英语人>词典>汉英 : 麻痹患者 的英文翻译,例句
麻痹患者 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
paralytic  ·  spastic

更多网络例句与麻痹患者相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

A physician managing patients with athetoid cerebral palsy should always be aware that an intraspinal cyst in the cerical spine may be the cause of cerical myelopathy.


The purpose of this study was to describe and compare selected temporal-distance gait measures, i.e., the velocity, cadence, stride length to lower-extremity length ratio, and stride length differential, among clients with spastic hemiplegia, spastic diplegia and athetoid quadriplegia.


Methods. A 60-year-old man with athetoid cerebral palsy and a history of posterior occipitocerical fusion presented with quadriparesis. Salage surgery for cerical myelopathy and pseudarthrosis was performed with laminectomy and rearthrodesis using the pedicle screw system. An intraspinal cyst was identified as the main cause of the paraparesis.


It turned out that polio outbreaks were most common in the hot months of summer, when people naturally ate more ice cream, showing only an association, Mr. Grier said.


This knee brace is designed for polio sufferers and the one having unstable lower limbs as well. In fact, the existing knee braces cannot completely meet the design requirements stated above. Therefore, it is necessary to use the same design concept of safe prosthesis knee joint onto that of the knee brace.


Patients with paresis of a leg and an National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale score of 4 to 30 points were included.


Swimming is one of the best' exercises for poliomyelitis patients.


Fifty-four patients (65 sides) with recurrent laryngeal nerve paralysis were examined and only the maximum fibrillation potential amplitudes were recorded in the posterior cricoarytenoid muscles and thyroarytenoid muscles.


Nape needle can decrease incidence of combined symptom of the patients with pseudobulbar palsy,while it hadnt obvious ill effect.


Cane and orthoses had significant effects on energy consumption in the disabled during walking.


更多网络解释与麻痹患者相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Cerebral palsy:大脑麻痹

在美国大脑麻痹(cerebral palsy)患者有约50万人,如生产时缺氧或者产前感染都可能导致出生前或者出生后出现的脑损伤,近年来由于婴儿存活率增加这类病人的数目也增加,病情严重程度也从微弱到完全失去活动能力不等.

neuroparalytic keratitis:神经麻痹性角膜炎

neuroparalysis 神经性麻痹 | neuroparalytic keratitis 神经麻痹性角膜炎 | neuropath 神经病患者

装病的人 (malinger 装病):Malingerer

Ambulantory patient住院患者可走动 (May ambulate, ambulatory, up ad lib, | Malingerer 装病的人 (malinger 装病) | Paretic 麻痹患者

Malingerer:装病的人 (malinger 装病)

Ambulantory patient住院患者可走动 (May ambulate, ambulatory, up ad lib, | Malingerer 装病的人 (malinger 装病) | Paretic 麻痹患者


病患除了有持续的自发性疼痛(Spontaneous Pain),患部也常常出现过度敏感(Hypersensative)、针刺(Tingling)、或麻痹(Numbness)的感觉. 根据多伦多大学颜面疼痛中心针对34位AFP的病患所做的调查显示四分之三以上的患者为女性2,3.

paralytic strabismus:麻痹性斜视

麻痹性斜视(paralytic strabismus)是以一条或数条眼外肌完全或不完全麻痹而引起的眼位偏斜,眼球运动受限,复视,眩晕,恶心呕吐等为特征的眼病. 为眼科临床常见病,多一眼发病,起病突然,患者往往因严重的自觉症状而影响工作及生活(1),属风牵偏视(2)等范畴.


paraplegia 截瘫 | paraplegic 半身麻痹的 | paraplegic 半身麻痹患者


paraplegic 半身麻痹的 | paraplegic 半身麻痹患者 | parapneumonia 类肺炎


Malingerer 装病的人 (malinger 装病) | Paretic 麻痹患者 | Malpractice 诊疗错误


spasmotherapy /痉挛疗法/ | spastic /抽筋的/痉挛/麻痹患者/ | spat /轻拍/