英语人>词典>汉英 : 黑色的 的英文翻译,例句
黑色的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
black  ·  blacker  ·  blackest  ·  blacks  ·  atramentous  ·  chromocratic  ·  melanic  ·  blacked  ·  Black  ·  sabled

更多网络例句与黑色的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

If you're wearing black pants you should have on black shoes and a black belt.


Practice this problem often ignored, as in blue or green liquid transparent business card printing and membership card making white open space, shenlan or caroba of bar code, the contents of the blue and green will make the bluish-white or produced at the open space of radiofrequent; the black West pumpkin seed and transparent business card printing and membership card making white and black bar for the bar code, black and white makes the contents of the open space in radiofrequent.


There is ablaze PVC to roll a margin on the frock that wide circle gets; Black coat buckles leather belt with black metal closely bundle go up in the body, getting a department is greatly black ruffle adornment; In the Chinese style shirt that black sets Phnom Penh faint show li of aureate garment, snowflake grain is below is tight 9 minutes of pants match short boots; Knitting coat of gray is in most the lower end uses button of a button, a suit by come greatly shallow gray because collarband greatly black flower adornment shows sense of humor of a kind of flower type.

问答小盆友在2009年3月21日 12:21说,宽大圆领的罩衫上镶着闪亮的PVC滚边;黑色的大衣用黑色金属扣皮带紧紧的束在身上,领部是大大的黑色皱褶装饰;黑色镶金边的中式衬衣里隐约露出金色的里衣,下面是雪花纹的紧身九分裤配短靴;灰色的针织外套在最下端用一粒纽扣扣住,一身由深至浅的灰色因为领口大大的黑色花朵装饰显出一种英式幽默感。

She wore a white lace edge T-shirt, dark blue thin sweater vest, as well as a black knee-length skirt, and


First there was the look of him: the coupe zé ro haircut under a black beret, the straggling beard, the black cape thrown dramatically across the shoulders, the belted soutane and muddy boots from tramping through slums.


Haircut under a black beret, the straggling beard, the black cape thrown dramatically across the shoulders, the belted soutane and muddy boots from tramping through slums.


A small white spot on the breast is permitted; any other markings are disqualifying faults.


Faults -Any colors other than specified, and any shadings or mixtures thereof in the topcoat such as rust, brown, red, yellow or tan; absence of peppering; spotting or striping; a black streak down the back; or a black saddle without typical salt and pepper coloring-and gray hairs in the coat of a black; in blacks, any undercoat color other than black.


Faults -Anycolors other than specified, and any shadings or mixtures thereof inthe topcoat such as rust, brown, red, yellow or tan; absence ofpeppering; spotting or striping; a black streak down the back; or ablack saddle without typical salt and pepper coloring-and gray hairs inthe coat of a black; in blacks, any undercoat color other than black.


Loss of color as a result of scars from cuts and bites is not a fault.Faults-Any colors other than specified, and any shadings or mixtures thereof in the topcoat such as rust, brown, red, yellow or tan; absence of peppering; spotting or striping; a black streak down the back; or a black saddle without typical salt and pepper coloring-and gray hairs in the coat of a black; in blacks, any undercoat color other than black.

被割伤或咬伤留下的疤痕而引起的褪色不属于缺陷。n缺陷:除了指定颜色以外的任何颜色,如椒盐色混合了铁锈色、棕色、红色、黄色和褐色;缺乏胡椒色;斑点或条纹;背上有黑色条纹;在黑色鞍状部分没有椒盐色毛发或黑色的雪纳瑞有灰色毛发;黑色雪纳瑞有其他颜色底毛。nn n 完美、有力、敏捷、大方、正确且标准的步态是由于后腿有力而且后腿角度合理,能很好的产生驱动力。

更多网络解释与黑色的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Not a black shirt. I see it. It's not black:不是黑色的T恤 我看见了 它不是黑的

- It's not black. - Look at it.|- 它不是黑色的 - 看看这 | Not a black shirt. I see it. It's not black.|不是黑色的T恤 我看见了 它不是黑的 | This shit is black.|这件是黑色的


blacking 黑色鞋油 | blackish 带黑色的 | blackjack 以棒打


blacking /黑色鞋油/黑色涂料/ | blackish /呈黑色的/ | blackjack /[纸牌] 二十一点/


84,"black","blk","黑色(的),黑暗的,暗淡的" | 85,"blackish","blksh","稍黑的,带黑色的" | 86,"blue","bl","蓝色(的),青色,变成蓝色"

in a black caftan:着黑色的衣服

when I suddenly encountered an apparition|当我突然遇到了一个幻影 | in a black caftan|着黑色的衣服 | and black hair locks!|黑色的卷发!

Black, his codpiece made of metal:黑色的裤裆盖是铁做的

Black, his gloves of finest mole 黑色的手套是最好的鼹鼠皮 | Black, his codpiece made of metal 黑色的裤裆盖是铁做的 | His horse is blacker than a hole 他的马比洞还黑

Black, his codpiece made of metal:黑色的护裆是铁做的

Black his gloves of finest mole 黑色的手套是最好的鼹鼠皮 | Black his codpiece made of metal黑色的护裆是铁做的 | His horse is black than a vole他的马比洞还黑

When I'm afraid. I am black:我害怕時,我是黑色的

When I'm cold. I am black. * 我寒冷時,我是黑色的 | When I'm afraid. I am black. * 我害怕時,我是黑色的 | When I'm sick. I am black. * 我生病時,我是黑色的


atrament 黑色物质 | atramentous 黑色的 | atraumatic 防止损伤的

And I had a black fluid coming out of my nose, and sort of a black vomit:还有黑色的液体从我鼻子里流出来 并呕吐过黑色物

Also you should know on my right hand some fingern... | And I had a black fluid coming out of my nose, and sort of a black vomit.|还有黑色的液体从我鼻子里流出来 并呕吐过黑色物 | What is happening to my...