英语人>词典>汉英 : 鼎盛时期 的英文翻译,例句
鼎盛时期 的英文翻译、例句


Golden Age · a period of great prosperity · at the height of power and splendour
更多网络例句与鼎盛时期相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Southern Song Dynasty, Longquan celadon entered its heyday Chinese Longquan become one of the famous ceramic producing areas.


Much of what we think of as Amsterdam is the product of the Golden Age of Dutch classicism, the 17th century.


Hailing from the very many parts of the ancient tamil south which in its heydays extended from cape comorin to venkadam in north and from the kerala in west upto the eastern sea.


After reform and opening, Luzhou Qu Distillery into the peak.


Such show programmes, I think, is towering figure in the prime of its day, but doddering in its twilight.


Most historians believe that Etruscan society reached its hight height more than 2500 years ago.


A prime example of a Mayan sanctuary of the classical period, Palenque was at its height between A.D. 500 and 700, when its influence extended throughout the basin of the Usumacinta river.


Throughout the development of western philosophy, both metaphysics and ontology have their ups and downs, being chronically besmeared and oppressed.


Interest generated by the league's growing international initiatives has led to the televising of NBA games in 215 countries in 43 languages.


Chapter three to Qin Chinese local-style dwelling houses , room building and so ornamental as to explain of period, have also studied the low furniture in its heydays state.


更多网络解释与鼎盛时期相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

De Anima:《論靈魂>

此外,>(Quaestiones disputatae),>(Summa contra gentiles),>(De Anima)应该都几有名. 十三世纪,乃经院哲学的鼎盛时期,代表著中世纪神哲学发展的最高峰,



Blazing Saddles:神枪小子

>(Blazing Saddles)拍摄于1974年,那个时候西部片已经达到鼎盛时期,无数佳作珠玉在前. 所以当已经奔五十去但在好莱坞资历仍浅的梅尔.布鲁克斯(Mel Brooks)拿到拍摄计划时,许多人并不看好他. 此前,他仅执导过一部半红不火的>(The Producers),

top flourish:鼎盛时期

最高管理者:top management | 鼎盛时期:top flourish | 网络处理器:TOP-DOWN

golden age:黄金时代;(文艺)鼎盛时期

golden age 黄金时代;(文艺)鼎盛时期 | golden handshake 退休金 | golden mean 中庸之道


gullible 容易上当的 | stupendous 巨大的,惊人的,了不起的 | heyday 鼎盛时期

in their heyday:在他们鼎盛时期

4:a fourth consecutive term in office连任4届 | 5:in their heyday在他们鼎盛时期 | 6:tour-de-force力作,绝技

during its heyday:在鼎盛时期

durable goods 耐用品 285 | during its heyday 在鼎盛时期 222 | dwell on 停留在,细想 221

the heyday of the 1960s 20:世纪60年代的鼎盛时期

the hammer 链球 437 | the heyday of the 1960s 20世纪60年代的鼎盛时期 177 | the high-tech industry 高科技企业 319


SUSI的鼎盛时期已经过了吧. | sky第一 1486 | luci第二 1362