英语人>词典>汉英 : 麋鹿 的英文翻译,例句
麋鹿 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
elk  ·  wapiti  ·  elks  ·  wapitis

mi-lu · David's deer
更多网络例句与麋鹿相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The thesis discusses the survival measure with human aidance in reintroducing Père David's deer, such as: guarantee living space, diseases prevention, habitat restoration, population and habitat monitoring and community co-management. All the work is in order to restore the nature Père David's deer population in Dongting Lake region.


The above-mentioned shows that the elk are of great potential influence on Chinese culture.


Elk, mule deer, moose, bighorn sheep, coyotes, black bears, cougars and hundreds of smaller animals make a living in the park.


Analysis of Elaphurus davidianus's sequences of mitochondrial cytb Amino acids,measured its Encoding box contains 1,140 nucleotides encoding 379 amino acids.


From using the same cervida for the Hydropotes intermis mitochondrial gene and its ratio of cytb,Detected 140 bp Variable sites,Insertion and deletion were not found.By comparison.


At present, the biggest nature park for milu deer


At present, the biggest nature park for milu deer in Chian is the Nanhaizi Milu Park, which is about 20 kilometers south of Beijing.


According to story, Rudolph was the son of Donder, and was born with a glowing red nose, which made him a social outcast among the other reindeer.


Giant panda , Père David's deer , crested ibis , Chinese river dolphin , and Chinese alligator in the area.


Elk that originated in the Southeast coast of China and the Yangtze River Basin are very large deer with big flat antlers living in marshy areas.


更多网络解释与麋鹿相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


野生的驼鹿(moose), 麋鹿(elk), 天鹅, 豺(coyote)都是第一次见到,可惜没见到传说中的灰熊(grizzly bear)明天值得关注得除了世界杯Brazil vs. France, 温网上Nadal vs. Agassi之外,我很喜爱的环法自行车赛(Tour de France)也将开始首站比赛.


写一写人们为防止狗熊捣乱而特制的垃圾桶;写牛排屋看到的"狼画":冬夜,温暖的农舍前站着一群姿式各异的狼,以警惕的目光环顾四周的"人"世界;莫林峡(Malign Canyon)前看到的大麋鹿(Elk),与人为伍,悠然自得;

Black Elk:(黑麋鹿)

另外,巴罗斯认为颜色本身就可以行走--如同奥格拉-拉苏族(Oglala Sioux)的圣人"黑麋鹿"(Black Elk)在十九世纪想象的:"天空......布满明亮的马鬃云和马尾云,每一种颜色都在歌唱着应和.

Elk Fest:麋鹿过河

Family Business 黑帮家族 | Elk Fest 麋鹿过河 | 1960: The Making of the President 美国总统大选

A flying saucer carries:比起麋鹿来

as is his custom.|圣诞老人送给孩子们礼物 还举办了一个派对 | A flying saucer carries|比起麋鹿来 | lots more Christmas cargo than reindeer.|那个飞碟带来了更多的礼物


\\"狷羚\\",\\"Alcelaphus buselaphus \\" | \\"麋鹿(属)\\",\\"Alces \\" | \\"麋鹿\\",\\"Alces alces \\"

Alces alces:麋鹿

\\"麋鹿(属)\\",\\"Alces \\" | \\"麋鹿\\",\\"Alces alces \\" | \\"海雀科\\",\\"ALCIDAE\\"

Elaphurus davidianus:麋鹿

洞庭湖区麋鹿(Elaphurus davidianus)重引入的研究-历史、实践、可行性物种重引入(Reintroduction)的最终目标是恢复能长期自我维持的野生种群.麋鹿(Elaphurus davidianus)重引入是中国第一个重大的物种重引入项目,

Title: Hometown of elks:标题:麋鹿故乡

国家可持续发展先进示范区China's advanced model zone for sustainable development | 标题:麋鹿故乡Title: Hometown of elks | 世界最大的麋鹿自然保护区the largest nature reserve of elks in the world

the largest nature reserve of elks in the world:世界最大的麋鹿自然保护区

标题:麋鹿故乡Title: Hometown of elks | 世界最大的麋鹿自然保护区the largest nature reserve of elks in the world | 麋鹿数量占全世界总数的三分之一The elks here account for one third of the world's tota...