英语人>词典>汉英 : 高速度计算机的一种 的英文翻译,例句
高速度计算机的一种 的英文翻译、例句


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The frontogenesis process involves in the interactions among the systems of multiple scales. Since the hardness of the nonlinear problem, it is difficult to study frontogenesis analytically. The introduction of the effects of orography, friction and diabatic processes generally makes impossible the analytical resolution of the problem and leads to the use of numerical models. Primitive equations are numerical integrated together with a detailed description of physical processes. The circulation obtained is then used to diagnose and test theoretical mechanisms. It should be noted, however, that a fully description of frontogenesis in explicitly resolving the of large-, meso- and micro-scale flow in the same framework is not yet possible because of the excessive computer capacity and the time required. In order to deal with the problem, the action of large-scale background has been simplified and taken into consideration through the addition of the forcing into the nonhydrostatic cloud model.


This model is JFL-50B aircraft upgrades, the use of international advanced YAG laser technology and micro-computer control technology, high-speed scanning galvanometer, marking high precision, speed and stable performance, is a mature technology products, with good performance and low cost.


A minicomputer is similar to but less powerful than a mainframe computer , it can support 2 to about 50 users AND computer professionals .


The measured object can be found within a few milliseconds in the raster-scan image. 4 . Two lines delay for the processed image is implemented using two 128×8 shift registers with the configurable logic block in FPGA. A new fully pipelined bit parallel hardware architecture for Sobel edge detection is implemented with FPGA. Furthermore, it takes no more than 2ms to complete the edge detection of an image with 128×128 pixels.

视觉检测信号的前端处理技术 1、系统地分析了视觉检测算法层次性特点和计算特点,提出了提高视觉检测信号处理速度的基本方案:采用前端处理系统,自动识别被测物体在获取图像中的位置,并将真正有用的被测物体的边缘坐标值,提供给计算机,作进一步的高精度处理; 2、系统研究了实时图像硬件处理的设计基本方法,提出了基于FPGA的视觉检测信号的低级处理算法硬件实现模块化模型; 3、提出了一种新的基于FPGA的模板匹配并行模块化结构,解决了二维图像处理高带宽要求,在几毫秒内就可以在按扫描顺序输入图像中找到检测目标物体的位置; 4、采用FPGA内部的可配置逻辑块实现了128×8移位寄存器的设计,解决了大容量移位寄存器与FPGA内部寄存器数量之间的矛盾,实现了两行图像的延迟。

ABSTRACT With development of the computer technology, the requirement of the quality and speed of the computer graphics is fast increasing. Texture mapping which can enhance the realistic of the graphics immensely while entailing only a relative small increase in computation had been noticeable.


This paper introduces the software structure and real time process principle of real time NC system, according to the milling process character of NC system and the geometrical modeling method of computer simulation, presents a technique of subdividing roughcasts and data structures which applies to the computer simulation of the NC milling process; and in order to quicken the operating rate and enhance the reality of computer simulation, puts forward a logic algorithm of the 3D milling process of real time NC system which can display the effects of the computer simulation of 3D milling process of real time NC system dynamicly and efficiently in PC, such as the movement of tools, the elimination of materials, the shape changing of roughcasts.


更多网络解释与高速度计算机的一种相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

hard disk:硬盘 硬盘

(五)硬盘 硬盘(Hard Disk)是计算机系统的重要存储设备,其性能直接影响计算机的整体性能. 硬盘是一种固定的存储设备,它的存储介质是若干个钢性磁盘片,其特点:速度快、容量大、可靠靠性高几乎不存在磨损问题. 目前常见的硬盘接口有二种,