英语人>词典>汉英 : 高血钙 的英文翻译,例句
高血钙 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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The different fishes which are employed in the present studies are wild-type salmon, cultured salmon of freshwater and seawater, sea perch and fat greenling. The complete CT gene sequences of salmons are obtained by PCR amplification. The partial CT sequences of sea perch and fat greenling are obtained by in vitro cloning PCR method. Alignment of obtained CT sequences with other fish CT shows that CT appears to be well conserved among the same family. And the relative in taxonomy is far away, the similarity of different fish CTs is low. On the contrary, the closer the relative in taxonomy is, the higher the similarity of different fish CTs is. The sCT is expressed in pGEX-4T-X by recombinant form . We also succeed in the research of sCT expression alone by expression PCR. In addition, sCT antiserum is obtained using GST-sCT as antigen, and the high titer is tested by double immunodiffusion. In the rat bioassay, administration of 50 μg recombinant protein evoked significant hypocalcemia at 1 h after the data are analyzed by t-test.

本文用PCR方法克隆了野生鲑鱼、养殖鲑鱼的降钙素基因,并应用体外克隆PCR的方法首次克隆出鲈鱼、六线鱼降钙素的部分基因序列,通过对克隆的降钙素序列的比较研究,结果显示同一科的鱼降钙素序列保守性较高,同时,根据降钙素的部分氨基酸序列进行了降钙素相似性的比较研究,结果显示在分类学上,分类地位较远的鱼,其降钙素相似性较低,分类地位越接近的鱼,其降钙素相似性越高;我们利用谷胱甘肽S-转移酶(Glutathions S-transferase,GST)融合表达载体pGEX-4T-X对克隆的鲑鱼降钙素基因进行了融合表达研究,应用表达PCR的方法对降钙素基因的独立表达进行了初步的研究探索,并将纯化的融合蛋白作为抗原,获得了高效价的兔抗鲑鱼降钙素免疫血清;生物活性研究表明,大肠杆菌表达的融合蛋白具有显著的降血钙作用。

He actually has hypercalcemia,which is being lowered to normal by the hf.


In conclusion, hypercalcemia is common in patients with OP within the first 4 weeks after HCT, and more likely in older patients.


BackgroundBreast cancer bone metastasis which occupy 70% of the distant metastasis is one of the most common clinical disease. It can cause hypercalcemia, focal baryodynia, pathologic fracture and so on.


Increasing dialysate calcium concentration is helpful to the HD patients who have both hypocalcemia and high serum PTH levels.


Due to a high incidence of urolithiasis in Taiwan, primary hyperparathyroidism should be considered in patients with hypercalcemia and recurrent urolithiasis.


Methods:Radiograms of skull,chest,pelvis,femur and both hands were taken in all cases, which were diagnosed as hyperparathyroidism pathologically.12 cases of those patients were parathyroidoma,3 parathyroid hyperplasia and 1 parathyroid carcinoma with complications such as urinary calculi,calcemia and hypophosphatemia.


So a definitive diagnosis of this eneity relies very much on histopathology, aided by clinical history, presurgical serum level of calcium, and exclusionary immunohistochemistry.


Aggressive surgical removal of the tumor and any enlarged sublumbar lymph nodes is essential for treatment of the tumor and associated hypercalcaemia.


Three-year-old daughter of my house, from the beginning of three months, I have in accordance with the Provincial Maternal and Child Health Institute expert instructions eat Teli margin calcium citrate tablets and Iraq could be the new cod liver oil (one under the age of two and above), are generally fed milk for half an hour after the re-feeding calcium, Iraq can not be a new and calcium with food, with food would cause hypercalcemia.


更多网络解释与高血钙相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


2.奶碱综合征奶碱综合征的典型症候群包括高血钙症(hypercalcemia)、碱中毒(alkalosis)和肾功能障碍(renaldysfunction). 但症状表现可有很大差异. 其严重程度决定于钙和碱摄人量的多少和持续时间. 急性发作者呈现为高血钙和碱中毒的毒血症,


不但非常 灵敏,而且准确度极高.对於鉴别诊断高血钙症很有帮助E因为除了极少数例外如一些 small cell肺癌及一些卯巢癌亦可分泌异位性(ectopic)PTH外,几乎大多


目前考虑的钙质摄取过量所引起的不良生理 反应主要有肾结石(nephrolithiasis)、高血钙症(hypercalcemia)与乳碱症(milk-alkali syndrome,MAS;常由於治疗胃溃疡或胃酸过多而服用制酸剂所引起),以及影响其他必需矿物质的吸收等三项.


另外需要时可输血.(2) 确认心收缩力(Contractility)已经改善.(一)此贫血(Anemia)的最可能原因为何?(13) 维他命D缺乏(Hypovitaminosis D)(二)高血钙(Hypercalcemia)的区别诊断有那些?(三)对於高血钙(Hypercalcemia)的治疗计划为何?

hypercalcemia syndrome:高血钙症

高钙血症;高血钙症 hypercalcemia | 高血钙症 hypercalcemia syndrome | 高抑钙素血症 hypercalcitoninemia

hypercalcemia syndrome:高血钙综合征

hyperbromic acid 高溴酸 | hypercalcemia syndrome 高血钙综合征 | hypercapnic respiratory failure 高碳酸血症性呼吸衰竭



hyperbulia:意志过强 意志增强

hyperbromicacid 高溴酸 | hyperbulia 意志过强 意志增强 | hypercalcemia 高血钙 高血钙症 高钙血 高钙血症 血钙过多

immotile cilia syndrome:睫不能移动综合征,纤毛不能移动综合征(气道粘膜纤毛的清除作用延缓)

immotile-cilia syndrome 纤毛不能移动综合征,纤毛制动综合征 | immotile cilia syndrome 睫不能移动综合征,纤毛不能移动综合征(气道粘膜纤毛的清除作用延缓) | infantile hypercalcemia syndrome 婴儿高血钙综合征

Torsades de pointes:尖端扭转

高血钙,低血钠,血清ADH异常,不育,肠道溃疡,颅内高压,易怒,记忆丧失,嗅觉丧失,骨髓病,动眼神经麻痹,外周组织缺血,肺纤维化,肾小管病变,横纹肌溶解,Stevens-Johnson综合征,卒中,睾丸发育不良,尖端扭转(Torsades de Pointes),脉管炎,室性心动过