英语人>词典>汉英 : 鱼塘 的英文翻译,例句
鱼塘 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
pound  ·  pounded  ·  stew  ·  pounds  ·  stews  ·  vivavium  ·  aquafarm

fish pond
更多网络例句与鱼塘相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Our school is in front of a fish pool.


In the fishpond ecosystem, heavy metals moved and transformed by a complicated process such as aggradation, release, accumulation and excretion.


Chinese New Year has just passed, andpackage of 8 acres of the village pond, leave without pay, the raise blackfish was earned dollars.


As it often happens with stressed fish, a massive infestation by a trichodina ectoparasite was observed in medaka from imidacloprid fields.


Fabricius said when he questioned a guard about the ban on toy boats, he was told the toys can potentially frighten fish in the pond.


Since this is our first time to manage fishpond, birders who are going to visit Long Valley, please kindly take some photos for record. Thank you very much!


In the mid-1990s, the industry saw a decline due to a combination of various factors, While the same time, the Hong Kong Government then designated certain commercial fishponds around the Deep Bay as a "wise use" area to recognize the importance of fishponds to wildlife biodiversity and fish farmers' livelihood.


Both zpt and imidacloprid caused stress syndrome in juvenile medaka, with fish from zpt-shampoo fields having a significantly lower weight to body length ratio than those from control fields.

所有zpt 和imidacloprid 都能使青鳉鱼苗患上紧张综合症,但使用了抗头皮屑洗发水鱼塘的鱼要明显小于使用imidacloprid鱼塘的鱼。

The water overflow from paddy field since raining after 12 h of the use of lambda-cyhalothrin was safe to fish, mussel and crab, but was seriously hazardous to shrimp. However, the water overflow was safe to all the aquatic organisms tested after 4 d of use of all formulations.


Urban wastewater was treated by the reed gravel bed constructed in fishpond , but the effluent could be reached the criteria of water quality for hygienic fish culture when pumped bottom water treated with reed gravel bed.


更多网络解释与鱼塘相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

fish pond:鱼塘 鱼池

pelagic environment 远洋环境 | fish pond 鱼塘 鱼池 | discrete component logic circuit 分立元件逻辑电路

fish pond:鱼塘

fish fry 鱼苗 | fish pond 鱼塘 | fish raft 渔排

fish pond:养鱼塘

fish-platefishplate 鱼尾板 | fish-pond 养鱼塘 | fish-slice 分鱼刀

gei wei fish pond:基围鱼塘

gazetted beach 宪报公布的泳滩 | gei wei fish pond 基围鱼塘 | gelatinous 呈胶状


fishpodjarka火锅鱼片(西菜名) | fishpond养鱼塘 | fishproteinconcentrateFPC浓缩鱼蛋白(平均含蛋白质75%)


fishmeal 鱼粉 | fishpond 鱼塘 | fishraft 渔排

Over the white fishpond:白色鱼塘的上空

To Karl Borromaus Heinrich 致Karl Borromaus Heinrich | Over the white fishpond 白色鱼塘的上空 | The wild birds have blown away. 野鸟已惊散. 傍晚一阵冻风

The golden clouds over the fishpond:鱼塘之上,那些金色的云

of the dead 以如此鬼魅的方式返青 | The golden clouds over the fishpond. 鱼塘之上,那些金色的云. | Birth 出生

Down the hill, to the springtime fishpond:下山,来到春天的鱼塘

Once more following the blue grief of the evening 又一次追随,那傍... | Down the hill, to the springtime fishpond- 下山,来到春天的鱼塘-- | As if the shadows of those dead for a long time were 仿佛那些久...

fishing pond:钓鱼塘

2.0396 喷水管布置piping schema | 2.0397 钓鱼塘fishing pond | 2.0398 高水位池塘high water table pond