英语人>词典>汉英 : 高门 的英文翻译,例句
高门 的英文翻译、例句


rich family
更多网络例句与高门相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Lid done with stainless steel plate floor, built-silicate insulation, Furnace Door size 350 mm wide, 580 mm high, the overall lateral wall elevate electric holding furnace door, Furnace Door closure of the Furnace Door as a whole round , Furnace Door sealing performance enhancements, dial made of stainless steel by 1600 m / m turntable, used to load the workpiece, the entire wheel of the plane is not division, the operator can be stacked workpiece, as dial-rotation every 40 minutes a week , when the operator can not see dial in almost rotation, and Furnace Door open the larger operators can be arbitrary and out of the workpiece, and without time limits can dial in 20-60 minutes a week to arbitrary rotation speed, regardless of Furnace Door hoist, from the start of work on the dial continuous rotation, and there was no need for chain hoist Furnace Door, the need to stop rotating, just press the control cabinet, stop button, the gate Furnace Door, operators to seize its own, activated installed in the furnace door open and close button.


In Tang legend of He-luo region, the leading character are naming by hereditary, wealthy and prominent , relating with discipline of class family, this manifested that the geographical hereditary scholar class has influence to Tang legend of He-luo region under ritual music culture of He-luo region .


Britain』s center of Satanism is Highgate Cemetery in London, where Karl Marx is buried.


And yes, there were swimmers in the frozen Highgate ponds (not even a shudder let alone a strangled scream as they lowered themselves into the icy waters).


By the time he was buried in Highgate Cemetery last week in a specially sealed coffin, Londoners understood that the dissidents and playboys spewed out by post-Soviet Russia had imported other things too: intrigue, shady pasts and grudges pursued with reckless brutality.


The results showed that the technology of higher Mooney rubber polymerized by the catalyst system was feasible.


Old city gate The gate of old village is made of flashed brick and red sand stone with high and thick wall which surrounds the village.


The bung uses the stainless steel plate to make the ledger wall, the built-in aluminum silicate heat preservation, the fire door size extends 350mm, high 580mm, in spandrel wall body whole upward promotion type electrically operated heat preservation fire door, when fire doorclosure the entire fire door is a circular whole, the fire door sealing property strengthens, the turntable uses the stainless steel to make the 1600m/m turntable, with take load bearing work piece, the entire turntable does not divide the location as the plane, the operators may pile up the workpiecewillfully, because turntable every 40 minutes turn on lathe biography one week, when work the operators did not look nearly the turntable in the rotation, the fire door starts in addition in a big way, the operators may pass in and out the work piece willfully, but is not limited the time the turntableto be possible in 20-60The minute revolves one week-long time to modulate velocity willfully, no matter the fire door opens shuts, the turntable from the start work on uninterrupted revolving, not any necessity and the fire door open shut carry on the interconnection, needs to stop when revolves, onlyneed press down on the control electricity tank's pause button then, the fire door opens shuts, grasps voluntarily by the operators, presses installs nearby the fire door opens shuts button then. Transfers the bottom type resistance furnace's temperature control part to use the microcomputer automatic


The bung uses the stainless steel plate to make the ledger wall, the built-in aluminum silicate heat preservation, the fire door size extends 350mm, high 580mm, in spandrel wall body whole upward promotion type electrically operated heat preservation fire door, when fire door closure the entire fire door is a circular whole, the fire door sealing property strengthens, the turntable uses the stainless steel to make the 1600m/m turntable, with take load bearing work piece, the entire turntable does not divide the location as the plane, the operators may pile up the work piece willfully, because turntable every 40 minutes turn on lathe biography one week, when work the operators did not look nearly the turntable in the rotation, the fire door starts in addition in a big way, the operators may pass in and out the work piece willfully, but is not limited the time the turntable to be possible in 20-60The minute revolves one week-long time to modulate velocity willfully, no matter the fire door opens shuts, the turntable from the start work on uninterrupted revolving, not any necessity and the fire door open shut carry on the interconnection, needs to stop when revolves, only need press down on the control electricity cabinet's pause button then, the fire door opens shuts, grasps voluntarily by the operators, presses installs nearby the fire door opens shuts Niu then.


This paper analyzes the intermarriages under the influence of the ideal of the marriage based on the social status from the Han people and explores how it effected the polity and social culture.


更多网络解释与高门相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


安格斯牛外貌特征是黑色无角,体躯矮而结实,肉质好,出肉率高. 纯种或杂交的安格斯阉牛在英美主要肉畜展览会中保持很高声誉. 红色安格斯品系於20世纪末常用於远交和杂交. 婆安格斯牛(Brangus)是婆罗门牛(Brahman)和安格斯牛育成的一个支种,以抗热闻名.

Clemenceau Ave:克里门梭道

"2006年8月,克里门梭道(Clemenceau Ave)/团结街(Unity Street)地段以5550万元成交. 它容积率每平方英尺466元的交易价,比卡尔登酒店(Carlton Hotel)旁边的酒店地段在2005年1月所取得的容积率每平方英尺300元高了55%.


棘皮动物门 (Echinodermata)动物界的1门体腔动物. 辐射对称,具独特的水管系统. 体中有与消化道分离的真体腔,体壁有来源于中胚层的内骨骼,幼体两侧对称,发育经过复杂的变态. 口从胚孔的相对端发生,属后口动物,在无脊椎动物中进化地位很高.

gating pulse:门脉冲

gateway 网关 | gating pulse 门脉冲 | gaussian distribution 高斯分布



Colossi of Memnon:门农巨像

门农巨像(Colossi of Memnon)是矗立在尼罗河西岸和帝王谷之间原野上的两座岩石巨像. 原来是"阿敏何特普(AMENHOTEP)三世"法老神殿前的雕像,但神殿本身已无踪影. 巨象高20米,风化严重,面部已不可辨识. 坐像是由新王国时代鼎盛期的阿蒙荷太普三世建造的.


麦克斯() 米高梅(MGM) 新线() 艺匠() 哥伦比亚() 联美() 三星() 好莱坞() 试金石() 目标() 帝门() 胜利影业() 三角() 瑞舍尔() 狮门() 十月() 城堡石() USA影业() 环球() 派拉蒙() 福克斯(20) PDI(PDI) 幕宝() 塞缪戈温() 焦点() 秀宝() 梦乐(.) 宝丽金() 法国高蒙() 奥利安() 威秀() 欧罗巴影业(.) 罗格影业() 电影工作室(


12 Vs 高端浮地 | 13 HO 高端门极驱动输出 | 14 VB 高端门极驱动浮动供电


低压(低电压)时输出电压约为1.0 到1.5 伏,而 节气门全开(WOT)时压力较高(高电压),输出电压约为4.5 到4.8 伏. 在一定条件下,进气歧管绝对压力传感器还用于测量大气压(BARO),使发动机控制模块 根据不同海拔进行调整.

Chatillon-Commentry&Neuves-Maisons, Forges de:沙蒂隆-高门特利及新屋冶炼厂

沙拉曼德公司Salamander | 沙蒂隆-高门特利及新屋冶炼厂Chatillon-Commentry&Neuves-Maisons, Forges de | 首都人寿保险公司Metropolitan Life Ins.Cy