英语人>词典>汉英 : 鼓窦鼓室的 的英文翻译,例句
鼓窦鼓室的 的英文翻译、例句


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Results: HRCT findings of choleastoma of the middle ear were abnormal soft-tissue shadows in tympanic cavity and antrum and accompany with bony destruction, including dislocation and distruction of the ossicular chain, the erosion of scutum and...

结果 :66例中耳胆脂瘤HRCT表现为鼓室/鼓窦内团块状软组织影和骨质改变,包括听骨硬化、移位、破坏,盾板破坏及中耳腔扩大,有的还伴有乙状窦、天盖、面神经管及水平半规管的破坏。

Results HRCT findings of 45 cases of chronic otitis media with cholesteatoma included abnormal soft-tissue mass shadows in tympanic cavity of middle ear,sclerotic mastoid were observed in most cases, and bone changes including enlargment of the tympanic cavity with sclerotic border, the dislocation and destruction of the ossicles.The sigmoid sinus plate,tympanic tegmen, semicircular canal and facial nerve canal were destroyed in severe cases.

结果 胆脂瘤型慢性中耳炎患者HRCT表现:①45例均见中耳腔内团块状软组织影;②40例为硬化型乳突(88.9%);③骨质改变包括中耳腔扩大和周缘骨质硬化、听小骨的移位、破坏、乳突骨质的破坏,严重者可伴有乙状窦壁、鼓室盖、面神经管及半规管的破坏。

Methods: 8 patient of cholesteatoma tympani with 10 ears were irrigated with 3% Purslane after oto-endoscopic.


Methods 300 cases (560 ears)of temporal CT axial images which were divided into two groups were retrospectively analyzed by statistics methods. There were 158 cases(316 ears)in normal group and 142 cases(244 ears)in abnormal group .The incidence of high jugular bulb , dehiscent jugular bulb, anterior location of sigmoid sinus, large sinus tympani, aberrant internal carotid artery, dehiscent of the facial nerve canal, excess of Korner's septum and mastoid antrum dysplasia were recorded.


Results Spiral CT findings of cholesteatomtous tympanitis included: soft tissue mass in the tympanium, tympanal sinus and mastoid,destruction of the bone including ossicles chain,secutum,facial nerve canal,semricirular canal,sigmoid sinus plate, tegmenttympanic.


METHODS: Microanatomical study was carried out on 40 adult temporal bones with operation microscope to measure the height of pyramidal eminence and facial nerve canal, and the depth of facial recess and tympanic sinus.


Ordinary no destruction , the ossicular chain can be erosions and destruction , but more slight and no transitional .the major CT findings in simple chronic middle ear on 2 patients were soft tissue in middle ear cavity ,and 1 patient findings hydropneumo, the bone of tympanic cavity cirrhosis ,no destruction .


更多网络解释与鼓窦鼓室的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


向前借咽鼓管鼓口与鼻咽部相通,向后借鼓窦入口(aditus)、与鼓窦(antrum)相通,内有听骨、肌肉、韧带和神经. 鼓室粘膜和咽鼓管、鼓窦粘膜相连续. 在鼓膜、鼓岬和听骨表面的粘膜为无纤毛扁平上皮,其他部分为纤毛柱状上皮,粘膜内有分泌细胞.


向前借咽鼓管鼓口与鼻咽部相通,向后借鼓窦入口(aditus)、与鼓窦(antrum)相通,内有听骨、肌肉、韧带和神经. 鼓室粘膜和咽鼓管、鼓窦粘膜相连续. 在鼓膜、鼓岬和听骨表面的粘膜为无纤毛扁平上皮,其他部分为纤毛柱状上皮,粘膜内有分泌细胞.


主要观察"三A区"即上鼓室(Attic)、乳突窦入口(Aditus)、乳突窦(Antrum). 上鼓室或称鼓上隐窝呈新月形,是鼓室最宽部分,听小骨位于其中,乳突窦紧靠上鼓室的后上方. 骨桥(Bony bridge)能否显示作为梅氏位角度是否合适的一个标志.

middle ear:耳

位置: 位置 鼓膜 28 2,形态 形态 松弛部 鼓膜脐 紧张部 光锥 29 中耳(middle ear) 第二节 中耳 中耳位一含气的不规则腔道,位于颞骨岩部内, 包括鼓室,咽鼓管,乳突窦和乳突小房4部分.


现生的眼镜猴(tarsius)有大的眼眶,膨大的听泡和适应于跳跃的延长的上踝骨. 而鼠猴科不同于现生眼镜猴的是犬齿稍小,门齿长或缩小,某些属的牙齿原始而又具有分化的特征、缺少现生种中延长的次生鼓室的窦等. 头后骨骼明显地原始.