V-Y advancement to correct the nasal deformiti es. Results Since 1993, a total of 92 cases were treated by the above p rocedure and satisfactory results were obtained.


更多网络解释与鼻内的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


raloxifene 雷洛昔芬(雌激素拮抗药) | intranasal 鼻内的 | teriparatide 特立帕肽

nasal septum:鼻中隔

由皮肤覆盖,富有皮脂腺和汗腺,并长有鼻毛,鼻前庭皮肤与固有鼻腔粘膜交界处称为鼻阈或鼻内孔. 鼻的解剖二)固有鼻腔 通称鼻腔,有内,外,顶,底四壁. 1.内壁:即鼻中隔(nasal septum),由鼻中隔软骨(...


什么是隆鼻术: 隆鼻 术(Rhinoplasty)是指通过在鼻部填充各种自体、异体组织或组织代用品以垫高外鼻,达到改善鼻部容貌的手术. 有鼻小柱切口、鼻腔内切两种术式,其中鼻腔内切口(靠近鼻小柱一侧)因切口隐蔽、外表看不到痕迹而普通采用. 隆鼻医院 一、鼻子各部位的

Middle turbinate:中鼻甲

前鼻镜检查不易窥见.上鼻甲后上方为蝶筛隐窝(sphenoethmoid recess),蝶窦开口于此.图1-6 鼻腔外侧壁(上、中、下鼻甲部分去除)鼻的解剖(2)上鼻道(superior meatus):内有后组筛窦开口.鼻的解剖(3)中鼻甲(middle turbinate):系筛骨的突出部,中鼻甲中常有筛窦气房生长,


E. N. T. drill 耳鼻喉科用钻 | enteral 肠的,肠内的 | entero- 肠


intramyocardial 心肌内的 | intranarial 鼻孔内的 | intranasalanesthesia 鼻内麻醉


intranasalvaccination 鼻内接种 鼻腔内接种 | intranatal 产期内的 | intransit 转运途中


鼻内滴注 intranasal instillation | 生产时的 intranatal | 眼内 intraocular

paranasal sinuses:鼻旁窦

鼻旁窦(paranasal sinuses)鼻腔周围的颅骨,有些含气的空腔,与鼻腔相通,称鼻旁窦. 共四对,包括额窦、上颌窦、筛窦和碟窦,它们皆与鼻腔相通,额窦位于额骨内,开口于中鼻道;上颌窦最大,位于鼻腔两侧的上颌骨内,开口于中鼻道,由于窦口高于窦底部,

partial inferior turbinectomy:下鼻甲部分切除术

(2)下鼻甲部分切除术:下鼻甲部分切除术(partial inferior turbinectomy)是在局麻 下以下鼻甲剪或吸切器切除鼻甲肥大的部分(图1-8-1). 切除部分一般不要超过下鼻甲的1/3,如切除过多有可能发生继发性萎缩性鼻炎. 还可先将下鼻甲 向内骨折移位,