英语人>词典>汉英 : 魔法 的英文翻译,例句
魔法 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
conjuration  ·  conjury  ·  diabolism  ·  enchantment  ·  glamor  ·  glamour  ·  gramarye  ·  magic  ·  sorcery  ·  witchcraft  ·  glamoured  ·  glamouring  ·  gramary  ·  blackart

black art
更多网络例句与魔法相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Naga; Mana shield grants spell immunity while active. All magic attack units will be able to damage her still


Out of control, but usually the only result of a failed spell is a frustrated spellcaster.In his studies, Khadgar discovered that if a spell fails in a spectacular fashion, it indicates that the failedspell is very close to the final intended spell. The magics are trying to close the gap, to make things


Resistance to Earth magic by an amount equal to your skill in Earth and lasts one hour per point of skill. 1 point resistance per point of skill 2 points resistance per point of skill 3 points resistance per point of skill 4 points resistance per point of skill P

每提高一个土魔法等级可以增加1点防御值每提高一个土魔法等级可以增加2点防御值每提高一个土魔法等级可以增加3点防御值每提高一个土魔法等级可以增加4点防御值 P

Let this serve as a lesson to all. This man, Thomas James Collins, is adjudged guilty of conspiring to use enchantments and magic. And pursuant to the laws of Camelot, I, Uther Pendragon, have decreed that such practices are banned on penalty of death. I pride myself as a fair and just king. But for the crime of sorcery, there is but one sentence I can pass.When I came to this land, this kingdom...was mired in chaos. With the people's help, magic was driven from the realm. So I declare a festival to celebrate 20 years since the great dragon was captured and Camelot freed from the evil of sorcery. Let the celebrations begin.


Because of their natural propensity for magic, they have high magic resistances and can withstand many magical attacks.


Now Harry has gone through all of the trapdoor and he sees a man standing in the magic room.


They possessed only a fraction of his present power, but each was varyingly stronger than Chantico had been at their respective ages.


Despites Rowling's assertions that she does not believe in that kind of magic, much that has been written about the novels so far addresses magic in the series literally, attempting to put it in a historical and cultural context that then must explain its relation to all the accompanying problems and baggage that the history of magic, the occult, and witchcraft brings with it.


In the Wizard's Atlas you'll find several sections--Wizarding Britain, the Wizarding World, atlases of Quidditch and Magical Creatures--along with gazetteers which list places and their significance to the Harry Potter universe.


Elements practiced cover the areas of fire and frost and these masteries will improve all the skills within that elemental group.


更多网络解释与魔法相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Salvation comes at the cost of wisdom:得到两级霹雳魔法(Firebolt)等级,魔法值变为

Magic is not always what it seems to be. 一种魔法降一... | Salvation comes at the cost of wisdom. 得到两级霹雳魔法(Firebolt)等级,魔法值变为10. | Intensity comes at the cost of wisdom. 失去两级霹雳魔法...

Remove Buffs:移除持续性魔法 移除单位上的持续性魔法

Set Custom Value 设置自定义数值 设置自定义数值 | Remove Buffs 移除持续性魔法 移除单位上的持续性魔法 | Remove Buffs By Type 移除持续性魔法类型 按类型移除单位上的持续性魔法


Stop,增加"停止"状态的辅助魔法. | Destruct:Debarrier,解除"护罩"和"魔法护罩"的辅助魔法. | Despell,不论好坏,解除所有的异常状态的魔法.

Destructive Magic:(破坏魔法,即杀伤类魔法)

Destructive Magic(破坏魔法,即杀伤类魔法) | Eldritch Arrow 魔法箭 | Fist of Wrath 愤怒之拳(即四代魔法拳)

Devour Magic:吞噬魔法

从附近的友军身上吸取全部魔法给毁灭者使用(快捷键"B") 持续时间 施法间隔 魔法消耗 射程 作用范围 效果无无无 90 我方单体 将我军某单位魔法传给毁灭者 吞噬魔法 (Devour Magic)吞噬掉一定范围内的所有魔法效果,

Dispel Undead:以自身为中心的大面积攻击魔法,对付死灵系敌人特有效

Detonate Seen Traps----使能被看见的所有魔法陷阱爆炸 | Dispel Undead-----以自身为中心的大面积攻击魔法,对付死灵系敌人特有效 | Drain Mana----不用靠近魔法石便能补充魔法值,但魔法石必须在视野范围内

Magic leech:得到对方每次使用魔法的魔法值,对方使用魔法的魔法值加倍

Aura of Fear 敵人不能反擊,除非敵人免疫死亡、精神系魔法 | Magic leech 得到對方每次使用魔法魔法值,對方使用魔法魔法值加倍 | Mass Cancellation 所有敵人移出有益魔法


主要有三个种类的咒语 白魔法(White Magic),黑魔法(Black Magic),以及精灵魔法(Shamanism). 精灵魔法包括地、水、火、风--四种基本元素--还有精神系魔法(Spirits). 我专精于黑魔法,但不要误会,黑魔法也分两种 咒法(Cures)与攻击系咒「在某些世界里,



White Magic:白魔法

主要有三个种类的咒语 白魔法(White Magic),黑魔法(Black Magic),以及精灵魔法(Shamanism). 精灵魔法包括地、水、火、风--四种基本元素--还有精神系魔法(Spirits). 我专精于黑魔法,但不要误会,黑魔法也分两种 咒法(Cures)与攻击系咒「在某些世界里,