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高碘的 的英文翻译、例句


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Objective To study the effect of iodine deficiency or excess upon the function of reproduction in Wistar rats.

目的 探讨低碘和高碘所致的甲状腺功能低下对大鼠生育力的影响。

According to these data authors considered that the mechanism of iodine-excess goiter probably different ...


High iodide intake may aggravate patient's clinical symptoms such as thyrocele and ophthalmopathy, but there is no relation between level of UI and thyroid function .Improper iodine supplement to AITD patients may strengthen the immune function disorder .The abnormal increase of cytokine IL-1? and expression of CD80、 HLA-DR on PBMC may involve in the mechanism.


The results showed polymeric diaryliodonium salts were effective aryl ion transfer reagents. Thirdly, a new type polymer supported hypervalent iodine reagents poly { [4-Hydroxy iodo] styrene} has been developed. It was an effective oxidative reagent, and could be applied to the one pot synthesis of 4-arylthiazoles.


The following conclusions have been gotten from a large amount of experiments and determinations: Triiodide, pentaiodide, heptaiodide, nonaiodide, undecaiodide of solid tetra-n-butyl ammonium polyiodides and tetrabutyl ammonium bromide polyiodides can be synthesized by solid phase process which is a economic easy way, while its not suitable for synthesizing solid tetramethyl ammonium polyiodides; Solution polyiodides of triiodide, pentaiodide can be synthesized through the complexation process, and TX-10 is a better complexing agent; Triiodide, pentaiodide, heptaiodide resinic polyiodides were synthesized by ion-exchange of resinifying process, and that is a viable easy way.


The electric conductivity of solid polyiodides increases largely as the aggrandizement of polyiodide anions"polymerization degree. The solid polyiodides have excellent sterilizing effects and the effect of tetra-n-butyl ammonium undecaiodide is the best of them, and the sterilizing effects increase as the aggrandizement of polyiodide anions" polymerization degree. The sterilizing effects of resinic polyiodides increase as the aggrandizement of polyiodide anions polymerization degree, the heptaiodide resinic polyiodide has better sterilizing effects than the triiodide and pentaiodide.


In solid phase process, the polyiodides, which include triiodide, pentaiodide, heptaiodide, nonaiodide and undecaiodide tetra-n-butyl ammonium iodide, tetrabutyl ammonium bromide and tetramethyl ammonium iodide poly-compounds, were synthesized by the low-heat solid phase reaction between iodine and tetra-n-butyl ammonium iodide, tetrabutyl ammonium bromide or tetramethyl ammonium iodide; In complexation process, solution polyiodides were synthesized by complexing action of different agents; In resinifying process, triiodide, pentaiodide, heptaiodide resinic polyiodides were synthesized by ion-exchange when the strong basicity styrene anion exchange resin, potassium iodide and iodine were used as raw materials.


Iodine levels increase from lignite through subbituminous coal and bituminous coal to anthracite,it indicates that coal adsorbed excess iodine from the hydrothermal fluids during the process of metamorphism,including geothermal metamorphism and telemagmatic metamorphism.


The iodine deficiency was corrected by the supplementation of iodized salt,however ,higher and lower intake of iodine all existed among the patients with thyrocele and hyperthyroidism .


Results: The mean UI in Chongqing district were higher than proper iodide standard defined by international Council for control of iodine deficiency disorders,and the UI in HT groups were significantly increased compared with Con(P.05). The thyrocele and ophthalmopathy in AITD became more and severer accompanying UI increasing, the rate of goiter and endocrine ophthalmopathy in high iodide AITD was significantly higher than PI AITD( P.05).In the meantime, the positive percentage of TGAb and TPOAb also increased evidently in HI compared with PI(P.05).Cytokine IL-1?


更多网络解释与高碘的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


极在水及氰甲烷(acetonitrile)溶液中吸附碘化铅,碘化铅会以粒子另外,碘化铅块体(bulk)时的萤光释放是位於496.8 nm,但薄膜都有明显的蓝位移(blue shift)现象.此外,碘化铅薄膜的萤光至3.0 eV或更高2,3.而硫化镉(CdS)缩小至微小晶体时,


不用花大钱,不用高科技,只要在盐里加些碘,就能避免国人智力迟缓以及因缺碘而引发的后遗症,如造成残障的甲状腺肿(disabling goiters)、呆小病(cretinism)和侏儒症(dwarfism)等.


毒扁豆碱(physostigmine)依色林(eserine)氯解磷定(PAM-Cl)的药理作用、临床用途与碘解磷定相似,但复活AChE的作用较强,约为碘解磷定的1.5倍. 其水溶性高,溶液较稳定,可肌肉注射或静脉给药,肌肉注射1-2分钟即可生效,


T3的全称是血清总三碘甲状腺素原氨酸,T4的全称是血清总甲状腺素,S-TSH是高敏促甲状腺素测定,FT3和FT4是在T3和T4前加个游离(free)就可以了. 与此相反,分组交换技术,例如帧中继、交换式多兆位数据服务(SMDS)和异步传输模式(ATM),


除了水之外,还需要一些净化用的的药片,比如哈拉宗(Halazone)、高碘甘氨酸(Globaline),但在使用这些药片之前,一定要先看看瓶子上的的标签. 请向专业人士或医护人员咨询上述药品的的使用!2. 食品准备足够72小小时之用的的听装食品或脱水食品、奶粉以及听装果汁.

hydroxyl value:羟值

(33)羟值(Hydroxyl value) 1g样品中的羟基所相当的氢氧化钾(KOH)的毫克数,以mgKOH/g表示. (34)碘值(Iodine value) 表示有机物质不饱和程度的一种指标. 是1g样品所能吸收碘的质量百分数. 不饱和程度愈高,碘值愈大.

iodine value:碘值

(34)碘值(Iodine value) 表示有机物质不饱和程度的一种指标. 是1g样品所能吸收碘的质量百分数. 不饱和程度愈高,碘值愈大. (60)熔体指数(Melt index) 熔体指数简称MI,是反映热塑性树脂熔体流动特性及分子量大小的指标,在一定的温度和负荷下,


常用的去氟磷酸盐包括毁烧的(calcined)、鎔化的(fused)或沉淀的(precipitated)的磷酸钙,其含氟量应不高於磷量的百分之一. 氟含量高於此者,不称为去氟磷酸盐. 食盐(salt)提供氯化钠,其氯化钠含量应不低於95%. 食盐中可以添加碘化物,


cabbage科的蔬菜,包括:油菜(rape)、甘蓝类蔬菜(kale)与芜菁(或称"大头菜",turnips)较不适合给陆龟吃. 这些植物有高含量的大豆(soybean)成份,会阻碍碘(iodine)的吸收,最后很可能造成甲状腺肿(goiter). 因此,


如支链淀粉具有较高的黏性,"凝沉"(retrogradation)倾向较弱,比较稳定,不易"老化"、"回生". β-淀粉酶只能消化其约50%. 淀粉与碘反应呈红色. 它存在于几乎所有源于粮谷类、薯类等农作物的天然淀粉中,约为淀粉的75%~80%. 一些黏性的糯米、黏玉米中,则几乎全部为支链淀粉