英语人>词典>汉英 : 鲨鱼 的英文翻译,例句
鲨鱼 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
shark  ·  sharked  ·  sharking  ·  sharks  ·  Caine

sea lawyer
更多网络例句与鲨鱼相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Biologists say that sharks born asexually with only their mother's genetic material will have less chance of surviving than other sharks.


A guilt-ridden Benchley then became a marine conservationist and a campaigner for sharks in particular, but by that time many people's latent fears of Great Whites had turned into open loathing of all sharks, even the harmless, plankton-eating basking variety.


Those who had caught sharks had taken them to the shark factory on the other side of the cove where they were hoisted on a block and tackle, their livers removed, their fins cut off and their hides skinned out and their flesh cut into strips for salting.


When a shark approaches, not only does the remora not flee--it swims right up to the shark, finds a nice comfortable spot, and attaches itself with a suction cup located on the top of its head.


The new all over swimsuit "Fastskin", which is based on sharkskin and mimics the way that a shark's scales help it glide through the water, has been designed to reduce drag in the water.


However, strangely enough, marine biologist Lawford studied sharks for years, often wearing a wet suit to swim the shark's side, close contact with sharks can be like sharks do not mind his presence.


ABSTRACT The experiment has been explored on anticarcinogenosis and immunologic regulation of shark ehondrie powder,according to TCM pharmaceutic records on shark and modern recognitions on shark chondric powder.


Driven by passion fed from a life-long fascination with sharks, Stewart debunks historical stereotypes and media depictions of sharks as bloodthirsty, man-eating monsters and reveals the reality of sharks as pillars in the evolution of the seas.


Dozens of other species across the world are becoming endangered from the practice of shark finning, where fisherman slice off the fins of live sharks before tossing the animals back into the water to drown.


Works as a symbolism an important role in the symbolic meaning of Shark is indispensable: Shark as a symbol of evil, and mankind's "fill man" fight on behalf of San Diego can also be viewed as an impossible from the tragic fate embodies Hemingway's life and values; At the same time, the plot of the book for Shark also fully embodies Hemingway's iceberg principle, it is worth pondering readers; I also tried the tragedy of the theoretical point of view, analysis Shark In this tragic story of the role, as well as the role and the elderly, the Marlins, the relationship between the sea.


更多网络解释与鲨鱼相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Big Aristotle:(沙克、鲨鱼,沙克柴油机,?,大亚里士多德)

Olowokandi, Michael --Kandi Man(坎迪人、糖果人) | O'Neal, Shaquille --Shaq, Shaq Diesel,Shaq Fu, Big Aristotle(沙克、鲨鱼,沙克柴油机,?,大亚里士多德) | Outlaw, Charles --Bo(博)

Big Aristotle:沙克、鲨鱼

Olowokandi, Michael --Kandi Man(坎迪人、糖果人) | O'Neal, Shaquille --Shaq, Shaq Diesel,Shaq Fu, Big Aristotle(沙克、鲨鱼, | *Robertson, Oscar --Big O(大O)

Gnaw:紫罗兰/灰/蓝 鲨鱼/怪兽

*Sharkticon(铁鲨鱼) | Gnaw - 紫罗兰/灰/蓝 鲨鱼/怪兽 | *Stunticons(飞虎队)

Hundreds of sharks:数以百计的鲨鱼

His new family were sharks.|而鲨鱼们就成为了他的新家人 | Hundreds of sharks.|数以百计的鲨鱼 | The sharks raised him as one of their own,|鲨鱼们将他视如己出般抚养

shagreen:鲨鱼表皮 鲨鱼表皮

shaggyportulaca 毛马齿苋 | shagreen 鲨鱼表皮 鲨鱼表皮 | shagreenpaper 糙面纸


"Tiburon(注:西班牙语鲨鱼)," 侍者说," Eshark(注:这是侍者用英语讲" 鲨鱼" (Shark)时读别的发音,前面多了一个元音). " 他打算解释这事情的经过. (注:他想说这是被鲨鱼残杀的大马林鱼的残骸,但说到这里,对方就错以为这是鲨鱼的骨骼了)

shark:鲨鱼 ","鲨鱼

海洋的动物鲨鱼:鲨鱼(Shark)是一群板鳃类鱼的通称,这是一类古老的鱼种,在侏罗纪时已经形成现代类型的鲨鱼,鲨鱼身体无鳞,鳃裂有5至7个. 不同种类的鲨有不同的食物,有的肉食,可以吞噬海豹、海龟甚至人,有的只吃浮游生物;体长达20米,


shark leather 鲨鱼皮 | sharkskin 鲨鱼皮 | shearling 毛羊皮

Six shimmering sharks' sharply striking shins:六条闪亮鲨鱼吸引人的尖胫

Six sharp smart sharks. 六条机灵的鲨鱼. | Six shimmering sharks' sharply striking shins. 六条闪亮鲨鱼吸引人的尖胫. | Six short slow shepherds. 六位矮小、行动缓慢的牧羊人.

shark suft bone:鲨鱼软骨

shark || 鲨鱼 | shark suft bone || 鲨鱼软骨 | Shigellosis || 痢疾