英语人>词典>汉英 : 麦田 的英文翻译,例句
麦田 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
cornfield  ·  Wheat

更多网络例句与麦田相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

So the variety of L21 andLainong9217 should be planted in dry land of high yield,and the variety ofLainong8834 and YD27 in dry land of middle yield,and gaining high yieldand high efficiency.2 The researches on the flag leaf and root system senescence after anthesisand yield were studied in dry land wheat of high yield,the activity of super-oxide dismatase and catalase、and the soluble protein content、Cytokinincontent in wheat flag leaf and root system after anthesisand Cytokinincontent in grain decreased slowly,and the content ofmalondiadehydeand the Abscisic Acidcontent in wheat flagleaf and root system and the Abscisic Acidcontent in grain increasedslowly,meanwhile keep higher root vigor and the root vigor decreased slow-ly,the result would be benefit to delay the senescence and gain high yield.3 The effects of soil thickness on the senescence of flag leaf and root sys-tem、nitrogen distribution and utilization and water consumption law andyield in dry land wheat had been studied in soil column and field.


These mysterious crop circles are actual events that have taken place in cereal crop field from all over the world and their origin is unknown.


I felt every up and down of his life,i felt every touch of his brush on the palettes.those golden cornfields,burning sunflowers,lonely fleur-de-lis,serene starry night.


When you go through your neighbor's grainfield, you may pluck some of the ears with your hand, but do not put a sickle to your neighbor's grain.


Perhaps we had not understood cornfield, had not understood ant net, perhaps suffer the macroclimate effect that at present Chinese Internet venture capital investment, angel invests, perhaps,,,,,,, no matter how, the ant net that still blesses cornfield and him has gone all the way, succeed at an early date!


Serious aridity probability of wheat field was lower in early Spring and late Autumn.


Using eyewitness accounts and the scientific evidence found in crop circle sites it looks at the different theories about how crop circles form.


N2O flux was higher in soil containing wheat plants compared to unplanted treatments during the entire growth period. Maximum N2O flux occurred at the booting stage, and then decreased as root activity decreased in later growth stages. N2O emission in the main root-zone and the inter-mw was different.


That golden sea with dazzling waves,mountain-high-an immensity of wheat field for t hree days fly,where my fat her stands sho ulder high,my elder brot herexpo sing only his head,my granny falling into t he sea up2o n her t read,above me golden billows surging like a crestof a hundred feet and I hold my breat h,jumping twotimes and t hree,which ends in a failure to reach t he earsof wheat.

这是一段关于麦田的生动描写。作者使用夸张的修辞手法把人在麦浪中的情景描绘得出神入化。在此段的一开始,作者就用&golden sea&描绘出麦田的色彩,用&mountain high&比喻麦子的高度,紧接着又用了&for three days&的数字夸张手法描绘出麦田的浩瀚无垠。

The rye field, an archetypal Edenic image, is the novel's central image.


更多网络解释与麦田相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

spring wheat:春麦田

清西陵:Hot spring | 春麦田:Spring wheat | 泉流量:spring discharge

See the west wind move like a lover so upon the fields of barley:西风吹拂麦田仿佛爱人一般

We'll forget the sun in his jealous sky as we lie in... | See the west wind move like a lover so upon the fields of barley 西风吹拂麦田仿佛爱人一般 | Feel her body rise when you kiss her mouth among th...

inroads on wheat field:侵害麦田

inroad ==> 侵略,襲撃 | inroads on wheat field ==> 侵害麦田 | inrush ==> 涌入

Wheat field:麦田

麦麸:wheat bran | 麦田:Wheat field | 小麦:Wheat plant

And the wheat field filling my sight:弥望的麦田

教科书里的清香 The fresh scent in the textbook | 弥望的麦田 And the wheat field filling my sight | 飒飒飘落的黄叶声中 In the whispering falling leaves

Catcher in the Rye:麦田里的守望者

"说到底,事实已经证明,杀人犯们可以从任何途径得到启发--披头四的"白色专辑"、<<出租车司机>>(Taxi Driver)、<<麦田里的守望者>>(Catcher in the Rye),等等.

Catcher in the Rye:<麦田的守望者>

但他的<<麦田的守望者>>>>(Catcher in the Rye)反映富家子弟的空虚和苦闷,常常和马克.吐温的<<哈克 贝里.费恩历险记>>相提并论. 不同之处在于主人公霍尔顿已经不像哈克那样可以离开虚伪的社会,到大自然中去寻求安慰. 当代小说家中厄普代克(John Updike,

Catcher in the Rye:麦田守望者

结果发现男性和女性读者对于小说的看法存在着巨大差别:对男性来说意义重大的小说往往都此次接受调查的男性中有许多人的职业与文学有关,他们提得最多的小说是阿尔伯特.加缪的<<局外人>>(The Outsider),其次则是塞林格的<<麦田守望者>>(Catcher in the Rye)以及库尔特.冯内果(Kurt Vonnegut,

The Catcher in the Rye:麦田守望者

CONVERSE最近邀请了来自中国的摇滚乐队"麦田守望者"(The Catcher in the Rye)合作推出Jack Purcell限量纪念版,除了在鞋身展现代表祖国色彩的鲜红色调外,鞋侧亦绣上代表乐队的"The Cir"图案,而两只鞋垫分别印有"在路上"与"一意孤行"两首乐队歌曲的经典歌词,

The Catcher in the Rye:麦田里的守望者

在创作'春风拂栏'这部小说时,我的脑海里时时回放着美国著名作家塞林格(saillinger)于1951年出版的长篇小说'麦田里的守望者'(the catcher in the rye)的情节: