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鳞状上皮 的英文翻译、例句


pavement epithelium · pavement-epithelium · squamous epithelium · tabular epithelium
更多网络例句与鳞状上皮相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Skin suqamous cell carcinoma, a kind of skin tumor origined fromkeratinocyte or skin appendant organ suqmaous cell, is one of the most commonnon-melanoma skin cancers (about 20%).


The mechanisms of apoptosis of skin squamous cell carcinoma induced by IFN-γand ATRA Introduction and objective Skin squamous cell carcinoma is a malignant neoplasm derived from epidermal keratinocyte and squamous cells of skin appendant organ .It is one of the most common skin carcinoma, and the incidence rate of SCC is 20% in malignant non-melanoma. It is a common disease that seriously harms health of people in our country, so we should pay more attention to it.

维甲酸、γ-干扰素诱导皮肤鳞状细胞癌SCL-1细胞凋亡的机制研究前言与目的皮肤鳞状细胞癌(squamous cell carcinoma,SCC,简称鳞癌)是起源于表皮角质形成细胞或附属器鳞状上皮细胞的一种恶性肿瘤,是常见的皮肤恶性肿瘤之一,其发病率约占全部非黑素细胞癌的20%。

The mechanisms of apoptosis of skin squamous cell carcinoma induced by IFN-γand ATRA Introduction and objective Skin squamous cell carcinoma is a malignant neoplasm derived from epidermal keratinocyte and squamous cells of skin appendant organ .

维甲酸、γ-干扰素诱导皮肤鳞状细胞癌 SCL-1细胞凋亡的机制研究前言与目的皮肤鳞状细胞癌(squamous cell carcinoma,SCC,简称鳞癌)是起源于表皮角质形成细胞或附属器鳞状上皮细胞的一种恶性肿瘤,是常见的皮肤恶性肿瘤之一,其发病率约占全部非黑素细胞癌的20%。

Results of the 621 patients, 388 were identified to have ASCUS, 147 had low-grade squamous intraepithelial lesions, 75 had high-grade squamous intraepithelial lesions and 11 had squamous cell carcinomas.

结果 将细胞学结果与组织学结果作对比分析,细胞学异常的621例样本中ASCUS 388例,低度鳞状上皮内瘤变147例,高度鳞状上皮内瘤变75例,鳞状上皮细胞癌11。

Biopsies from confirmed EDS patients showed sloughing and flaking of superficial squamous epithelium with occasional bullous separation of the layers, parakeratosis, and varying degrees of acute or chronic inflammation.


Chronic cervicitis with cervical erosion: This is a common gynecological diseases, is the basis of chronic cervicitis, the Ministry of cervicovaginal was from cervical squamous intraepithelial endometrial tube to replace the single-layer columnar epithelium can be transformed into the cervix squamous cell carcinoma.


The cells at the edge of the basaloid islands tended to show palisading arrangement. Squamous epithelium on the surface of tumor often accompanied with carcinoma in situ or superficial invasive squamous cell carcinoma. Occasionally cancer nets were connected with basement layer of squamous epithelium laying in the surface, and rare squamous cells or glandlike structures were seen in the cancer nests.


Methods Immunohistochemical staining was performed in 84 cases of proliferative lesions and 18 normal squamous ep-ithelia of the cervix.


Tu acetate rapidly after columnar epithelial edema, gray and showed typical "GRAPE BUNCH" change, squamous epithelium and the absence of such changes, the junction-scales become very slippery and energetic.


The number of clusters was automatically determined by Bayesian Information Criteria with log - likelihood distance measure.


更多网络解释与鳞状上皮相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

squamous epithelization:鳞状上皮化

鳞-柱交接部 squamo-columnar junction,SCJ 229 | 鳞状上皮化 squamous epithelization 229 | 鳞状上皮化生 squamous metaplasia 229

单层扁平(鳞状)上皮 mesothelium间皮:simples quamous epithelium

covering epithelium 被覆上皮 | simples quamous epithelium单层扁平(鳞状)上皮 mesothelium间皮 | endothelium内皮

squamous metaplasia:鳞状上皮化生

治疗不彻底,极难痊愈.上述愈合过程,不仅发生在糜烂表面,隐凹的腺体及增生的腺样间隙所被覆的柱状上皮同样可被复层上皮所替代.这种腺上皮的复层化与表皮化(epidermization),通常称为"鳞状上皮化生"(squamous metaplasia).化生程度有很大差异,


1.乳头状瘤(papilloma)由复层的覆盖上皮,如鳞状上皮或移行上皮发生的良性肿瘤. 肿瘤向表面呈外生性生长,形成许多手指样或乳头状突起,并可呈菜花状或绒毛状外观. 肿瘤根部常有细蒂与正常组织相连. 镜下,每一乳头表面覆盖增生的鳞状上皮或者移行上皮,

scaly epithelium:鳞状上皮

scalpel 手术刀 | scaly epithelium 鳞状上皮 | scan 细看

Squamous celled epithelioma:鳞状上皮瘤; 鳞状细胞癌

Squamous carcinoma; Scaly cancer 鳞状癌 | Squamous celled epithelioma 鳞状上皮瘤; 鳞状细胞癌 | Squamous erysipelas 鳞屑丹毒

squamous epithelium:鳞状上皮

squamous epithelial cell鱗狀上皮細胞 | squamous epithelium鱗狀上皮 | squash壓片

keratinized stratified squamous opi-thelium:角化复层鳞状上皮

角质形成细胞keratinocyte | 角化复层鳞状上皮keratinized stratified squamous opi-thelium | 卵ovum

n ALTS:意义不明确的非典型鳞状细胞/低级别鳞状上皮内病变分类研究

n AIS:子宫颈管原位癌 | n ALTS:意义不明确的非典型鳞状细胞/低级别鳞状上皮内病变分类研究 | n AGC:非典型性腺细胞

pavement epithelium:鳞状上皮

paurometaboly 渐变态 | pavement epithelium 鳞状上皮 | pcr 聚合酶链反应