英语人>词典>汉英 : 麋 的英文翻译,例句
麋 的英文翻译、例句

基本解释 (translations)
elk  ·  moose

更多网络例句与麋相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Inger the legendary city of 1849 - a city of banditti, assassins and incendiaries, who had flocked hither in crowds in pursuit of plunder; a paradise of outlaws, where they gambled with gold-dust, a revolver in one hand and a bowie-knife in the other: it was now a great commercial emporium.


A former political party in the US; founded by Theodore Roosevelt during the presidential campaign of 1912; its emblem was a picture of a bull moose.


Wildlife photographer Tony Dawson thrives on danger in the spectacular wilderness of Alaska, coming face to face with grizzly bears, bull moose, polar bears and caribou herds, but he faces equal peril flying across the state in his tiny 27-year-old wood and canvas aeroplane.


But when they looked only to their footing, they did not see the elk.


In temperament, the Norwegian Elkhound is bold and energetic, an effective guardian yet normally friendly, with great dignity and independence of character.


In addition she exhibited two national specialty winning Japanese Chins. She also owned and exhibited a beautiful BIS winning Vin Melca Elkhound bitch.


It is actually a deer rather than an elk, and its closest living relative is the much smaller fallow deer, the two species having parted evolutionary company around 10 million years ago.


Told the police later, he didn't even know what "moose" was.


Unmyelinated fiber bundles consisted of the fibers with dimension less than one micron, and their terminal buttons often compacted together.


This is also how the Native Americans survived the difficult and cold winters of the plains; they would watch nature and follow the buffalo and wapiti herds.


更多网络解释与麋相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Bull Moose Party:公麋党

保加利亚农民国家联盟 Bulgarian Agrarian National Union | 公党 Bull Moose Party | 崩得 Bund


中新网马里兰州1月21日消息:美国的一个顾问小组星期五说,至今尚无科学证据证明波及美国西部的鹿和(elk)的类似疯牛症的致命疾病会传给人类. 食品及药物管理局顾问小组的成员说,话虽如此,这种叫慢性消耗病(chronic wasting disease)会害人的可能性不能排除,

elk leather:麋皮革

elixir 酏剂 | elk leather 皮革 | elk side leather 多脂铬铝鞣鞋面革

Norwegian Elkhound:挪威猎麋犬

挪威猎犬(Norwegian Elkhound)在挪威挖掘的旧石器时代遗骸化石与现在的挪威猎糜犬是同种,来源非常古老. 在很久以前就已经被用来和斯堪的那维亚猎手一起出狩,后来和维京人一同渡海到达大陆. 第一次世界大战后到达英国,1935年被美国养狗人俱乐部(AKC)公认.


刺猬 hedgehog | 羚 hartebeest | 野兔 hare

Alcelaphus buselaphus Hartebeest:麋羚

Oryx leucoryx Arabian oryx 阿拉伯大羚羊 | Alcelaphus buselaphus Hartebeest 羚 | Connochaetes gnou White-tailed gnu, Black wildebeest 白尾角马羚


mash|碎麦芽 | matinee|白天音乐会 | moose|; 北美(mi)


共1,975人. 他们大多未完成训练,且未装备重武器. 最终有557人战死,余者成为日军的战俘. 还有北美(Moose), 加拿大雁(Canada goose), 和 普通潜鸟(Common Loon)等等都可以代表加拿大

Elaphurus davidanns:麋 鹿

黑 麂 Muntiacus crinifrons | 鹿 Elaphurus davidanns | (苏门羚、 C.S.argyrochaetes

Paul Bunyan * Morris, the Midget Moosebunyan:保罗莫里斯,侏儒麋

* The Truth about Mother Goose * The Brave Engineer*真相*鹅妈妈勇敢工程... | * Paul Bunyan * Morris, the Midget Moosebunyan**保罗莫里斯,侏儒 | * Noah's Ark * Lambert, the Sheepish Lion*挪亚方舟*伯的羞...