英语人>词典>汉英 : 黑颜料 的英文翻译,例句
黑颜料 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
black  ·  blacks  ·  blacked

更多网络例句与黑颜料相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

He found that the red pigment proved to be iron oxide, hematite; a yellow consisted of clay containing iron or yellow ochre; a blue color was a finely powdered glass; and a pale blue was a copper carbonate, probably azurite; green were malachite; black was charcoal or boneblack; gray, a limestone mixed with charcoal; and a quantity of pigment remaining in a paint pot used in the decoration, contained a mixture of hematite with limestone and clay.


We produce the bismuth vanadate yellow (PY 184), manganese ferrite black (PBk 26), copper chromite black (PBk 28), zinc ferrite yellow (PY 119), bone black (PBk 9), transparent iron oxide pigments, solvent-based and solvent-based transparent iron oxide pigment dispersions, umber and sienna, and so on by solely developed technology.


Behold, although his clothes was tailored barely enough to be the school wear style, the material was obviously the home-woven countrified coarse cloth; moreover, the black was dyed very uneven which presented a feeling of dinginess.


When our young men grow angry at some real or imaginary wrong, and disfigure their faces with black paint, it denotes that their hearts are black, and that they are often cruel and relentless, and our old men and old women are unable to restrain them.


Hucheloup, one fine morning, had seen fit to notify passers-by of this "specialty"; he had dipped a brush in a pot of black paint, and as he was an orthographer on his own account, as well as a cook after his own fashion, he had improvised on his wall this remarkable inscription:-- CARPES HO GRAS.

有天早晨,于什鲁忽然灵机一动,要把他这一"拿手好菜"给过路行人介绍一番,他拿起一管毛笔,在一个黑颜料钵里蘸上墨汁,由于他的拼写法和他的烹调法同样有他的独到之处,便在他的墙上信手涂写了这几个引人注目的大字: CARPES HO GRAS①有一年冬天,雨水和夹雪骤雨,出于兴之所至,把第一个词词尾的S和第三个词前面的G抹去了,剩下的只是: CARPE HO RAS②①Ho gras是au gras之误,但发音相同。

An unprintable secret behind the scenes; the cover-up for evil deeds),黑道日(凶日,an unlucky day,黑话(the secret jargon, the argot of criminals),黑货(stolen goods; smuggled goods ; opium),黑业,黑脸,黑心(black heart, evil heart; greed),黑道人物(a gangster; an underworld figure),黑店an inn which is run by thieves as a trap to steal, rob or even murder unwary travelers


Rhodamine B, Malachite green, Auramine O, Bismark Brown,Methyl Violet 5BN, Basic Magenta, Acid Orange II, Chrysophenine GX, Direct Fast Black G, Indigo, Sulphur Black, Solvent Red 24, Solvent Red 49, Solvent Brown 41, Solvent Orange 3,Pigment Yellow 154,155, Pigment Red 188,208, Meta-Diethyiaminophenol, M-Amino acetanilide , P-Amino acetanilide, etc.


The main characteristics of pigments were analyzed by chromometer, XRD, TEM, BET, magnetometer and so on, quantity of pigment and main characteristics are better than that of black iron oxide pigment on market and reached criterion and standard.


Iron oxide pigment is a color pigment whose basic substance is the oxide of iron,such as red oxide, yellow iron oxide, black iron oxide, and brown oxide.


Rail company's existing six red, four iron yellow, two black iron, an iron green, a total of 13 iron oxide pigment production line, under the holding company of Hangzhou Huayuan Germany, race, equity participation, companies such as Toda sambong an annual output of iron oxide paint 110,000 tons, including blending, roasting, ultra-fine deep processing production lines, annual output reached 10000 tons, the product varieties have iron oxide red, iron yellow, iron oxide black, iron orange, iron brown, green and ultra-fine iron, calcination deep-processing products, such as more than 50, more than 90% of export products, customers across five continents over 40 countries and regions.

公司现有六条铁红、四条铁黄、二条铁黑、一条铁绿,共十三条氧化铁颜料生产线,下属控股公司华源杭德、赛诺康、参股公司户田三峰等,年产氧化铁颜料11万吨,其中拼混、焙烧、超细深加工产品生产线,年产量达 10000余吨,产品品种有氧化铁红、铁黄、铁黑、铁橙、铁棕、铁绿以及超细、焙烧等深加工系列产品五十多个,产品90%以上外销,客户遍及五大洲四十多个国家和地区。

更多网络解释与黑颜料相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

burnt paper:煅烧纸(能产生一种优质黑颜料), 过干纸

burnt oil | 烧炼油 (油墨)调墨油 | burnt paper | 煅烧纸(能产生一种优质黑颜料), 过干纸 | burnt particles | 焦糊的颗粒(如乳粉)

ilmenite black:钛铁黑[将钛铁矿直接粉碎筛选制得之黑色颜料]

ilmenite 钛铁矿FeTiO3 | ilmenite black钛铁黑[将钛铁矿直接粉碎筛选制得之黑色颜料] | ilmenorutile 钛铁金红石


为了保证耐候性最好采用完全由无机颜料钛白、铁红 ( 黄相 ) 、铁红 ( 蓝相 ) 、铁黄、铁黑、氧化铬绿、钴蓝、铋黄八支色浆组成的色浆系统. 颜色接受性主要问题表现为展色 ( c o l o rdevelopment) 不佳、杂色斑点 (mottling) 、贝纳德旋涡 (Benard cell) 、返粗结粒 (seeding) 等现象.


(31)黄变;泛黄(yellowing)该膜在老化过程中出现的颜色变黄倾向. (32)变深(Darkening)色漆漆膜的颜色因受气候环境的影响晰逐渐变深、变暗(黑)的现象. 主要由于该基颜色固受紫外线辐射而变黄、变深.以及含铅颜料与大气中存在的硫蒸气或硫化氢气体发生化学反应生成黑色硫化铅而造成的.


(31)黄变;泛黄(yellowing)该膜在老化过程中出现的颜色变黄倾向. (32)变深(Darkening)色漆漆膜的颜色因受气候环境的影响晰逐渐变深、变暗(黑)的现象. 主要由于该基颜色固受紫外线辐射而变黄、变深.以及含铅颜料与大气中存在的硫蒸气或硫化氢气体发生化学反应生成黑色硫化铅而造成的.


ilmenite black钛铁黑[将钛铁矿直接粉碎筛选制得之黑色颜料] | ilmenorutile 钛铁金红石 | imidazole 咪唑;间二氮杂茂

Direct Black 179:直接黑179

3-吲哚醋酸 3-Indole-acetic acid | 直接黑179 Direct Black 179 | 颜料红112 Pigment Red 112

mineral black:黑颜料

mineral binder bond ==> 无机粘结剂结剂 | mineral black ==> 黑颜料 | mineral bond ==> 矿物类粘结剂

black powder:黑火药

制作工序如下:把大叶子放在树桩上,然后放上颜料(Pigments)、黑火药(Black Powder),最后用细草藤(Vines)把它们扎起来使用打火机点燃它,迅速离开. 然后会看到到一声爆炸,焰火顺着树干射向雷克斯龙,它似乎吓坏了,肉也不吃了,慌慌张张地逃跑了.