英语人>词典>汉英 : 鸡瘟 的英文翻译,例句
鸡瘟 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

fowl pest · fowl plague · avian pneumoencephalitis
更多网络例句与鸡瘟相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Nine hens had died in the meantime. Their bodies were buried in the orchard, an d it was given out that they had died of coccidiosis.


Avian influenza, or fowl plague, is a potentially devastating disease, predominantly of chickens and turkey s, although the virus can also affect game birds, ratites, psittacine and passerine birds.


Avian influenza, or fowl plague, is a potentially devastating disease, predominantly of chickens and turkeys, although the virus can also affect game birds ( pheasant s, partridge and quail), ratites, psittacine and passerine birds.


The success of this medicine ma kes it enter the international market and this medicine is the only special one to cure the chicken pest in the world .


Researchers in the United States have developed one for Newcastle disease in chickens, but so far there are no products for humans.


Researchers in the United States have developed one for Newcastle disease in chickens, but so far there are no products for humans.


更多网络解释与鸡瘟相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

fowl cholera:鸡瘟

foreign odor异味 | fowl cholera鸡瘟 | freezing point n.[物] 凝固点,凝固温度

fowl pest:鸡瘟

flu 流感 | fowl pest 鸡瘟 | fracture 骨折

fowl pest; fowl plague:鸡瘟

家禽瘫痪症 fowl paralysis | 鸡瘟 fowl pest; fowl plague | 鸡痘 fowl pox


roundworm 蛔虫 | roup 鸡瘟 | roupy 患黏膜炎的

avian pneumoencephalitis; newcastle disease:鸟肺脑炎;新城鸡瘟

"鸡瘟","avian plague" | "鸟肺脑炎;新城鸡瘟","avian pneumoencephalitis; newcastle disease" | "禽痘","avian pox"

chicken pest:鸡瘟

猪对野生有毒植物识别能力低,可反复中毒,长期饲喂混有苍耳的饲料,可引起慢性中毒死亡;山羊的传染性胸膜肺炎(infective peripneumonia)只侵害山羊,羊对毒芹敏感;鸡瘟(chicken pest)、鸡传染性喉气管炎(avian laryngotracheitis)只侵害鸡,

Newcastle Disease:新城疫

1926年在印度尼西亚的禽类中又发现一种与之相似相关的新疾病,称为"新城疫(Newcastle disease),"为避免两者相混淆,故将原旧称"鸡瘟"改称为"禽流感"、"真性鸡瘟"、"欧洲鸡瘟"等,将后发现的新城疫俗称为"伪鸡瘟"、"亚洲鸡瘟",以示区别.

Newcastle Disease:新城鸡瘟

(一)新城鸡瘟 (NEWCASTLE DISEASE) 本病已被养鸡业者公认为最主要的损失原因之一,鸡群死亡率可能高达 100%,而育成鸡的死亡率较成鸡为高. 本病之感染源为一种病毒,传播迅速,对不良环境有高度抵抗力;又本病之病毒有很多种类型,

Newcastle disease virus:新城鸡瘟病毒

Hegazi et al.(1994)发现蜂胶萃取物对多种新城鸡瘟病毒(Newcastle disease virus)株,具有明显的抑制效果,研究者因此认为可以利用蜂胶做为防治鸡瘟的药剂.

Newcastle disease vaccines:新城鸡瘟疫苗

newborn surgery ==> 新生儿外科 | Newcastle disease vaccines ==> 新城鸡瘟疫苗 | Newcastle disease virus ==> 新城鸡瘟病毒