英语人>词典>汉英 : 鳃 的英文翻译,例句
鳃 的英文翻译、例句

基本解释 (translations)
branchia  ·  gill  ·  branchiae

更多网络例句与鳃相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Thymus of L japonicus lies in the upper corner on the hack of branchia and on the back of the 4 gill vertebrae.


The outside gill disappeared, the gill arches developed to from the branchia, later the branchia appeared primary protuberance, along with developing, it appeared the secondary protuberance and the third protuberance, until the 36 stage, the stage is the inside gill developing at the peak, later it came into the period of the metamorphosis, the inside gill degenerated, the third protuberance began shrank, next the secondary protuberance and the primary protuberance shrank, finally the gill arches shrank and disappeared, the metamorphosis completed.


Sections gill filament tissue(Bar = 303μm);Fig. 3 Morphology of the surface of the gill arch(Bar = 10μm);Fig. 4 Taste bud of the

图1 剑尾鱼弓、耙和丝的表面形态(Bar =1mm);图2 丝组织切片光镜图(Bar = 303μm);图3 弓的表面形态

Gill movement is a necessary condition of the gill breathing, it makes the water flow along a certain way, gill septum and gill cover is being opened, as if pumping the role of the water from the mouth out.


When extremity , they showed nerval poisoning sign such as urgent swim, overturn, ankylosis and twitch. Gill thread turgescence, and the structure of some gill thread tip was destroyed, some dark globosity grains or actinomorphic anomaly accreted on it. Granular degeneration, vacuolar degeneration, necrosis ,in liver cells and renal tubular epithelial cells.


Opening the disease fish opercular,we can see maggot-like worms on gills .A lot of mucus are on the gills at a serious infection and the gill-terminal expands ,there is congestion or bleeding or a "mud drag" phenomenon.


The outside gill formed the three fingerlike, in the 22、23 stage, it developed at the peak, in the 25 stage, the operculum folded the outside gill in the operculum antrum, the inside gill formed, at the same time the outside gill degenerated.


Into the branchial artery to enter the blood with CO2 and more gill spacing, in the gills into the two sub-intervals of each one and a half gills, each issued a number of fine branches into the gill pieces, each small branch small piece of gill capillary network formed.


The results showed that the surface architecture and ultrastructure of gills filaments and secondary gill lamellaes of the largemouth and the blue gill were similar to other teleosts.


The result showed that the surface architecture and ultrastructure of I.punctatus ' gill and secondary gill lamellae were similar to those of other teleosts. The surface of gill arches and gill rakers was covered with pavement cells which were characterized by circular microridges, and secreting-holes were found among cells on the surface of gill arches. The base part of gill rakers were bigger in terms of diameter. The pavement cells' surface of gill filaments' middle part was characterized by microridges with fine lateral protuberances on both sides which were either fused or interruped, while the microridges disappeared on the pavement cells' surface on both top and base parts of gill filaments, forming dense granulated protuberances. The height and interlamellar space of secondary gill lamellae in I.punctatus were relatively higher and bigger, respectively.


更多网络解释与鳃相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

gill arch:鳃弓

呼吸系统:鱼体两侧各由四个瓣组成(第五对弓(Gill arch)已特化为为全.间隔退化,丝(Gill filament)著生在弓(Gill raker)上.心脏由三个部份组成,包括一个心室(Ventricle),


的形态各异 轴两侧均生有丝 呈羽状 称盾;仅轴一侧生有丝 呈梳状 称栉(ctenidium);有的成瓣状 称瓣(lamellibranch);有些种类的延长成丝状.


硬骨鱼类的裂,在外侧另有盖(operculum)保护,隔已退化,咽部每侧留下明显的四个全. 丝状或片状的瓣直接或间接地着生在鱼的5个弓上. 软骨鱼类的瓣是由上皮折叠形成栅板状附着鱼类的心脏位于最后一对弓的后面腹侧,

branchiostegal membrane:鳃盖膜;鳃被

\\"被架;被\\",\\"branchiostegal\\" | \\"盖膜;被\\",\\"branchiostegal membrane\\" | \\"盖条;被架\\",\\"branchiostegal rays\\"


简介 在板类各弓从背向腹与咽节(pharyngobranchial,内侧端达脊柱)、上节(epibranchial)、角节(ceratobranchial)、下节(hypobrainchial)相连,两侧的下节由纵行排列于腹侧正中线的底节(结合节)相连接.


的形态各异 轴两侧均生有丝 呈羽状 称盾;仅轴一侧生有丝 呈梳状 称栉(ctenidium);有的成瓣状 称瓣(lamellibranch);有些种类的延长成丝状.




间隔的前后两面各有一个半(hemibranch),两个半构成一个全(holobranch). 鲨鱼的第五对弓的后壁上无瓣,故的总数是每侧有4个全和一个半,或者说是9个半. 鲨鱼的瓣不是丝状而是由上皮拆迭形成栅板状(如暖气片),


间隔的前后两面各有一个半(hemibranch),两个半构成一个全(holobranch). 鲨鱼的第五对弓的后壁上无瓣,故的总数是每侧有4个全和一个半,或者说是9个半. 鲨鱼的瓣不是丝状而是由上皮拆迭形成栅板状(如暖气片),

suprabranchial chamber:鳃上腔

每个辩由内外二小瓣(lamellae)构成,其前后缘及腹缘愈合成"U"形,背缘为上腔(suprabranchial chamber). 小瓣由许多纵行排列的丝(Branchial filament)构成,表面有纤毛,各丝间有横的丝间隔(interfilamenta junction)相连,上有小孔称孔(ostrium).