英语人>词典>汉英 : 鹿的 的英文翻译,例句
鹿的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与鹿的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

That excavation yielded stone tools, evidence of fire use by early man, burnt seeds of hackberry trees and bones, and fossils of mammals such as jackal and deer.


That excavation yielded lithic tools, evidence of fire use by early man, burnt seeds of hackberry trees and bones, and fossils of mammals such as jackal and deer.


Okapis live in zoos all over the world. However, in their African home, the forest where okapis live is getting smaller and smaller. This is a very dangerous situation for the okapis, but there is good news. An okapi has been seen in a national park in the Congo, where one has not been seen for 47 years!


These names -- John Doe and Richard Roe -- had no particular significance, aside from "Doe" and "Roe"(a small species of deer found in Europe) being commonly known nouns at the time.


It shows that the Tianshan wapiti has a close relation with the northeast wapiti, but the Talimu wapiti has a far relationship among the Tianshan wapiti, the Aertai wapiti, the gansu wapiti, the northeast wapiti and the Zuojia wapiti. Furthermore, the Talimu wapiti has the farthest relationship with Tianshan wapiti.


The comparison of the gene with white-tailed deer and red deer PrP gene revealed that the homogeneity of their nucleotide and putative amino acid sequences were 97.4% and 97.9%, as well as 98.1% and 97.7%, respectively.


In the legend of "St. Godric and the Hunted Stag," a hunting party is pursuing a particularly beautiful stag, which runs to St.


Along the reindeer circuit the kids got a glimpse into the omnipresent steam-baths, snacked on dried meat, hot chocolate and other Finnish foods. We met many of the animals native to the wilds of Finland, including the deer, reindeer, squirrel, woodpecker, snake and swan.


Subarctic Natives made moccasins from the skins of the deer, caribou and moose that migrated across this vast northern region.


Where the Company at the purchase of deer farmers, the company may send professionals to the new escort deer deer family home, in order to avoid the new deer farmers as a result of transport will not occur in the way of casualties should not occur while the economic losses caused by and can provide technicalnewúàpersonnel or technicians, the company track the after-sales service, regular visits to help resolve the newat keeping the process of the new situation and new problems, so rest assured that buying a newAt the same time, those who buy at the Company's various series of products found such as fake and shoddy products, the Company all of the refund, and Double Indemnity, the Company in order to "first people, after doing business" principle to develop their own industries, and focus on credibility, integrity others.


更多网络解释与鹿的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


cervicitis 子宫颈炎 | cervine 鹿的 | cervix 颈


bovine (似)牛的,迟钝的 | cervine 鹿的,鹿一样的 | swine 猪

Raleigh:獐鹿的草地 女性 古英语

Rakhi 女性 印度 | Raleigh 獐鹿的草地 女性 古英语 | Ramla 先知,能预测未来的人 女性 埃及

Raleigh:有鹿的草原边的居民 男性 古英语

Rajiv 有斑纹的 男性 梵语 | Raleigh 有鹿的草原边的居民 男性 古英语 | Ralph 狼,明智的建议 男性 古英语

Roscoe:有鹿的森林 男性 古挪威语

Rory 红的 男性 盖尔 | Roscoe 有鹿的森林 男性 古挪威语 | Roshan 男性 印度


Rory红的男生盖尔 | Roscoe有鹿的森林男生古挪威语 | Roshan男生印度

doe-in-hest scent:可发出母鹿的气味的药水,在发情期使用效果显著

tree stand 用于供猎手藏身树上的道具,适与接近鹿 | doe-in-hest scent可发出母鹿的气味的药水,在发情期使用效果显著 | buck urine scent发出雄鹿尿味的药水,可使老鹿发狂


staghorn 石松 | staghorn 雄鹿的角 | staghound 狩鹿用猎犬


staggers /摇摆症/眩晕症/ | staghorn /雄鹿的角/石松/大珊瑚的一种/ | staghound /狩鹿用猎犬/


axillary | 腋窝的, 叶腋的, 腋生的 腋窝的羽翼 | axine | 属于或近似于花鹿的 | axinite | 斧石